Many people, including myself, agree with the idea of dog parks. There are so many issues that can and will be fixed with the addition of an extra space for dogs to roam free without fear of being hurt. this topic can be touchy for those who do not own dogs and those who will not support something that does not benefit them. I will explain my arguments in the following paragraphs.
I will begin by explaining statements the article has made clear. In paragraph 2 the first article states, "...dogs that don't get exercise can act out by barking and destroying things at home." In July of this year, I brought home a Black Lab puppy from a friend who could no longer care for her. I named her Luna. Now Luna was a very smart and well behaved puppy. I house trained her and taught her how to sit and roll over, basic training stuff. However, my step dad began to get over protective of her. He slowly became jealous that I would take her on long walks and to dog parks because he did not want me to have anything to do with her. He gave me a proposition, I could either move out, or Luna was now his dog and I could not do activities with her. She began to
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It reads,"In a city, dogs runnings free can injure people or get hit by cars." In 2010, I was in my front yard playing around with my Akita. I heard another dog barking and I turned around and it was running towards me. Now, Akita's are large dogs so it was no surprise to me when the dog ran the other when it spotted my dog. Much to my dismay, the poor dog ran straight into the busy road and was struck by a vehicle. I ran my dog inside, grabbed a few towels, and shouted for my dad. We went running out of our home and wrapped the dog up in a towel, applying pressure to its wound. Not long after, our neighbor, who had let her dog out, came running outside crying. It was a very traumatizing experience for a ten year old to go through and I would not wish that upon
I think dog parks are a good idea. Dogs need alot of exercise and play time. Many cites and urban areas just dont have the room for that to happen. But there are optoins there many open unused lots, and empty building that could be torn down to create these places. I am a dog owner myself i live in the country were open space is abundant. My dog Neno can run a play all he wants it's good for his health and mental state. When he doesn't get out he gets cranky and chews thing around the house. I grew up in a city of five millon, so i know how hepful a dog park can be to dog owners. You should always have your dog around other people, and animals,
In the article “No, I Do Not Want to Pet Your dog,” by Farhad Manjoo, the author deeply expresses his negative opinion towards dogs and their oblivious owners who believe that everyone's a dog lover. The overall theme of the essay illustrates the lack of responsibility for dog owners have for their pets as they run ramped through dog free zones. Manjoo deeply expresses his opinion, although lacks some key supporting points and formulates mostly upon personal bias. With that in mind, I strongly disagree with the author and believe that his main points does not accurately portray the issue related to dogs. ………..
In “No, I Do Not Want to Pet Your Dog” the main idea is that there is now a phenomenon in our nation that insinuates everyone has to like dogs. However, the author of this story Farhad Manjoo quickly disagrees with this stance. Manjoo elaborates on his feelings by pointing out dogs are beginning to pop up in places that are usually reserved for humans and discusses the lack of boundaries that come with dogs (225). Some dog owners have trouble with the thought of their pet doing any wrong and assume that they’re harmless in all environments. The author is clearly not sold on this assumption and shows this through his sarcasm throughout the story. “Oh, OK then! I guess I’ll just take your word for it, and forget for the moment that 1,000 Americans
To many complications will come from a dog park. Such as situations like a dog attacking another dog or even attacking someone else. This can cause a lot of upset owners. Also many painful court cases. Dog parks will bring up a lot of legal issues that we don't need.
One example of where you can see the tone that’s critical of dog owners is when the author uses lazy to describe the owners. The word lazy has a negative connotation of slacking, lethargicness and carelessness. When the author calls the dog owners lazy it gives you the idea that they aren’t letting their dogs be free out of kindness towards the animal, but more just because they would rather keep laying around than be responsible with their pets.
This first statement is followed by the opinion that it would be a lawsuit waiting to happen and a burden on taxpayers. In the second paragraph the author starts off by stating that some cities require dog owners to obtain a permit in order to allow their dogs off-leash in a dog park. The author provides no citation for their data and it sounds like a false statement. They then go on to explain that most cities rely on people respecting the park rules but the rules are often not heeded. Once again; the author provides no citation, proof, or data to back up their statement. They then explain that if a dog is off leash in a park and acts out violently and bites a person or another dog then the victim can rightfully sue the owner of the dog and the city as well. Once again: no data to support the statement. In the thrid paragraph the author finally starts providing data to support their cause. The explain that an average dog barks at about 75 decibels and large breeds at 100. They then state that noise levels around dog parks have caused issues in cities in Virginia and Arizona. In the fourth paragraph the author states that taxpayers should not have to fund a project such as a dog park because the fence alone will cost $70,000. They then state that dog owners should not be able to pressure the city to build a dog park just so they can excercise their pets. They then state that they own a cat but they don't pressure the city to build a catnip garden. They leave off with a statement saying that people's pets are their own responsibility and not that of the community. They also state that if dog owners want a park then they sould build it themselves, with their own money, far out of
Before you jump to the hasty conclusion that I’m opposed to a dog park because I do not have a dog, let me assure you I do have a dog and am aware of my responsibilities as an owner. The principal argument for a dog park is “exercise is important to dogs’ mental and physical health.” I would take this argument a step further and state exercise is also
Dogs should have their own parks,because when dogs aren't getting the physical and mental excercise that they need, their behavior tend to get worse. ASPCA has a study that shows the rate of dogs biting humans went down drastically in places where they're dog parks. ASPCA also believes that if dogs had a park then their would be less incidents of dogs attacking humans,barking, and destroying things. Many dog owners have given their dogs up , because they started to act like''bad dogs'', this is because they don't have a dog park to excercise all their energy everyday. Dogs need a park just like humans.
I believe that a dog park would be an excellent idea for Muscatine, Iowa. Not only would a park benefit the dogs but it would benefit the owners. A dog park would help in raising and caring for the dog. Dogs should be able to play and be free in a space that they will be safe. Not everyone has the space available at their homes. Some people live in apartments that don't have the yard space needed to let the dog run around. Expecially with bigger dogs. They need a lot of room. I can understand why people would be opposed to the idea though. There's always a chance of a dog harming another animal or human. Dogs can carry diseases, fleas, lice, and other harmful things that can be transfered to humans and animals. But if you let yourself
The law now holds both the owner and landlords accountable for just the one specific breed of dog creating complications for many families and many animal shelters. Families are being torn apart under this new law causing them to have to make
According to one article '' That 37% of americans who own dogs often look for a dog park when choosing for a place to live''. With dog parks everyone would benefit. Without a place to take dogs they may never socialize much and can become aggresive.Though a good point can be made that dog parks can be loud at times. I still believe that dog parks are needed.
I fully support the idea of building a dog park. As many cities have leash laws which keep the dogs from getting the excersize and socialization they need. When a dog does not get the space and socialization it needs, its behavior can waver. Dogs can become agressive as stated in the passage, "A Dog Park Benefits All". Therefore getting a dog park would keep dog related injuries on the lower end of the spectrum.
In her article Deakin created an argument against the ownership of pets and attacked humans for the wrongful doing of their pets. Deakin argues that humans dictate every part of their pets lives such as when she states, “This total control over our pets lives [a dog’s feeding schedule and bathroom schedule] renders them entirely dependent upon us …” (Deakin). Deakin also attacks human’s emotions and values by asking the rhetorical question, “… is this what love really looks like? [dogs being dependent upon humans]” (Deakin). Deakin created a well-rounded argument, that it is wrong for humans to have dog dependent upon them and that it in return is cruel. Deakin states that it is cruel by saying, “Whether it be a lack of ‘love’ of too much of it, the skewed dynamics of contemporary pet owner relationships appear to be problematic at best, and cruel at worst” (Deakin). Deakin creates the assumption that humans control everything about their dog’s life and that this dependency is cruel and selfish on the human’s part. Although Deakin fails to realize that it is not cruel for humans to have dogs dependent upon them, she also fails to realize humans are beneficial to dogs as
Dog parks are a staple of urban and suburban areas, a place where dog owners can congregate and converse about the local gossip, or goings-on about the neighborhood. Over the past 12 months, a group of people have come together to propose allocating land for a dog park in Weston and tensions are running high.
The writer's diction reveals his tone of the words he uses causes it to feel negative.The speaker is angry at the animal owners for just letting their dogs roam off of their leashes. When he uses words such as careless, thoughtless, and “run wild” he is aiming it towards the pet owners, dog owners specifically.