
Argumentative Essay On Equal Pay

Decent Essays

Many people will argue against me that the wage gap no longer exists because of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, but it is far from true. Women everywhere are still suffering because of sex discrimination in the work force and it is even worse for women of color. Award winning journalist and author Sophia A. Nelson said, “In 2016, women on average were paid 80 cents for every dollar men earned. If you break the pay gap down by race and ethnicity, it’s even worse: black women were paid 63 cents; Latinas, 54 cents for every dollar white men made.” But the wage gap isn’t the only problem women are still facing. Now, women are a lot better off than they were in the 1900’s meaning that the changes happening back then, just small steps at different times, …show more content…

Though I am overjoyed about how far women’s rights have traveled to this point there are still many things that are going on now that haven’t been fixed yet. In at least 20 countries if not more, domestic violence is still legal, meaning that it is completely ignored or considered “fine” if a woman living in one of these countries is being physically or sexually assaulted every day by their partner. There are people who claim women got their rights immediately after they were granted the right to vote and such and that might be the case in their own country but not in several other countries. Saudi Arabia, for example, is just now letting women drive in June of 2018, and only let them start voting in 2015, but they are still heavily taxed with unfair laws such as not being able to make major decisions, like traveling, getting married or getting a divorce, without permission from their male guardian, or allowing women to compete freely in sports without fear of being arrested. One of the other major issues that women face is the ignorance of other people about what is happening to women. Recently on the popular social media app SnapChat, the company posted a poll that said, “Would you rather slap Rihanna or punch Chris Brown?”. The poll is talking about when Chris Brown pleaded guilty in court to assaulting his girlfriend, of the time, Rihanna. There have been many other cases similar to this, like on the news or during a political

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