
Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Decent Essays

Euthanasia (Physician-Assisted Suicide) Euthanasia has been around for a long time. In 1990 every state had laws that made assisting suicide a felony. Assisted suicide been in the news since the 1990s. A supporter of euthanasia Dr. Jack Kevorkian played an important role in more than 100 suicides before he was charged with murder. In Oregon voters passed the death with dignity act in 1994, but a lawsuit blocked its enforcement until 1997, when it went into effect. The consideration of potential harms is relevant because it’s deciding whether euthanasia should be legal or decriminalized. Some people are against euthanasia because they believe that taking one's life is immoral or against religion. Assisted suicide can be against because …show more content…

The controversy over assisted suicide rests on the difference between letting someone dire and helping him or her die. Stopping life-support treatment, or not starting it in the first place, is both legal and commonplace. Neither measure is considered killing although the result is often the death of the patient. But in eyes of many people, and under the law in most places assisted suicide is killing and it is illegal. Those who opposed to euthanasia often believe that the taking of life is wrong in any circumstances. They argue that there is no such thing as “mercy killing.” Various religious faiths maintain that it is the business of God, not of doctors or patients, to determine the time of death. Opponents point out that legalizing assisted suicide consequences. Voluntary euthanasia might lead to the involuntary euthanasia of individuals incapable of making the choice or thought to be unworthy of life. Liberal laws that permit suicide assistance by people who have protected the Swiss medical profession from the threats to its professional integrity. However, many argue that the lack of professional control over this lethal procedure invites abuse. According to an article of the Swiss penal code, assisting in a suicide is not considered to be a crime if the assists motive is an unselfish one, such as bringing an end to unbearable pain or suffering. Thus, it is legal for anyone with altruistic motives

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