
Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Decent Essays

Euthanasia or doctor assisted suicide is legal in only seven states in the United States. There are two types of euthanasia passive and active; active is the more controversial one. Active euthanasia is when a doctor prescribes a medication that will end the patient’s life whereas passive is the doctor withholding any further treatment to the patient (Nordqvist). Euthanasia is only an option to a patient who has a prognosis of six months or less to live. Active euthanasia should only be legal when multiple board certified doctors agree to the patient’s decision and it is absolutely necessary to be a choice in cases where there is no treatment. The reason euthanasia is illegal in majority of the United States is that many people believe that it should be illegal due to personal beliefs and values. However, everyone does not share the same beliefs and it should be based on the patient’s decision and their doctor’s approval. A sound-minded person with a prognosis of an inevitable death should not be forced to live out the rest of their life in pain and should have the right to die in peace.
The reason euthanasia is illegal in forty-three states is that many believe that it is morally wrong, majority of people who think this come from a religious standpoint. The main argument from religious people particularly Christians (they make up majority of the population) is that euthanasia goes against the “sanctity of life”. This is the belief that “all life is precious and death should never be hastened” (Jaret). Everyone has the right to their beliefs, however the population should have to deal with the consequences of them. Church and state are meant to be separated for a reason and religious beliefs should not be a factor in whether or not a person has the right to die. Finally those who are against euthanasia use the argument that it is against the Hippocratic Oath. The oath requires physicians to promise to relieve pain and not to inflict it. ”I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect” (Tyson). However the Hippocratic Oath is extremely outdated and some have even discontinued to use it because of this. “Nearly 50% of the medical school deans surveyed

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