
Argumentative Essay On Forensic Evidence

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“In 1984, a British geneticist named Alec Jeffreys stumbled upon one of our most important forensic tools: DNA fingerprinting. Since his “eureka moment,” the scientific technique has been used successfully to identify perpetrators of a crime, clarify paternity and exonerate people wrongly convicted” (Jones). DNA evidence, specifically simple-mixture, is the most accurate type of forensic evidence we currently have at our disposal, but even it is not infallible. Other types of forensic evidence are much less accurate, but unfortunately their use is still permitted in U.S courtrooms. Jurors may be misled by experts within the courtroom as well. These misconceptions about the accuracy of forensic science and the field in general lead to many problems in the courtroom. The most reliable type of forensic evidence is DNA, but it is still not perfect, and the results should be portrayed that way in court. The reason DNA evidence is so accurate is because it is highly objective. This objectivity makes it far less likely that an error will be made during the analysis of the DNA sample. However, errors are still possible. For example, samples may be switched or contaminated which could give a false result. There are two different kinds of DNA evidence, simple-mixture/single-source samples and complex-mixture samples. “The vast majority of DNA analysis currently involves samples from a single individual or from a simple mixture of two individuals (such as from a rape kit) . . . the

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