
Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

Decent Essays

We are fortunate to live in a country whose Founders valued the critical right to bear arms enough to protect it. They were able to defeat tyranny. In the end, that's what this right is about (Staff 1). The gun control controversy began when many started to die and get harmed due to gun violence. Gun control became a problem because people began questioning the 2nd amendment right, to a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms (Netzley 15). This was told to not be infringed. As a result of the issue, many feel gun regulations need to be tightened. There are two points of views concerning the debate on gun regulations being tightened. Even though some people believe stricter gun regulations will ensure the safety of …show more content…

For instance, according to Giffords article, “Take the Fort Hood shooting: Instead of a serious discussion on the connections between mental health and gun violence, most of what I heard were some members of Congress on TV arguing for allowing guns on bases, even though our military leaders say this would make service members less safe” (Giffords 1). Instead of arguing about guns on bases, Congress should be worried about the connection between mental health and gun violence. Gun regulations are not a resolution of violent crime. In addition, as stated in the article,“Pro/Con: Gun Legislation”, “He argued that killers target the defenseless and that gun legislation really does not deter violence” (Juliano 2). Killers do not depend on guns for their criminal actions. If guns become harder to get they’ll either obtain them in other illegal ways or use another weapon to proceed their actions. To clarify, gun regulations are not a solution to violent crime because regardless if the law makes it harder for a killer to obtain the guns, they’ll find other ways to obtain them, making tighter regulations

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