
Argumentative Essay On Immigration Policy

Decent Essays

In the United States, the debate involving immigration policy has been going on for centuries, and many people have voiced their opinions regarding the controversial topic, both negative and positive. However, many of these opinions go against statistics, making them baseless accusations. Although millions of American citizens argue that immigrants harm the country, since they supposedly steal jobs, are more likely to commit crimes, and lower wages, their arguments can easily be weakened when certain factors and statistics are taken into consideration.
The recent decrease in American-born workers and the simultaneous increase in immigrant workers have led some Americans to make the mistake of assuming that immigrants take their jobs. However, other Americans disagree with this stance, believing that the issue of immigration is more convoluted than two simple statistics, and claiming that the other side is ignoring the complexities at hand by saying immigrants steal jobs based off of the broad connection between unemployed American-born citizens and working immigrants. Several citizens, as a result of the debate, have taken it upon themselves to carry out research regarding immigration in pursuit of the truth. One of these citizens is Maria E. Enchautegui, who in 2015 found that the number of native-born American workers “with no college education [had] declined by almost 5 million since 2007” (Enchautegui), meaning that fewer native-born workers are competing for jobs

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