Isabelle: "I see you've already embraced the darkness." *She throws her black bag over her shoulder* "The name's Isabelle." *Her black high heels click on the tile floor* "I happen to take an interest in people who've embraced their inner demons." *Her eyes change colour. To a blood red* "We're not very different. You know. We're quite similer."
Mean Girls was a movie about a girl named Cady entering a new culture. Cady is from South Africa, her family moved to the United States and she is going to start high school. When she started school it was a very big culture shock. There were new social norms Cady had to follow. The movie Mean Girls it showed may different issues of societies such as changing yourself to be accepted by a group of people and also women being treated like objects.
The controversial movie Get out is a movie that none of the public expected which worked out in the director, Jordan Peel’s favor. The genre is unknown to even the director of the movie even though others have classified the film as a comedy. From first-hand experience of watching the film, I can assure you that, that is not the case. Get out deals with racism issues e.g., when the main character’s white girlfriend, Rose Armitage, played by Allison Williams, hits a deer on the way to her parent's house with her black boyfriend, Chris Washington, played by Daniel Kaluuya, with him sitting in the passenger side. When Rose calls the police to report the issue, the police officer proceeds to ask for Chris’ driver's license although he was not the one driving. Rose makes a scene telling the officer that it was not fair that he had to present his license and Chris was quietly trying to calm her down because he knew that it was not going to make a difference. By putting this scene into the movie, the director wanted to address some of the issues that African Americans have to deal with from the police.
Esteemed teacher at Elk Grove High School was arrested Thursday morning. Two Elk Grove police officers barged in on her first class of the day not only to find that she had controlled substances on her, but she also tried planting them on a student in said class.
Cady Heron is a 16 year old teenager who moved to a small town in Chicago where she also attended Northshore High School. She was homeschooled by her parents and they also stayed in Africa for about 12 years because of her parents job but since her mom got an offer in Chicago they have to move back. Since it was her first time going to a mainstream school, it was really hard for her to adapt especially her age. It would also be her first time dealing with a lot of social rules that many teenage girls deal with today. Her first friends that she met at this new school are pretty much complete outcasts, Janice Ian Dyke and Damien, later on she finds herself crossing paths with the three most popular girls in the school called, The Plastics. Regina George who’s “The Queen Bee” of the group, leading this group of 3 girls, tries to make Cady be apart of this clique by introducing her to their crazy rules and luxury lifestyles. She told Janice and Damien that
Mariah Woods sparked a nationwide Amber alert when she disappeared from her room after her mother, Kristy Woods, put her to bed on Sunday.
If a high school girl can claim they have never been bullied or saw a bullying interaction, they are lying. World wide, girls have to live up to people's standards on how to be so called “perfect”. Many stories and magazines have had stories about girls living up to being perfect. In the movie Mean Girls, girls can relate to the characters and think of situations that happen in their own schools. Girl bullying is also portrayed in the novel Speak. Melinda, the main character, was bullied her entire freshman year of high school because she called the cops at one party. In real life and in both these narratives, the authors use situation from high school to show how bullying is growing more than we realize.
You hit the nail on the head, Jasmin, police officers are very practical. I can only speak for myself, but I live by the KISS method, keep it, simple, stupid. However as time progress and laws become more gray than just black or white, there is the need to more detailed or accurate. I believe that is where a lot of veteran officers are getting so frustrated. They are not ready to change the way they have been doing things for so long. My department also does the same type of thing, as new legislation is passed they will either send out an email, or they send out policy updates. They make sure that we are aware of the changing times for one main reason liability. They do not want any bad publicity for the department and once they make you aware
In one of the last scenes of Mean Girls, Cady ended up winning Spring Fling Queen and when she was accepting her title she decided to give a speech. Since she was home-schooled until North Shore, she had never attended a school dance like this. She started off by saying “I think about how many people wanted this, and how many people cried over it and stuff, I mean, I think everybody looks great tonight. Look at Jessica Lopez, that dress is amazing and Emma Gerber that hair do must have taken hours and you look really pretty. So why is everybody stressing over this thing?
"Cold, shiny, hard, PLASTIC," said by Janice referring to a group of girls in the movie Mean Girls. Mean Girls is about an innocent, home-schooled girl, Cady who moves from Africa to the United States. Cady thinks she knows all about survival of the fittest. But the law of the jungle takes on a whole new meaning when she enters public high school and encounters psychological warfare and unwritten social rules that teen girls deal with today. Cady goes from a great friend of two "outcasts", Janice and Damien to a superficial friend of the "plastics", a group of girls that talks about everyone behind their back and thinks everyone loves them. Adolescent egocentrism and relationships with peers are obviously present throughout the film. I
-Some may disagree with me because banning larger drinks will just make people buy more smaller sized drinks allowing them to take in more sugar and calories.
Gender roles have been a problem for a long time. Some people take it personally and others don’t. I began researching gender roles and noticed that gender role has not changed over time. This made me wonder why certain people take gender roles so seriously? It became apparent that men and women have certain roles but they are capable of doing some of the same activities. Also, I will be adding a subcategory about young women searching for their identity. I have experienced gender roles in a negative way and it is not the best feeling. This is what happened, I was put in charge of grabbing the huge suitcases off
Based on Rosalind Wiseman's non-fiction book, Queen Bees and Wannabes, the 2004 movie, Mean Girls, was directed by Mark Waters and the screenplay was written by Tina Fey. Through the use of cinematography and music, the viewers were able to experience the real high school society. Mean Girls is about a sixteen-year-old homeschooled girl and her first-time experience at a public high school. Through his movie, Walters portrays the damaging effects of female social cliques on every student in high school.
Times. /americas/19iht-princeton.1.10175351.html Fitzsimmons, W. 2014. Time out or Burn out for the Next Generation. Retrieved from
When children are pushed to commit foolish activities or suicide because of bullies, one can tell there is something wrong with the way situations are being handled in our society. The documentary, Bully, presents countless examples of the effects of bullying and how poorly circumstances are managed. Through instances resulting in juvenile detention or taking one’s own life, the documentary displays various ways kids deal with torment. As we follow the lives of five different youths suffering at the hands of their peers, we see just how much these kids go through with little to no support.
Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it can cause self inflicted injuries and even suicide in America today, and there should be no doubt that we need to protect our youth today. We need to enforce a law that will have bullies face harsh legal punishment in order to do