
Argumentative Essay On Queen Elizabeth

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Elizabeth is thought to be one of the greatest queens in history. She faced much controversy because of her parents and being a bastard child of King Henry VIII. Elizabeth: The Virgin Queen, starring Cate Blanchett as Queen Elizabeth is a portrayal of the life that was thought to be lead by Queen Elizabeth. The movie shows Elizabeth in the coming months before she becomes queen and her first few years as a ruler. In the movie, Elizabeth is presented as a fun loving young woman who is not bothered by her stance in society as the bastard child of a king. Before Elizabeth finds out that Mary is dying, she fears for her life when she is put in the Tower of London, but knows she needs to remain strong. Mary knows that Elizabeth will soon be queen because she is dying but wants her blessing …show more content…

Mary made court life depressing and most people seemed to walking on eggshells because they did not want to be executed for their faith or other reasons. Mary thinks that Elizabeth will be intimidated by court when she first comes, and she is because of her mother and because many do not think that she is fit for the throne because she is a bastard. Before her coronation, Elizabeth is surrounded by controversy. Many think she should not be queen because she is a bastard and a woman. After her coronation, Elizabeth is unsure of how to run England so she hands most of her decisions to Sir Cecil. He runs a military campaign that is unsuccessful thus leading him to being dismissed. Elizabeth realizes she needs to handle her country and not let there be a middle man. She also faces pressure from other advisors and diplomats to marry and produce an heir. Cecil was prominent in the push for Elizabeth to marry and produce an heir. Sir Walsingham told Elizabeth to do what the prince would do referring to Machiavelli. Walsingham also saw marriage as a way for Elizabeth to seen as a weak

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