Turns out when Katy Perry first sang the words “your love is my drug,” she wasn’t kidding. After years of neuroscientists dedicating their lives to uncovering the science behind romantic love, we now have plenty of evidence to support the idea that love can make someone do crazy things. Some of you may already be aware that the connection between two human beings can be an incredibly strong bond. There is a reason why we feel such a strong connection to another person, and the evidence that lies behind it is fascinating. Based on science, I believe that Romeo and Juliet cannot be held accountable for their own deaths.
The first reason I think this is because the spur of the moment decisions Romeo and Juliet were making during the novel
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Yes, Romeo and Juliet were both knowledgeable people, however, neither of them could look into the future and really consider whether their relationship was going to work or last. They didn’t consider how their relationship would affect either of their families. The reason that Romeo and Juliet did not know what sort of goals or aim they had in mind can also be linked to science. Studies have shown that most teenagers are incapable of committing to a specific task until they are in their 20’s or 30’s. Romeo and Juliet were in love with one another, but unfortunately neither of them had the ability to commit to one another without getting themselves into loads of trouble with the Capulet and Montague families. Romeo and Juliet both desperately wanted to escape the clutches of their parents, however neither of them were really mature enough to go off on their own yet. The two youngsters were self centered in this novel, but that too can be linked to science. In the article, The Teen Brain; It’s Just Not Grown Up Yet, Francis Jensen says, “They aren't yet at that place where they're thinking about — or capable, necessarily, of thinking about the effects of their behavior on other people. That requires insight." And insight requires — that's right — a fully connected frontal lobe.” This quote helps us understand why Romeo and Juliet may have chosen to continue being together even when they end result was clearly going to be a
However, this rivalry never lead to purposeful deaths until Romeo and Juliet started to date. Because of this, whenever someone figured out about the forbidden relationship, they were killed in some way. This situation could have been avoided if Romeo and Juliet knew better, but still, their brains have not made all the connections to do so. In fact, these connections are only fully developed around the age of 20 (Dobbs). “Stronger links also develop between the hippocampus, a sort of memory directory, and frontal areas that set goals and weigh different agendas; as a result, we get better at integrating memory and experience into our decisions." (Dobbs). If Romeo and Juliet were able to, they would think about their family rivalry and realize that if they began a relationship, something bad was destined to happen. But since they could not think that way, many characters experienced unnecessary deaths throughout the play. Their inability to solve problems with judgment was another element that failed to hold Romeo and Juliet apart from each
What are three problems Romeo and Juliet encounter that leads to their deaths? Romeo shouldn’t have gone to the party. Romeo shouldn’t have killed Tybalt.
With similar effects as the adolescent brain, the brain in love is to be arraigned because it produced an intense obsession that the two lovers had for each other, to the point of overlooking practical common sense. In Helen Fisher’s “The Brain in Love” she states, “Romantic love is an obsession, it possesses you. You lose your sense of self. You can’t stop thinking about another human being” (Document C). The brain in love is so driven that it is as if it controls all the pursuits and actions of the person in love. A brain possessed by romantic love has the capability and motivation to do anything to obtain the love of the other person, including partaking in perilous plans. Moreover, Fisher goes on to say, “That brain system - the reward system for wanting, for motivation, for craving, for focus - becomes more active when you can’t get what you want. In this case, life’s greatest prize: an appropriate mating partner” (Document C). Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet were faced with countless obstacles to overcome in order to be together. Under those circumstances, their brains in love pushed them to the point where they would both rather be dead than live apart from each other. The brain in love is an obvious component of the cause of their deaths because many irrational or hazardous actions taken during this time were caused by their uncontrollable urge to be
They couldn’t even tell the difference between love and lust at their age. In the article “The Teen Brain: 6 Things to Know” published by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), it is stated “For both boys and girls, although your brain may be as large as it will ever be, your brain doesn't finish developing and maturing until your mid- to late-20s. The front part of the brain, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last brain regions to mature. It is the area responsible for planning, prioritizing and controlling impulses” This proves that Romeo and Juliet were not able to make the best decisions for themselves. Friar Lawrence and the Nurse both knew what they were doing was wrong.
Young lovers defy their families’ long-established vendetta and jeopardize all they have to continue their relationship. The violent commotion between the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, finally bring peace to their feuding families, with their own death. Like with many suicide cases, there are challenges and decisions being made that lead up to this decision. Often times, we question who contributed to the suicide. Regardless, others argue that Romeo and Juliet should be held accountable for their ultimate decision. Then again, there is no definite reason to assign fault to Romeo and Juliet. Not only are their brains not fully developed, but pressures from outside forces caused such stress within the relationship.
Some people believe that love make teens do crazy things. In the play Romeo kills him self because he thinks Juliet is dead. He kills himself so he can be with her he says he cant live without her He also killed himself because he would have been killed if he didn’t choose to kill himself. As a result, Romeo kills himself then Juliet wakes up and kills herself because Romeo dies and she wants to die with him an be with him forever.
Romeo and Juliet are notorious for their impetuousness. They rush into love extremely quickly, and do not think their relationship through. We see this in their
Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems.
Romeo and Juliet is a story based on conflict. The conflict in the story is Capulet against Montague. From ancient times, the two families have held grudges against each other. As the book states. “Two households, alike in dignity...from ancient grudge break to new mutiny. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean (1.Prologue.1-4).” The grudge between the two families has led to fighting and even death.
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is set in 16th century Verona, Italy. A play that relays the story of two young lovers whose ill-fated deaths end an ancient family feud. The two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, come from families who disapprove of their love. Their situation complicates as the play progresses, with an arranged marriage and several deaths. Romeo and Juliet both fall to the consequences of their secret marriage. Even from the beginning, their decisions were rash; especially from Romeo. Shakespeare use of various tactics in developing Romeo’s character in the play. He shows that Romeo has an impulsive and emotional disposition. In the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is irrational.
Well, now you know Romeo and Juliet wouldn’t of been happy together if they have lived. Romeo was so quick to act in every situation, so he couldn’t really control his emotions. Both of them barely knew each other , and they only knew each
Juliet expressed her love for Romeo by stating “My only love sprung from my only hate.” In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, there are many examples in which the main characters show lack of common sense. Romeo and Juliet were from two houses that had a fued, yet they managed to find love in the desperate of times. The play was based around the tragic, yet romantic, story of the forbidden star-crossed lover. However, some of the impulsive choices made throughout the play question whether what Romeo and Juliet had was love or lust. Many studies although have proved that the lack of common knowledge is because of the undeveloped brain. With this, scientists have dug deeper and found out that the reward system for adolescents is highly superior to the risk factor. Knowing this valuable information, some may conclude that the decisions made in the play might have
The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about the dilemma of choosing love over loyalty for your family. In the story Romeo and Juliet come from separate families who hate each other, but still find love in each other. They get married without telling their families and eventually the two families get into a fight which ends in Romeo getting banished from the city where Juliet lives. They have a plan for him to get back into to the city to prevent Juliet from being forced to marry another man, but it fails and ends with the suicide death of both Juliet and Romeo. Shakespeare's major theme in the text is that Love plays a major role in our lives and can heavily affect our decisions.
For instance, this quote demonstrates the fact that Juliet is already willing to give up her family name, in return for a life with Romeo. Perhaps, if Romeo was not there to hear her thoughts at the moment, Juliet would have had the ability to dwell on her views a bit more, and in turn, realize how soon everything was happening. Therefore, she would attempt to slow down the course of action their relationship was obviously taking. First love is always exciting, but one has to keep their head throughout it. Juliet simply jumped right in, headfirst, not a thought in mind of neither the consequences nor the costs of her making rash choices at her 13 years, without pondering them for more than a couple of meager
Because of Romeo and Juliet’s hast to be together, their lives end in tragedy. Romeo and Juliet’s immaturity regarding