
Argumentative Essay On Romeo And Juliet

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Turns out when Katy Perry first sang the words “your love is my drug,” she wasn’t kidding. After years of neuroscientists dedicating their lives to uncovering the science behind romantic love, we now have plenty of evidence to support the idea that love can make someone do crazy things. Some of you may already be aware that the connection between two human beings can be an incredibly strong bond. There is a reason why we feel such a strong connection to another person, and the evidence that lies behind it is fascinating. Based on science, I believe that Romeo and Juliet cannot be held accountable for their own deaths.

The first reason I think this is because the spur of the moment decisions Romeo and Juliet were making during the novel …show more content…

Yes, Romeo and Juliet were both knowledgeable people, however, neither of them could look into the future and really consider whether their relationship was going to work or last. They didn’t consider how their relationship would affect either of their families. The reason that Romeo and Juliet did not know what sort of goals or aim they had in mind can also be linked to science. Studies have shown that most teenagers are incapable of committing to a specific task until they are in their 20’s or 30’s. Romeo and Juliet were in love with one another, but unfortunately neither of them had the ability to commit to one another without getting themselves into loads of trouble with the Capulet and Montague families. Romeo and Juliet both desperately wanted to escape the clutches of their parents, however neither of them were really mature enough to go off on their own yet. The two youngsters were self centered in this novel, but that too can be linked to science. In the article, The Teen Brain; It’s Just Not Grown Up Yet, Francis Jensen says, “They aren't yet at that place where they're thinking about — or capable, necessarily, of thinking about the effects of their behavior on other people. That requires insight." And insight requires — that's right — a fully connected frontal lobe.” This quote helps us understand why Romeo and Juliet may have chosen to continue being together even when they end result was clearly going to be a

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