
Argumentative Essay On Space Exploration

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Imagine living in the lost city of Atlantis where everyone is living underwater and their is a sufficient supply of exquisite food and fresh drinkable water. Though this may seem impossible and only found in fictional worlds such as the DC Comics universe, science can now make this possible. Even though space exploration has been the main objective of many scientist and groups, colonizing and exploring the vasts oceans should become the main objective for many various reasons. By defining the necessity for pursuing ocean exploration and colonization as a more realistic than present space exploration, by refuting those who claim space exploration should take precedence, by presenting compelling evidence, expert opinions, and strong arguments , all will be persuaded that exploration and colonization of the ocean is imperative, realistic, and should take priority over space exploration.
Colonizing the oceans would be surprisingly beneficial to humans because it would help decrease the population in highly populated countries, such as China who has an AQI (Air Quality Index) of 300+. This means that it is very hazardous to go outside (project). In order to decrease the pollution in …show more content…

According to Taylor Casti of , “Space has been the clear leader for a long time. $17.8 billion dollars is going toward space exploration in 2013, compared to the $5 billion dollars that goes toward oceanic exploration. This discrepancy has led to skewed results: While 500 individuals have been sent into space, only three have visited the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench”. In terms of discovery and experimentation, this large discrepancy in 2013 caused ocean exploration to be behind. As Mark Strauss says, “No matter where we live, we can go outside on a clear night, look up into the sky, and wonder about what's out there”

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