Do you know someone that is struggling financially or constantly in pursuit of a job all because they dropped out of school at 16 not really realizing the mistake they were making? On account of the low achievements of scores in schools that have caused worry some now say there should be a stipulation established for the dropout age to be diminished down to 14 from 16. The real question now is should the regulations be changed? No, it should not be moved from 16 to 14 it should stay the same or increase.
Now as I take this stand I realize that there is an opposing side to this argument. Some may tend to say, if they were able to drop out young a better learning aura could be acquired for those who really care about their education. The aura would definitely be more learning based for those who are attending school at this time. They also say that this would be from a younger age so the kids can learn more because there are not as many people to take care of. It also would create a better learning experience overall for those who do care and it would allow the kids to learn quicker and more. Some may also say there have been so many people that dropped out of school and have been very prosperous in their careers, but the problem is not everyone ends up this way in fact most don't.
My first reason for believing that they should at least be 16 or 18 is the fact that today education is almost essential for your welfare and well-being. To get a semi decent paying job that will
Dropping out leads to problems later on in life. Without a high school diploma or a good education, students may not get a high paying job and will most likely have a higher chance of being unemployed. Another problem dropping out creates is that students may choose to travel down a dark path. They may begin to do mischievous and horrible things. As a result of their actions, they’ll have a higher likelihood of ending up in jail or on public assistance.
“Dropping out of school does not seem to happen overnight; it comes after a long term process of frustration and failure” (Balfanz par 2). According to the National Center for Education Statistics, The population studied students attending Baltimore schools and gathered research that indicates how low test scores and report card grades as early as the 1st grade are reliable sources of whether students would later drop out(Alexander, Entwisle and Kabbani par.6). Also having to go through grade retention as early as kindergarten is also connected to why the dropout rate has reached a dynamic level (Kaufman and Bradby par.6). Whoever decides to drops out has no type of support, encouragement, or ambition starting at such a young age.
In their article, Levin and Rouse say that in the United states the dropout rate has fallen since the 1970s. They state that programs should be enforced to promote dropout prevention. While these programs may be expensive, more high school graduates benefit the economy in the long run.
When the Great Depression began in 1929, many things changed in America. People lost their jobs, businesses were shut down, and people became angry and desperate. The changes in the lives of millions of Americans caused the clothing trends to change as well. Money, practicality, and on-screen influences all affected people’s styles during the Great Depression. Women and men in the 1930’s typically stuck to distinct clothing styles which were, for the most part, unique to that time period.
Society wonders at what age student should be treated as adults. In this country, sixteen year olds are considered as grown-ups. Certain people think that teens are adults when they are eighteen. Unlike people, students think the mature age of an adult to drop out should stay at sixteen. We should change the dropout age from sixteen to eighteen.
Over the years, many high school students complain about not getting enough sleep. This topic is controversial because of the possible downfalls that could occur after postponing school by an hour. While there are a few concerns with moving to later start times, hundreds of high schools across the country are starting class later and students have still managed to attend club meetings and finish homework by a reasonable hour. According to the article, "New research suggests that later high school starts have widespread benefits". With this in mind, I believe that high schools should start later due to the benefits gained by high school students.
The age of adulthood in our country should be determined by the ability of a person to prove that they are mature by paying bills, holding a job or attending college instead of by arbitrary laws and set numbers. In my opinion, I think the age of having a job or driving a car is the age sixteen even though I am arguing about that it is the most appropriate age.
Were you aware that every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone? That’s a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day. Currently, 20 states have ages 18 as a dropout age and 30 have it as 16 and 17. All states that have school dropout ages under 18 should be raised to 18 because dropping out will make them earn less money, become less healthy, and increase the likelihood of going to jail.
For many years now, countless have debated going to college after high school. Most people think they can live blissful lives and build a good living even if they did not attend college. For several, this may be true to a certain degree. But now several if not all jobs nowadays require a high school diploma and a bachelors’ in some kind of degree. From the start, kids were always told to study hard and acquire good grades so afterward, they could get into great colleges so one could have an amazing life. College is where one’s life genuinely begins.
If you never went to school where do you think that you would end up? Do you think that you would have a job? If so what kind of job do you think you would have, flipping hamburgers at a fast food restaurant, or working at a grocery store? Maybe you would have another job, one that doesn't pay well with lots of manual labour. Poverty is a major problem in America, little did you know that one major factor leading to them can be easily solved. When kids drop out of school they do not think about their future, that can be completely destroyed by one simple choice. Kids should legally not be allowed to drop out of high school because that has a major negative impact on their future, their children, and on their surroundings.
The dropout problem is not only an individual problem, but it is costly to society as a whole. Warren & Halpen-Manners (2007) explained, “high school dropouts is of fundamental social, economic, and political importance and has major implications for educational policy and practice, patterns of economic and racial/ethnic inequality, and the quality of America’s workforce” (p. 335). Coupled with that, Neild et al (2008) further argued going through the portal into adult life without high school credentials carries severe economic and employment penalties. Also, Kennelly (2007) explained “When students drop out…. the toll of the quality of life and the prosperity and competitiveness of the communities where they live and collectively across
“Dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country, and this country needs and values the talents of every American.” -Barack Obama. This quote from Barack Obama was from his address to Congress. Some might say that high school is not for everyone, but dropping out of high school can affect your future. As of right now, the dropout age is 16 . Teenagers at the age of 16 are not very knowledgeable of what happens after high school. At the age of 16 teenagers are not an adult nor should have to worry about dropping out of school. Therefore, students should not be able to make this life- changing decision until their senior year. Getting a high school diploma is a big deal yet these students are dropping out and losing the chance to have a good job that pays well and have a better future.
Schools want us to be well-rounded students, in order to be well-rounded we have to get our homework done, do sports and get between eight and ten hours of sleep! Sometimes that’s not possible. Most middle school students get between seven and seven and a half hours of sleep, about two hours less than the students should be getting!
Department of Education, 1999). If people drop out of school, how will they expect to get a job and strive for the rest of their life to make the money needed? Surely, they could get a decent job, but they will most likely not be able to afford much for a family, necessities, a home, etc. Dropping out of school will come back to torment the person in the future. After getting held back, some students fill with hatred towards the school and bring down their attendance. It only shows weaknesses in the student and after getting held back, they need to try harder, but end up trying less. With that issue being a small percentage of the population of people who do get held back, the other percentage keeps working hard to bring their grades up and set goals (Holmes 1998). Ways to fix that small percentage of people who do get held back and have hatred, would be setting up summer school or after school programs as another source of education and take a test again after the programs are over to test if the person should still be held back. It gives a second chance for that person to stay in their own grade and allows him or her to make a decision whether or not the person wants to be held
Will negatively affect a student's future. Bob Keeshan once said,”Children don't drop out of High School when they are 16 they do so in the first grade and wait 10 years to make it official.” Throughout the years studies have shown that in a year 1.2 million students drop out. Which leads that only 25% of High School students during their freshman year fail to graduate. Dropouts in the United States have became a very trending thing we must get to the bottom of this problem. Young adults should not be making these decisions it's time to step in.