
Argumentative Essay On The Giver

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The Giver by Lois Lowry is a Utopia because no one is ever starving, no one really feels pain, and they can’t choose wrong. Throughout our world I have seen many people on the sides of streets having no food, no home, and no family with no one helping them to have a better life. I have also seen people helping the homeless and shelters but in this book they don’t need to do that because everybody already has a home and food. Plus they don’t have to ask for money and food, they already have it.

The communities always have meals ready to go for everybody. They have three meals a day and everybody meets in their community. “No one in the community was starving, had been starving, would be starving (Lowry 110).” This is when Jonas gets in …show more content…

Unlike us where we have the privilege of choosing even though most of the time we choose wrong. “‘What if they were allowed to choose their own mate? And choose wrong’ (98).” This is Jonas after he learned about choices and how bad they could be. I think that he is totally right because in our world people have had multiple wife’s or husbands. They can never choose the wrong job and be jobless for the rest of their lives or choose the wrong husband or wife. If they had kids and they got a divorce the kids are sad for the rest of their lives having to go to a different parents house each week. If someone loses their job and can’t afford a house they could be homeless with kids living on the side of the street with no food or shelter. You could argue that this book is a dystopia because they aren’t free and can’t make their own choice but the problem is a lot of the time we choose wrong and it affects our whole life. For example, what happens if someone choose to not go to college and end up working at a fast food restaurant for half of their life. Then they can’t support their family if they were even lucky enough to have one without a descent job and they could end up going to college when their 40 or 50 trying to get a descent job. Be honest though no one wants to do that. In Jonas’s community people watch over other people and assign what they think is the right job for them for the rest of their lives and not have to worry about putting food on the table

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