Parents are stalkers The article “Undercover Parents” is about parents who watch theyre kids with spyware.Now I think that thats wierd and shouldnt be a thing but,a lot of parents think its alright to invade privacy.People wonder how many parents think that spying is ok but,there are some who say “ma boy really”. I know some kids like to get on trouble on the internet like in the article coben says his friends daughter slept with a drug dealer and used them its stated in paragraph 13.Now that doesnt mean stalk them its just a matter of trust and it should be for all parents. Opposing points of view, or a counter argument should also be included. Include a response to an opposing point of view, then refute the opposing view’s position or show
In his essay, “The Undercover Parent,” Harlan Coben argues in the favor of the use of parental spyware on children’s computers. Coben’s claim for his argument is that by installing the spyware unto a child’s computer, you have the ability to log every keystroke your child makes and thus be better equipped to protect your child from harmful situations. Coben acknowledges parent’s hesitation and repulsion of spyware, and clearly defines for his audience what spyware is exactly and how it operates. The author reminds his audience with logical appeals that most parents do already monitor their children’s day to day lives, and that spyware simply offers a new way of protection. Coben then lists his audience’s common counter arguments such as simply
In Harlan Coben’s article “The Undercover Parent,”(2008) he claims that parents should result to putting spyware on you tennager’s devices. Coben supports his claim by first stating “At first I was repelled at this invasion of privacy. Now, after doing an fair amount of research, I get it”, after a dinner he just had with friends who told Coben that they have put spyware on their teenager’s device, and how it kept him out of trouble. Coben’s purpose of this article is try to persuade parents that you should download spyware on your children’s devices yet, in order for Coben to get his purpose, he had to do some research and ask around for incidents that had occurred to his friends.. The audience is intended for parents of those who concern
Parents shouldn’t put spyware on their kids electronics because if they do then that might tarnish the relationship between the two, in the process. According to “The Conversation” “If a parent does not tell the child they are being monitored, and the child finds out, this is likely to be experienced as a breach of
In his article, “The Undercover Parent”, Harlan Coben states that spyware is a good way to keep children safe. He supports his claim by using anecdotes and examples of how parents can use spyware effectively to keep their children safe yet also avoid taking away too much of their privacy. He also establishes a strong argument through addressing all of the problems that stand against his claim and how they can be solved. For example, he explains that parents will not be invading their child’s privacy (one of the main arguments against spyware), if they simply look for conversations that put the child in potential harm. Coben seeks to inform his audience, specifically parents, that spyware is effective in providing the safety of children by monitoring
The title of the essay is The Undercover Parents, which was written by Harlan Coben. The essay was published on the 16th of March, 2008. In the essay, Coben presents his main ideas and thoughts regarding the use of spyware by parents to monitor children. He says that installing a spyware on the computer used by children, especially those in the teenage years, can help parents track what actually their children view on computers. In the essay, the author says that while it is quite hard to follow up on children while they are away from home and this causes parents to be so worried, installing spyware on the computers in the house really helps. Coben says that the program allows parents to keep track of the children
Harlan Coben in an editorial titled ¨The Undercover Parent”(March 16,2008) claims that parents should have conversations about their concerns with teens, and let them know spyware is a possibility. Coben develops and supports his claim by using anecdotes. One example of an anecdote Coben uses is in paragraph one,¨… friends of mine confessed over dinner that they had spyware on their 15 year-old son’s computer so they could monitor all he did online.¨ He also supports his claim because he is giving the parents a decision on if they want to use spyware or not. The intended audience for this article is parents because this article is about protecting your kids while they are online and to prevent bad things to happen. I both agree and disagree
Some parents believe that they should put spyware on their child’s computer to monitor them. They want to make sure their child is safe and not talking to a stranger in a chat room or being bullied online. Part of being a parent is to make sure their child is safe and protected, that is one of
One thing that led me to agree with Coben was when he spoke to parents and said, “... you’re listening for dangerous chatter..” (Par.11) He’s right, when spyware is used correctly, the parents are looking to make sure you’re being safe, it’s not strangers trying to find information about you. A parents job is to protect their child at all costs, and that extends to protecting you on the internet. Even though kids may feel like their privacy has been violated, if used correctly, you are not invading privacy, only giving protection from dangers unknown to them.
To begin with, parents spy on their kids so they could know what they bring doing during their days.In the article the author states that “61 percent of parents checked the websites that their teenagers visited, 60 percent visited their social media accounts and 48 percent looked through their phone calls and messages. Basically, what is this quote is saying is that parents are tracking their kids due to their websites that they go thru their cell phones who they being texting or calling and they social media such as facebook instagram. This is important because, it shows that parents are very careless for their child. So, if
Is your privacy getting invaded by your parent? Technology gets better each and everyday, but how will it affect you? It has put a big effect on teens so their parents can know what is going on while their teens aren’t home. Parents have worked around problems to figure out many things such as where they are, who they called, and how fast they are driving. Depending if a teen is responsible or not tells how much freedom the teen can have. Privacy is important but parents also need to consider the teens perspective. In the article “Parental Monitoring Or An Invasion of Privacy”Robert Foltz discusses how parents are worried about everything their children are doing at all times. In the article “How Private Is Your Private Life?” the author Andrea Rock talks about her privacy is always close to being invaded. Privacy is not always taken the right way, teens can be tracked, what the teens think about their privacy may cause problems, and the actions they make results in what they are able to do.
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What is Freedom of speech? Well, the definition for freedom of speech is the ability to speak freely without being subject to censorship or without fear of retaliation from a governing body. There are at least two documents, the US Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that acknowledge that free speech is an unalienable right and protect it for all. There is another form of speech that may or may not be protected, depending on the circumstances, under the same documents and that is hate speech. Some of the limitations that are put in place by Government, employers, and educational facilities are a
Currently, family around the world have different way to take care their own children. Some of parents are very care too much about their children and some maybe not even care. However, some of parents are very care to much about their children. they don’t think that can extremely harmful to their children and adolescents because of their to much overly involved in children's life and overprotective .In fact, Helicopter parenting family who is overly involved in their own children and Some Helicopter parenting family had Bubble-wrapping our children that overprotective parenting .they don’t think , when they do like this can be bored the children life,make their kid stress, feel alone and hopeless because of them too much overprotective. For example, on these articles I had read before BUBBLE-WRAPPING OUR CHILDREN by Michael Ungar, “Helicopter parenting Deliver Benefit” By Don Aucoin and there two article are different.
Some parents are not aware of dangers of internet that brings to their children particularly making friends through internet. For example, their children might get cheated with someone else on internet and their children will not tell what happen to them when they encounter danger. According to BBC News, a 47 year old man defrauded a 13 year old girl online and asked to meet face to face. Luckily, the girl’s mother found out beforehand or else her daughter might be in danger. From this news, we can see that there internet friends are not always honest and they are more likely to consider as un-trustful strangers. Therefore, parents should concern more about their children, teach them about the dangers of making friends on internet, and avoid them from going out with a stranger.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous poet once quoted the following, “For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” Anger as we all know can be a very powerful emotion that can have many different effects, firstly on the person that is experiencing the emotion, secondly the person or persons who is around the said anger filled individual. However, the intention of this paper is not to focus on anger, but to focus on the persuasion that people can use when giving speeches or in this case, preaching. John Edwards, a preacher in the new world takes the time to diligently preach his congregation, this is now the writing we know as, Sinners in the hand of an Angry God. While exploring this piece of writing, it is important to note that John Edwards uses many ways to persuade his congregation to believe that God is angry. The keys to his persuasion are as following, the people are out of God’s grace, they are wicked, and everyone has committed a sin.