
Argumentative Essay On Veterans

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Ever curious about how PTSD is obtained and what the veterans that have it have to go through on their daily lives. Well here are some Statistics and symptoms of PTSD and as to how it has been obtained and even to see if the possibility of actually having PTSD in not informed about it previously. This'll show insight into the lives of veterans and the sufferings of having PTSD and it is a possible way to get rid of it over time and effort.

Your topic sentences should match your Webspiration Document Roman Numerals. Some of the main questions arise as to how people would obtain PTSD. " Veterans can develop PTSD by combat or an intense trauma that sticks with them because of what happened while they're deployed." ("Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder") This …show more content…

Usually they have to readapt to the public and it's supposed to be not a hostile territory like in the war but sometimes it's hard to adapt back to that. "The veterans that came back from the Vietnam War had to return from a hostile territory of civilians to a hostile territory of civilians in their own country that they were fighting for." ("Vietnam") The veterans that were in the Vietnam war went through tremendous struggles to keep our side winning and we suffered losses and the veterans on the field had to deal with those first hand while the public just saw what was happening from a far. They didn’t appreciate what they were doing when they were just defending our country. "The lives of veterans came back after the war and instead of being able to relax their lives were full of stress and worries instead of being happy to be home and happy that they wont the war. This made them irritable and jumpy around anything that was in public and not in their home safety." ("Vietnam") While the veterans were going through this struggle within the society of their country they were treated rudely instead of praised for fighting in the war for their

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