
Argumentative Essay On Video Games

Decent Essays

While reading through the Thematic Guide to the Readings in the Norton Field Guide to Writing with Reading the Creative Play and Gaming section caught my attention. Gaming is something that almost every age group takes a part in now. This may be largely due to the fact that gaming is used now for advertising purposes, and even to convey political messages. Especially after reading through Sam Anderson’s Just One More Game…: Angry Birds, Farmville and Other Hyperaddictive Stupid Games, where he speaks about his fears over what gaming could do to society, I wanted to dig deeper into the effects games have. Mainly focusing on our brains, such as our thought processes, decision making, and physically. As someone who regularly partakes in games, have I ruined my brain? Should anyone continue to play? After some research it seems that there really is no definitive answer, but we will look at both sides of the coin, starting first with the bad. Violent video games are definitely a hot button topic among parents. Some people believe that these games cause their children to become aggressive and difficult. According to some researchers, they may be correct. In the article This is Your Child’s brain on Video Games, by Victoria L. Dunckley M.D., many harmful effects are discussed. The largest of these problems is that video games trick the brain to thinking it is in a dangerous situation and triggering all the chemicals in the brain such as dopamine to prepare the body for what is

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