
Argumentative Essay On Women In Congress

Decent Essays

I agree with the conclusion of the article to an extent. The notion of there being women in the Congress is a concept I support. However, the reasoning the article states for there to be more women in Congress is where I digress. Women being represented in Congress on the basis of that men would fail to compromise, cooperate, and run an “open-minded” Congress is not why women should be in Congress. Women are so much more than compromisers for pushing legislation. Women in Congress are necessary because they go beyond the role of what a Congressman can do, have more experience from working various state and local positions, as well as use their elected positions to create paths for other successful women to run for office. Women in Congress are necessary not only because they are women, but because they are more qualified individuals as compared to their male counterparts.
As stated in the study, women …show more content…

An example of this would be the information mentioned in class where, currently, six women serve as Governors, 12 as Lieutenant Governor, 13 serve as Secretary of State, and even more in statewide executive positions. These positions, as well as women serving in Congress, signify that women are capable of holding high positions. Congresswoman and female Senators alike serve as a sign of representation for other women who want to run. On record, the number of women who ran for Senate has increased since the last election (Dittmar, 2017). The new female senators that were elected all held statewide positions for several years before they ran for Senate. This shows that women have utilized their previous state or local position as a means of an entry point into the national political scene. This also shows the commitment woman makes as politicians to make sure they are prepared to take on a national

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