Statistics show that there has been a 544 percent increase in year-round implementations from the year 1987 to 2014. That is a huge problem! Why? Doing away with the traditional school calender is causing distress in families and teachers lives. It is cutting into the students Summer extracurricular activities, destroying family plans, and affecting teachers badly. The year-round calender is a terrible idea. The idea for this new calender should go away.
Extracurricular activities are a demention of schooling that can be negatively influenced by year-round schooling. Most students are involved in extracurricular activities during the Summer, when they have more free time. Yet, thanks to the year-round calender, children do not have the opportunities to perform these extracurricular tasks. Students should be able to enjoy themselves just as much as they should be able to get an education. Also, teachers managing extracurricular activities observed similar difficulties adapting these actvities into the year-round schedule, just
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It is important to a childs development to spend time with their family. Year-round school could also be disruptive to everyday family life, when children in the same household attend different schools with different schedules. For example, having a high school student and a middle school student living in the same house.
School administrators have sometimes foudn it hard to deal with licensure and contractual issues of teachers when working out schedules for year-round schools. Year-round schools require the administrative blocks of school to keep working throughout the school year. That increases the administrative burden. Teachers and administrators have lives outside of school, too. Year-round school could also put a damper on their family lives and social lives
In his article “Go Year-Round: A Push for True Summer School”, Milton Chen, the executive director of Edutopia, urges readers to use the year-round schooling system. He explains in brief words what the summer vacation was for. “…when farm families needed young people home during the summer months to replace the three R's with the two P's -- plantin' and pickin' " (Chen). He carries on discussing that the problem with the school days is not only the amount, but the schedule of the school day. The curriculum is too tight; neither the students nor the teachers have the time to step away from the books and text and learn from the outside. The students do not have the chance to go into the outside world and observe what is going on in the society that they live in. Additionally, the teachers do not have the chance to decide how their time is spent because it is spent on the strict schedule of the classroom.
Because of this, there are many first and last days of school. All those transitions disrupt the learning process. Also, there is no evidence of higher test scores. Due to that, many schools that change to year-round schedules end up switching back.
School has been around for a long time and has changed a lot. School was probably different for your ancestors, and what we know today is different than what it used to be. Some changes are good, and some are not,People across the country have different opinions about whether their school should switch to year-round school or not. Florida should not switch to year-round school because it makes it harder to plan sports activities or vacations, and students can’t concentrate as much at school with so many breaks in the way. Although year-round school offers more time for learning more and less reviewing, there are many more benefits from the original school schedule.
U.S. schools shouldn't switch to year-round school schedules for many reasons. Year round school can be unhealthy for kids for many reasons.
According to the National Education Association, “Most parents want their children to participate in summer activities and camps during the summer”. Summer gives students an opportunity to do and experience things that schools can’t teach. These things can include getting a summer job, summer camps, and traveling. According to National Education Association, “If an entire district does not adopt a year-round calendar, parents could have students at different schools at different schedules”. This quote is relevant because parents and students schedules would be more complex and stressful.
Does year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. In earlier times schools were only teaching throughout half of the year so that school would be out of session when it was time to work in the fields. This type of scheduling is still common today even though only a small portion of agriculture is tied into education and kids are no longer required to work. “In 1994, the National Education Commission on Time and Learning (1994) urged school districts to develop school calendars that acknowledged (a) differences in student learning and (b) the major changes taking place in American society. The report reflected growing concern about how the school calendar relates to students at risk for academic failure” (Cooper, Nye, Charlton, James, & Greathouse). As a result. many are fighting for year-round school. Year-round school has proven to be beneficial in the lives of students and has lead to greater success in the classroom. Although, there are some downfalls to year-round schooling.
Year round schools are not acceptable because students don’t have “enough down time”; it raises cost of bills and results in making schedule adjustments. Most people find year round schools as an issue. In an article it states that High school students do not have time to work if they have to attend a year round school. Another one for year round school is that it can also put a burden
The cons of year round schooling are oddly the same things as the pros all except for academic success. It just depends on how you look at the issue. Some of the other cons would be things like; summer jobs, too much change, parents and students may not like it, and also an impact on extracurricular activities. Having a year round schedule means that there is no time for stable employment. By the time someone in high school finds a job, gets trained in their new position, they will have to stop working to return to school, or they could try and juggle while their grades may drop. It takes the whole summer job idea that high school students are so accustomed to having. On the same side of this con are the teachers. Teachers usually get jobs in the summer to make a few extra bucks to help compensate for the pay they earn during the year. So by going to year round
Do you like the relaxing summer break? Well, if you do, how would you feel about year round school. Year round school has been a topic talked about throughout the whole world. There are many advantages and disadvantages for industries, schools, students, teachers, and even parents. Lots of conflicts occur when changing the school year to year round. It can be unhealthy for everybody including students, parents, and even certain businesses. Year round school can lead to poor things.
Furthermore, switching over to year round schooling can prove to be more costly than the normal school year. First off, the budget for a year round program, when compared to a traditional program, is much larger. There are more materials, such as school supplies, to be bought, a larger cost for air conditioning, and the increased expenses when a facility is used year round. One of the main concerns is that the life of a school becomes considerably shorter. Usually, in the summer time schools are under repair and made ready for the next year. However, with a shorter summer break, there is not enough time to renovate schools. This will lead to the need of newer facilities more often. Moreover, the largest expense is in hiring new teachers. Not many educators sign up for the year round schooling program and those who do, expect larger salaries than regular teachers do. “The biggest budget increase in a year-long program is most often due to
Year round school helps with the complications of childcare issues. Parents won 't have to worry about paying for their child to go to a daycare or a summer camp. Child care can be very expenses and the child might even be upset about going to daycare everyday of the summer. Another child care issue is that if families have older children they could get stuck with watching their younger siblings. Then most of teenagers summer are spent watching their younger siblings when they could be enjoy their summer the way they want.
People also fail to realize the schooling difficulties year-round schooling brings. It eliminates the idea of a single class using a classroom and class sizes would be longer and larger. Special accommodations would need to be made for graduation and parent teachers conferences due to different scheduling. Additional demands would need to be required on school support staff such as: janitors, cafeteria workers, security, etc. Schools would lose money on gas and electric bills because they would be open
Time spent with the whole family is important and year round schools would take that away. If both parents work and have two or more kids on different school schedules family vacations would be ruined because kids have to go to school.The article disadvantages to year round school would take that away. If both parents
Summer breaks enable families to vacation, go to theme parks, and spend days at the beach. As states "American families have become accustomed to the traditional long summer vacation. Parents may find it difficult to schedule vacations and family reunions." Since there is less time off for kids they are goanna find it hard or more difficult to go anywhere or do anything with their kids. Lynch says, “The most obvious downside of year-round school is the effect it can have on families. Quality family time is important to the emotional and developmental well being of a child”. Schools forget children need to do something with their family’s some times and they need to see cousins and grandparents and if they do year round school schedule parents will find it nearly impossible to schedule any time with other relatives. Kids need to see their grandparents and cousins once in a while with year round schooling that will be a hard task to
Schools that had a year-round school year showed “negligible improvement”(Boston Globe). The schools in poor communities had little to no increase in test scores at all. (Boston Globe). Even though a longer school year is meant to stop the “summer backslide,” it is not really helpful for anybody (CNN). Some elementary schools in Mexico tried a year round school year, and officials report that it was not extremely useful. The Los Angeles District had many year-round schools, but by the end of 2015, they had “just one school that remained on a year-round schedule” ( The other year-round schools were not successful, proving that extending the school-year calendar will turn out to be a burden on the