
Argumentative Essay On Year Round School

Satisfactory Essays

Statistics show that there has been a 544 percent increase in year-round implementations from the year 1987 to 2014. That is a huge problem! Why? Doing away with the traditional school calender is causing distress in families and teachers lives. It is cutting into the students Summer extracurricular activities, destroying family plans, and affecting teachers badly. The year-round calender is a terrible idea. The idea for this new calender should go away.

Extracurricular activities are a demention of schooling that can be negatively influenced by year-round schooling. Most students are involved in extracurricular activities during the Summer, when they have more free time. Yet, thanks to the year-round calender, children do not have the opportunities to perform these extracurricular tasks. Students should be able to enjoy themselves just as much as they should be able to get an education. Also, teachers managing extracurricular activities observed similar difficulties adapting these actvities into the year-round schedule, just …show more content…

It is important to a childs development to spend time with their family. Year-round school could also be disruptive to everyday family life, when children in the same household attend different schools with different schedules. For example, having a high school student and a middle school student living in the same house.

School administrators have sometimes foudn it hard to deal with licensure and contractual issues of teachers when working out schedules for year-round schools. Year-round schools require the administrative blocks of school to keep working throughout the school year. That increases the administrative burden. Teachers and administrators have lives outside of school, too. Year-round school could also put a damper on their family lives and social lives

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