
Argumentative Essay : Risky Giving

Decent Essays

“Risky Giving”
In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have. It’s too nice. It’s too expensive. I don’t deserve it. You shouldn’t have bothered…“You bought me a present? Why would you do such a thing? Oh, I know you think you’re being generous, but the foundation of gift giving is reciprocity. You haven’t given me a gift. You’ve given me an obligation.” (Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory)
And that’s how our world – and our sinful nature – understands gift-giving, no matter when it happens: not a gift, but a transaction, a bargain, a deal. We give in order to get in return. To our old sinful nature, gifts are marked Free with an asterisk. There are always conditions or strings attached to our gift giving. Now I’ve gotta do something for you. Give something back. Measure up.
And we treat a day of Thanksgiving no differently. Obligation. Duty. Somehow, we must give God a gift of equal measure – a thank you note worthy of his appreciation.
But there’s the hang up; you can’t. What could you possibly give that Jesus doesn’t already have? If life and forgiveness with God is a transaction, our sin leaves us dead every time; sorry, but your card is denied; your credit is no good here. We’ve got it all backwards.
For man’s ways of gift-giving are not God’s ways:
In the fullness of time God gave His only begotten Son, to be born of a Virgin, to be born under the Law to redeem us who are under the Law. He was given up, betrayed. He

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