There should not be any homework. children go to school from 8:10-3:10 that is seven hours a day of non-freedom. We are told what to do and how to do it all day. When kids are at home,kids should not have to worry about doing homework.Kids should be able to relax and spend time with family. When typed in google, claims about homework, it gives a lot of facts about when kids get home and are worried about homework.
Kids who are worried about homework are most commonly more stressed,argue more with parents and is not very active after or before homework is finished. children’s frustration and exhaustion, lack of time for other activities, and possible loss of interest in learning. Many parents lament the impact of homework on their relationship
After spending most of their time in school, students are expected to complete even more work, seems almost ridiculous. Homework is taking time away from students other activities. In the book, “The Case Against Homework,” by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, they state how homework, “robs children of their sleep, play and exercise time need for proper physical, emotional, and neurological development.” Homework is no different than a towel placed in water. It soaks up the time from other activities A study done by the Brown Center found an
In my opinion i think kids should have less homework. One of my reasons is it will take the stress of your shoulders. I also think this because say you have to study for a test on monday and because all the homework you get a bad grade.In addishion, this is why i think kids should have less homework.
In summation, homework provides students with the capacity to allow them to succeed on their day to day lives when it is not on excess. There is, of course, some questioning on whether homework directly helps student have a better academic performance. However, it is clear that homework guides children to the necessary developmental growth needed to succeed. Additionally, it contributes to a healthier parent-teacher and student-parent relationships in order to provide students with the necessary atmosphere to grow full
Have you ever wanted to just shred up your homework or throw it out the window and have no consequences? Kids are assigned daily homework from the time they start kindergarten at the ripe young age of five. Is it really necessary? Does it even help better learning or even higher test scores? The amount of homework we do wastes time, money, paper, and trees because it’s practically the exact same thing we did in class that day. Homework causes kid’s and teen’s frustration, tiredness, little time for other activities and possibly even a loss of interest in their education. It also keeps everyone up; it has kids and teens staying up until they finish it, the parents trying to help them and the teachers grading it. So, I think that homework is
School is very taxing on students and their families. A study from The American Journal of Family Therapy showed students have nearly three times too much homework (Wallace 1). Supported by the National Education Association, the standard amount of homework is ten minutes per grade; 1st grade has ten minutes of homework, 5th grade has fifty minutes. Kindergartners are not supposed to be getting 30 minutes of homework, the amount of homework meant for a third grader. Too much homework is unreasonable and unfair. Students are already in school for seven hours, there is no need for extra hours of work at home. Stress affects not only the student, but the parents as well (Pressman 1). Parents feel unable to help their children with an increase in homework. As demands and difficulty increase, parents feel overwhelming stress because of their inability to assist their children. Another study showed 56% of students stated homework was their main stressor; Homework was directly connected to conditions such as ulcers, migraines, weight loss, and sleep deprivation (Enayati 1). Over half of 4,300 students who participated stated they feel there
Over a thousand people are suffering from a ton of homework almost every single day!
why are kids given so much homework, kids want to have a life outside of school, and family time but they don’t get it, how can we not get homework and make us have other life. I homework doesn’t make us learn anything it keeps us from hanging with our family and friends, we go to bed late. There should not be homework because it keeps kids up later and so there is no family and friends time school is literally all kids do its getting annoying and its not fair.
Do you guys think that homework should stay. If so, then You should keep reading this, because this is going to show you why we should keep homework. Then, how it can help the students.
“Homework puts pressure on both kids and parents.” The things students learn on a regular bases parents did not learn back when they were in school and if they did it had a new method of doing it. The stress level of kids always studying and doing homework on a daily basis is making them overwhelming. “Homework takes away our personal time no student wants to come home and do more work on what they were already doing for the past 6 hours anyway.”
Don’t you think kids do a lot of work in school, so why do they have to do even more at home? Are we expecting too much from kids because teachers are trying fit all this work in one day. If we want a kids to be happy and not mad then there should be no homework. Sometimes kids have conflicts and can’t go because of homework and that's not fair. Kids get stressed out over homework. So if there so many reasons why there should be any homework then why is it still here!
Students feel more stressed and turned off to learning, which is, a lifelong pursuit when it comes to homework. Too much homework turns kids off to learning and makes them less rather than more invested in school and learning. Are children having too much homework? There has been a big disagreement about if students should have homework or students should not have homework. Some people say they should not have homework and some say they should have homework. Children should not have homework, because it wastes all of the time out of school.
Today, homework for kids is getting out of control. Homework has led up to kids not being able to get the proper sleep. There are multiple opinions on the homework topic. People who believe we do not have too much homework, think it is a good way for parents to see what their child is doing in school. However, I believe kids should not have homework. I think this because we have other things to do besides sit in front of a computer or a book for two hours or more, overwhelmed with how much we get, and it is causing health issues. I think it is time that the school’s start listening to the kids on their opinion about homework because the staff doesn’t know how stressed and overwhelmed kids get when it becomes that time at night to do homework.
Kids spend a large majority of their week in the classroom. The time they get to spend with their family is very short because of the long days in school. Homework only further cuts into this important bonding time for families.
When deciding to write this essay, thoughts of my childhood emerged with good and bad emotions on homework. I decided to pursue this topic because of my personal experiences with homework from myself and with my daughter. Recently when having a conference with my daughter’s teacher, she mentioned that homework would no longer be a part of the school’s curriculum. I for one felt relieved at this notion due to my job and school work demand, but then wondered how I would know how my child was doing with her school work. During the parent teacher conference I was notified this change came about with the majority of the student body not doing well on their homework assignments and parents complaining about how homework alone was bring down their child’s grade. While hearing what the teacher was saying, I came to question of how can teachers help parents help students?
Late nights, eyes only kept open by ungodly amounts of coffee, and never ending piles of paper: these are all symptoms of the nation-sweeping homework epidemic. Students are assigned hours upon hours of after school homework every day — but is it really necessary? Oftentimes, homework causes more harm than good on the mental, physical, and social health of students; therefore, after school assignments should be limited to the four core classes, minimizing those loads as much as possible, because more homework does not necessarily lead to highly successful students, immense amounts of stress are put on students every day, and an eight hour school day should be enough to disseminate the information needed.