
Argumentative Essay: Should One Go To College?

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Should one go to college?
Ever since people have been able to get a higher education in college there has been the disputed question of whether or not one should be forcibly required to attend or not. I believe that one should not be forced to go but should be a personal decision.
Just going to college doesn't mean that you will come out with a 4.0 GPA. Many students graduate from college with barely any understanding of civics, reading, math, or economics. In 2011, around 35% of all students enrolled in college reported they studied 6 or less hours per week. This was an immense 50% decline in the number of hours studied and prepared for classes compared to 20 years ago. 36% of students showed no significant improvement on special tests called …show more content…

A college degree is no guarantee of workplace benefits. In 2013, 70% of employed new college graduates didn't receive any health insurance through their employers. 70%! Thats a lot. In 2011, only 27% received retirement coverage (this number went down from 41.5% in 2000).
The sad truth is, many recent graduates are unemployed or underemployed. In 2011, 50% of college graduates under the age of 25 had no job or a part-time job. The unemployment rate for college graduates in February of 2013 was 8.8%. This was down from 10.4% in 2010, but up from 5.7% in 2007. The underemployment (insufficient work) rate for the class of 2013 was 18.3%. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, almost 44% of college graduates were underemployed in 2012.
However, despite all of this, earning a college degree is a major life achievement. Graduation can represent an attaining part of the American Dream, the completion of many years of hard work, and the payoff for the sacrifices made by supporting parents, friends, and relatives. Darrius Mind, a professional blogger, wrote that when he graduated from Wilberforce University was, "probably the best day of my entire life. That was the day I finished my challenge to myself and also the day I made history in my family, it was the day I EARNED my college

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