They sway back and forth between marijuana being legalized in the United States and denying the legalization. Politicians have not completely made up their mind on the use of marijuana becoming legal. There have been many complications of the use of marijuana in when, where, why, and how it should be used. Washington and Colorado are the first states in the union to come to the conclusion to completely legalize the use of marijuana in any sort of circumstance. Marijuana should not be legalized, however its uses should only be for medical purposes. There are very ill people in this world have have health dilemmas that can only rely on the use of cannabis to heal them. No, cannabis is not a bad plant, it is a very essential plant that is
Marijuana has been used in religious ceremonies or for medical purposes for thousands of years. I have always been against the use of Marijuana up until four years ago when my husband at the age of twenty seven underwent invasive surgery on his knee and has never been the same since. Colorado took a huge step several years ago legalizing marijuana for medical use and in recent years took the plunge to legalize it for recreational use. Marijuana is not always a bad thing nor is it always a good thing. A lot of people will compare it to any other mind altering substance and have very valid points. I would rather have a loved one or myself smoke marijuana or ingest it, instead of popping pain pills or other harmful substances put on the market by the pharmaceutical industry; Recreational use can be safe and accepting if it is regulated correctly and used responsibly.
Many people are incarcerated and shamed throughout our great country simply for buying or possessing a harmless drug. The harmless and relatively weak drug that I am referring to is marijuana. The United States Government as well as state governments spend millions of dollars trying to stop the sale, cultivation and use of marijuana. I strongly feel that it’s time to legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use across the nation. As a matter of fact, I also believe that anyone convicted and currently in prison for offenses related to marijuana should be immediately released and have their record wiped clean. However, legal use of marijuana should be for adult’s only and out of public view. Countless money can be saved and taxes on legal
In the world we live in, everything falls into the hands of what we believe is right or wrong, which is applicable to the issue of physicians being able to prescribe marijuana for medical reasons. However, what those opposed to the legalization of medical marijuana don’t see are the many reasons this “feel good” drug can help people reduce symptoms of their medical ailments.
With a number of U.S. states currently either adopting new legislation that legalizes marijuana, or local governments around the country taking measures to lessen the punishment that has historically been handed down to those caught with possession, there is a clear sense that the status quo of marijuana policy needs to come under some scrutiny. These efforts appear to coincide with a shift in the overall public perception of marijuana, which, according to Pew Research polling, shows that at present 54 per cent of Americans believe that marijuana should be legalized. That figure has increased substantially since 1969, a year that saw only 12 per cent of individuals in favor of the legalization of the substance (Majority Now Supports Legal
In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared war on drugs. Marijuana was one the drugs that Nixon tried to grasp a firm hold on. However in 2017, 29 states as well as DC, have laws legalizing marijuana in some form but some continue to fight their own war on drugs. The legalization of marijuana has health benefits that help those with certain diseases while also helping the economy grow and the crime-rate of the United States decrease.
A nine billion dollar commodity saving another eleven billion dollars in resources and time in incarcerations from law enforcement, the fight for legalization favours the name deserving, multi purpose drug, marijuana. The advantageous substance should be legalized and used for many purposes including medical and recreational use. Among many points proving the practicality and purpose of marijuana, marijuana is an herb that contributes to the treatment of illnesses: glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis and commonly found, asthma and many more sicknesses exposed to the general public. Opposing arguments suggest that marijuana kills human brain cells and it has a lasting negative effect on a particular individual; however, it is not true. Misguided
Cannabis which is more commonly known as marijuana is considered a psychoactive drug and is used as a medicine and is also used for religious and spiritual reasons. Cannabis or “marijuana” is usually taken to heighten moods, euphoria, relaxation, and an increase in desire for food. The earliest recorded use of cannabis was as early as the 3rd millennium BC and was used for rituals. Much evidence was found near various locations in the world that exhibit cannabis was used for consumption and for medicinal purposes, smoke for rituals and trances for meditation.
Legalization of marijuana will help cease resources from being disbursed on incarcerating individuals for recreational sales, possessions, and distributions.
Public support for marijuana legalization has steadily increased over the last several decades. Over the past few years, support has hovered right around fifty percent. There is a slim majority of people that support the legalization of marijuana. Conservatives resist the legalization of marijuana. Less than a third of conservatives believe marijuana should be legal. As of now, 64 percent of people who are on the democratic side of the political spectrum believe marijuana should be legalized, while only 39 percent of republicans believe it.
The legalization of Marijuana has been a controversial topic for a while now, with arguments going for it, and some going against it. Some of the arguments could be its medical treatment ways, the saving of money and time on law enforcement, and its very innocent type effects. So next time you argue against the legalization of it, think back to these points.
Among the burning issues in our society, the legalization of marijuana is one of the items which lawmakers and We the People are tasked with deciding. However, the problem of smoking and driving could become more prominent when these laws are passed and could contribute to traffic injury and fatality numbers. With the eminent legalization of marijuana at hand in the next five to ten years, what can legislators do to crack down and ensure American motorists and marijuana consumers don’t do both at once?
Even from the first legalization back in 2014, marijuana has had a very long and tough road on the path to legalization. Now if you asked a congressman “what’s the hold up?” they might say the same thing, that cannabis is dangerous plant that can hurt society if put in the wrong hands. Yes that is true but there’s more reasons as to why it’s good for some people. Let me just start with the way it’s consumed, it can be taken in any number of ways some of the most popular ways is to roll it up and smoke it or bake it into food and desserts an eaten as an edible. Now, the only marijuana that is legalized besides recreational (it’s not legalized everywhere in the united states recreationally) is medicinal marijuana where basically you have a card
The dispute regarding weed, more formally known as Cannabis, has been a topic of discussion throughout the years as people can’t seem to come to a conclusion about it. One side of the argument claims that people are addicted to this drug and its destroying their brain cells, and other people claim it to be not as overbearing as other drugs and that it is harmless to use. Upon further research the answer is simple. Weed is indeed beneficial and shouldn’t be prohibited. cannabis is proven to be beneficial to the world as it relieves stress and other diseases, isn't really addictive and ultimately will help people rather than help corrupt businesses.
Growing up, everyone was told “drugs are bad for you” time and time again. Whether it was your parent or teachersg7u as a kid you followed authorities regardless without understanding the reason behind it. As we get older, we started putting pieces together why we shouldn’t use drugs based on experience. Going on questioning why do people do drugs that are supposedly bad for your health? Why the government legalized drugs that are harmful to society? Unlike cigarettes and alcohol, marijuana seem more appealing to get legalized. Debates on legalizing marijuana have went on since the existence of the plant: different researchers have come up with their own findings. Regardless of what effect it has, everyone going to have their opinions based on assumptions. One thing they should keep in mind is that, cannabis is a plant that grow naturally: Therefore, it should have the same right as alcohol, and cigarettes that are man-made and legal.
In society today, marijuana has been exposed to all different age groups and cultures where it is being consumed almost daily even though it is still technically illegal by the federal government. It is a drug that has become so common in society that teenagers are even distributing and selling. Marijuana has its disadvantages and advantages in life. There are numerous people that are against this plant because they say it is harmful to the consumer and the people around them. It has many more advantages and is more positive if it were legalized in the United States. Marijuana has medical benefits, has tax revenue benefits, and has an impact on the crime rate, marijuana needs to be legalized in all 50 states.