On Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. James L. Wilkins, 41, was shot and killed during an argument over a $5 debt that the suspect said Wilkins owed him. When Wilkins said, he did not owe the suspect any money, the suspect shot Wilkins two times with a pistol, according to witnesses. The incident occurred at 107 S. Second Street in front of the home of Wilkins and his daughter. The witnesses told police they did not know who the suspect was. Charlotte Wilkins, 23, the daughter of James L. Wilkins was shot about five minutes later. Charlotte was unaware that her father had been killed. She was a passenger in a car driven by a friend, Drew Martin, 23, who was injured in the shooting. Drew Martin’s brother Johnny Martin, 18, was also a passenger in the
Capital Punishment is an issue that has been argued over from the dinner table in
Former Justice of the Peace Eric Williams was accused of shooting and killing District Attorney Mike McLelland, Mike’s wife Cynthia, and Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse. Williams, who is 47 years old, was found guilty of stealing county computer monitors in 2012. McLelland and Hasse prosecuted Williams, that event caused him to lose his job as a judge and law license. Williams was set to take out the men that he blamed to have caused his downfall.
The Murder of Emmett Till is an incredible documentary about the harsh reality of life for African Americans in the U.S. in the 1950’s. The documentary does an amazing job of shedding light unto this terrible period of American history by showing it’s audience a very graphic example of this time period’s prejudice against African America. The Murder of Emmett Till focusses on a case in 1955 in which a 14-year-old African American boy was ruthlessly murdered for supposedly flirting with a white woman. The documentary has an incredibly powerful way of getting its message to the audience, by harnessing raw emotions. It gives the audience a series of short video clips and photos from the time period and the case itself, successfully integrates
a 42-year-old man was shot in the chest on the 300 block of West Chicago Avenue, police said. The man was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where his condition had stabilized, police said.About 10:45 p.m., a 19-year-old man was shot in the stomach and taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center. He was shot in the 500 block of East 71st Street but found near 71st and State Streets, police said. He's in serious condition but police described him as an "uncooperative victim."In addition to that shooting, a male was shot in the leg on the 300 block of East 56th Street in the Washington Park neighborhood, police said. The shooting happened at 12:48 p.m., police said. Neither the victim's age or his condition were immediately available. The victim was taken to Stroger Hospital for treatment.No one was in custody as Area Central police detectives investigatepnickeas@tribune.com | Twitter: @PeterNickeaschicagobreaking@tribune.com | Twitter:
For fans of the Netflix documentary, Making a Murderer, Brendan Dassey’s recent ordered release from prison may come as good news.
Brandon Teena is the popular new guy in a tiny Nebraska town. He hangs out with the guys, drinking, cussing, and bumper surfing, and he charms the young women, who've never met a more sensitive and considerate young man. Life is good for Brandon, now that he's one of the guys and dating hometown beauty Lana; however, he's forgotten to mention one important detail. That he was born a female and Brandon falls in love with a girl. Local authorities seen a warrant for the arrest of him , but the poster has a female and the police tried to figure what he/she was , but the girl that he falls in love with finds out but doesn’t care because she loves him. Brandon was suppose to leave back to the town here he from but he came back because he couldn’t leave without the girl that he love. Her brothers don’t agree with the situation so in the end all turns out to a big tragedy of death.
Defences for Murder There are only three partial defences for murder; suicide pact, provocation-the loss of self control and reaction must be instantaneous and diminished responsibility. Amongst the three mentioned two are most frequently used, these are provocation and diminished responsibility, and only one full defence, self defence. These defences are used to reduce the sentence charge by the defendant to manslaughter from murder. In the following text I will be examining how men use provocation and diminished responsibility to walk free from murder.
On June 12,1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were murdered. Their bodies were discovered outside Nicole Simpson's condominium. Nicole Simpson was the estranged wife of the famous football player and T.V. star O.J. Simpson.
A murder of a young girl getting brutally murdered by her boss may not have been as the police said it was. Leo Frank, the superintendent of pencil factory, was accused of murdering a 13 year old girl by the name of Mary Phagan who was an employee of the factory (Knappman, Frey). This incident was during a time where the South was against industrialization and was xenophobic of other cultures and races, other than Christian Anglo Saxon. The police department was corrupt and the city of Atlanta, GA grew too quickly for the police force to keep up with. There was even instances where police would arrest tens of thousands of innocent people to force them into free manual labor for the police (Dinnerstein). In the midst of all of
The Murder Of Malcolm X A man once lived who could see things that needed to be seen, he could find things others could not, he could be the person people should trust, he was Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a civil rights activist who believed in racial superiority. He made a movement for black nationalism and Pan- Africanism. He spoke on behalf of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was a man who believed things others did not, created ideas that others had not discovered, and was murdered because of those laws.
There are many problems facing our criminal justice system today. Some of the more important ones are overcrowded jails, the increasing murder rate, and keeping tax payers content. In light of these problems, I think the death penalty is our best and most reasonable solution because it is a highly effective deterrent to murder. And, tax payers would be pleased to know that their hard-earned tax dollars are not being wasted on supporting incorrigible criminals who are menaces to society. In addition, they would not be forced to fund the development of new penitentiaries in order to make room for the growing number of inmates in our already overcrowded jails. Moreover, the death penalty would
Edward Earl Johnson was put in death row when he was eighteen. A documentary was made when he was twenty-six, called “fourteen days in May.” Edward claimed all along that he was innocent yet he was still executed. The documentary showed he had lived for eight years at the Parchment state penitentiary, Mississippi (death row.) Edward was put to death row for the attempted rape of an elderly white woman and the murder of a white Marshall. The documentary tried to show his innocence, the process of this is what this essay will be about.
There are many reasons to both support and oppose the death penalty. Many people can feel very strongly about whether or not they approve of this method of punishment. I feel that the death penalty is wrong, and I believe that there is much support to back this up. I believe that the death penalty is wrong because it is not an effective deterrent, racially and economically bias, unreliable, expensive, and morally wrong of society.
(Slide 1) Capital punishment, or as most of you know it as, the death penalty, has been used for centuries for the violation of rules and laws in society's. But it's use is nearly to at an end in the modern world. England's last death sentence was done on the 13th of August 1964 against Peter Anthony Allen, Australia's done the 3rd of February 1967 on Ronald Ryan and New Zealand’s last was Walter Bolton, 18 February 1957. The era of the death penalty is coming to an end. (Slide 2) Most of the country's in the world have realized that problems can't be solved by a gun to the head or a poison that runs through your bloodstream. 1 third is left, which includes the United States.
The death penalty, death as a consequence given by law due to the committing of a serious crime. The death penalty is given to those who commit serious crimes such as treason, terrorism, drug trafficking, and murder. The death penalty is a horrific consequence that has an abundance of improving to do for the sake of everyone. If the death penalty system isn’t changed soon more innocent people will continue to die due to the mistake of the court.