Wasteful Thinking
I grew up in a small, three person home in Chicago, Illinois. Besides occasionally recycling a glass bottle, as per our maintenance provider’s request, we did not recycle our waste. In fact it was not until I moved on campus at Bradley University, that I realized how important recycling was to some. Actually, one of my best friends here at Bradley is responsible for helping me realize the significance of recycling. This is still not to be confused with your average recycling advocate argument. I admittedly walk pass the blue bin and opt for the easy way out every chance I get. Which is why I plan on figuring out why some people choose not to recycle, like myself, while others choose to recycle. More importantly, I would like to figure out if and how waste affects our environment. Afterwards, I want to explore ways to move closer to a less wasteful society. Lastly, we must figure out how you, and the rest of our future educators at Bradley University, can help.
The United States Census Bureau estimates that there are about 2.63 persons per household as of 2014. Furthermore, according to Duke University’s Center for Sustainability and Commerce each person will generate about 4.3 pounds of waste each day with less than half of that being recycled. So far this information resembles my own demographic and it may fit yours as well. But, it still does not explain why people choose not to recycle. Personally, I get intimidated by just glancing at the recycling
Pennies should not be made anymore. The penny costs more to make then they are worth. It’s not worth carrying around, it’s to bulky. The penny could round prices down.
Many schools don't have enough funds to support themselves; therefore they should use their money to fix buildings and to buy new textbooks. According to Amanda Ripley’s article, “It's Time To Scale Back,” maintaining a grass field can cost more than 20,000 dollars (11). Premont Independent School was threaten to close because of money issues so they had to stop the sports teams and by doing this they were able to save 150,000 dollars (10). Schools should stop using their money on sports and start using it on the school. In conclusion schools should save their money for more important things. Although saving money is important, allowing kids to study for a longer time is also crucial for their education. Ripley stated in her article that by
Once again legislators have failed to get their act together to legalize MMA in New York.While this would have been an exciting step in the right direction the next best tactic is to see how the sport ( categorized as combat) is as safe as possible for the athelete. The amemdments to the lastest bill were a jab in the right direction (pun intended). By having an Athletic Commission or third-party organizations approved by the Commission sanction events this ensures conformity of promoters, events and atheltes alike.
BRUNSWICK, OH- The ball glides down the alley striking the top pin causing them all to ripple down. Brunswick’s bowling team's season is coming to an end and for the seniors their jersey’s put to retirement. Some seniors will continue to play in college but for most their final game is almost here.
The Great Debate is about the weather or not to keep The Constitution. Which the Anti-Federalists didn’t want around anymore. But The Federalists had believed that somebody had to have some type of power to keep all states in control at once. But it had to be ratified by at least 9/13 states to become a legal. But each side had their own opinions on how the states should be handled.
Do you know that many americans do not know how important recycling is? In the article “Importance of Recycling” by Rinkesh he says, “Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations.” This statement explains how many americans do not know how important recycling is to keep this planet and many more generations going. Many people do not know the different ways recycling helps out our enviroment. Personally, recycling is important for the environment, which is why I decide participate in it and recycle at home. I like to recycle cans and bottles. In my opinion, there are many factors as to why the environment needs recycling, but to shorten the process I came up with three major needs as to why
Across the nation and world assisted suicide is an issue that has been gaining attention for several years. With famous cases such as Jack Kevorkian it has become a household term and everyone has an opinion. There are strong cases on both sides, but the bottom line is while it may sound good for the present, it is not for the future. Assisted Suicide should not be legalized in Alabama as the negative outcomes far exceed the positive outcomes in the areas of impact on society, politics and medical education
Times. http://www.nytimes.com.2008/02/19/world /americas/19iht-princeton.1.10175351.html Fitzsimmons, W. 2014. Time out or Burn out for the Next Generation. Retrieved from
For example, more than 80% of the oceans surfaces are covered in trash or polluted. Therefore, if we continue to throw trash away, many of our natural resources will be gone before our eyes. We are responsible for this planet so we should start treating it better. Not only would it help the planet but also it would protect our wildlife. One big result of not recycling is the Great Barrier Reef. Recently the Great Barrier Reef has been in its worst condition as possible. There has been tons of trash surfacing the water, the wild life as starting to die out because of it and the list continues. But thankfully, there are people out there that are trying to save it from becoming nothing but a polluted ocean. Another reason why we should recycle is it creates more jobs more people. An estimated 1.56 billion people in the US are currently homeless. Why not help them out and the environment by hiring more people for recycling related jobs. It would not only help the environment but it would help people in need for
Recycling doesn’t affect people that much, but it does affect wildlife and animals. Like the six pack rings, soda comes in, fish get caught in it and they die. Another thing is plastic bags get thrown into the ocean and turtles mistake it for jellyfish, eat it and die. Would you believe me if I told you that glass, aluminum, paper and plastic are not A report from the Federal Highway Administration shows that 80 percent of the asphalt that is removed each year during widening and resurfacing is reused. Recycling has been around for thousands of years, but we still need to recycle even though people thought of this a long time ago. A consequence is the New York City Landfill. The New york city landfill contains 2.9 billion cubic feet of trash. The new york city landfill can be seen from space. The new york landfill is one of the only things that can be seen from space. Another consequence is that farmers in Wisconsin and Minnesota are just now starting to recycle. Minnesota and Wisconsin farms produce 60 million to 80 million pounds of plastic every year, but until now they had no way to get rid of it besides throwing
People Need to Recycle In the United Sates, where the population is inflated every year. The amount of space for landfills decreases every day. The need for recycling should not be asked, it should just be done out of habit. Everyone in America needs to recycle, to help the lamdfill problem, help the environment, and help produce new products from recycled goods. In America there is about two-hundred and eight tons of residential and commercial trash generated a year, 4.3 pounds per person a day (Prichard 1A). This is an overwhelming amount of trashed produced yearly. When people recycle this number can be drastically cut. But many people do not practice and use
If everyone were to just stop recycling no one would really see a change in their regular days and people would think it would all seem the same and it doesn't affect them. However, the environment we live in effects everyone and as stated by Marck Recycling each person regularly generates 4.38 pounds of waste per day which would all go to trash if you weren't recycling so it would multiply by 7.125 billion people on earth and we would end up with 31.2 billion pounds of waste in landfills every single day. It would also have an impact on how we manufacture resources since we do have a certain amount of natural resources. Many people may think well we can plant more trees to create more resources however, cutting trees down is quicker than a tree growing. So overall, not recycling would have a negative impact in how we get and create resources but also landfills and
It is often assumed that failure is a deterrent to achievement. Rather, failure should be seen as a motivator for a person to keep trying until the objective or aim of a particular mission is fulfilled.
Dan Phillips once said, “I had always suspected that one could build an entire house from what went into the landfill, and, sure enough, it’s true.” We throw away tons of trash each and everyday. Trash that is not always necessarily waste or used to it’s full potential. Trash that was once apart of our lives that we kept in our homes. Nobody really thinks about it or what happens to it after it’s out of our lives. Maybe it’s time we start thinking about where all our trash winds up. I mean, have you ever really thought about it? Thought about the piles upon piles of trash polluting the air we breath and killing our environment. My issue is how no one seems to care. To change their ways and make a difference. To save this world it might be time to consider recycling. If everyone recycled a little bit each year, tons of the trash killing our planet would cease to exist. I’m fully prepared to go over exactly why we need to recycle, how to start recycling, and some of the benefits that have occurred as a result of past recycling. Let’s start
Good Afternoon, the reason for this letter is to appeal the decision of me being denied unemployment benefits. The reasons stated for my termination were incorrect and false. The decision made by Unemployment Insurance was based off incorrect information.