I think dogs are better than cats for many reasons. Dogs are nicer than cats. Dogs are more fun to play with. Dogs are safer than cats. First of all dogs are better than cats because they are nicer. Dogs are gentler than cats because they are nicer to children. Cats sometimes bite people dogs most of the time don’t bite. Second I think dogs are more fun to play with than cats. Dogs like to play games but cats usually just sleep. Dogs can play fetch with you but cats don't play fetch. Dogs have more energy than cats which means they like to play longer. Finally dogs are safer than cats. Cats have long nails but dogs don't have that long nails. Cats sometimes claw and attack people with their nails. Dogs are more gentler. Cats,
Whether it is an inside cuddle buddy, or an outside mice killer, cats make wonderful pets. While dogs stay dirty, drool, and bark, cats clean themselves, are clean animals, and meow quietly. Cats are warm and fuzzy and love to cuddle while they take naps. Dogs are too rambunctious and energetic. Cats make better pets than dogs.
and self sufficient? It is undeniable that cats are way better than dogs. Cats can lick themselves clean, and they make little to no messes whereas dogs slobber everywhere and need to be given a bath. Dogs also take forever to train and have a shorter life expectancy than cats while cats take less time to train and will be around longer. Wouldn’t you rather spend less time training your animal and have more time with them? Not to mention, dogs can be a pain to take on walks, but cats use the litter box without any assistance. Dogs are also a lot louder than cats and definitely more frightening. More people are scared of stray dogs than of stray cats. Do you really want a dog that will be loud and obnoxious and scare off your guests? With all these reasons it’s hard to deny that cats are tremendously better than dogs.
The cats versus dogs debate is probably as old as the existence of early canines and ancient felines. Dog owners have long argued that dogs are better pets, but me, as a cat owner, beg to differ, and here’s why.
I have heard the old saying that dogs are man’s best friend. I don’t know much about dogs, but I do know a lot about cats. I have had a cat as a pet for at least 30 years. They are wonderful and I know I will always have one in my life. I think cats make the perfect pet because they are self sufficient, intelligent, and good companions.
Imagine walking in the door after a long day; your furry loving puppy is sprinting towards you so excited to see you after missing you all day. Your puppy is ready to grab your attention and distract you from the terrible day you’ve had, comforting you in the process. Dogs are great pets because of their comforting nature, playfulness and protective tendencies.
I think dogs are better than cats for many reasons. I’m sure it is not without reason that dogs are called “man’s best friend.” They are loyal, obedient, and also protective. Even if their attempts at protection are sometimes unnecessary, at least they try.
One of the most debated arguments to this day would have to be that cats are better than dogs. Did you know that more people own cats than dogs? In the US, 95.6 Million people own cats compared to the 83.3 million who own dogs. This speech will state why cats are smarter, cleaner, easier to look after and are also beneficial for your health, such as lowering your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol.
Owning an animal can take up a lot of time. For most people time is of the essence, and spending a lot of time on an animal is unrealistic . Cats are able to live without their owners for days on end. They can usually find something to eat, and pee if plants for example. But dogs need to be put in kennels and looked after by another person. Dogs also have to be put on leashes when they are outside. Cats have the ability to roam freely because their owners do not have to worry about them causing a lot of trouble. A cat is allowed to be outside until late hours because owners know that the feline will make its way home, where as a dog at night is usually brought inside, or chained up outside.
One of the dog’s best advantage is that according to the article, ”they can be trained to protect your home, keeping it safe from harm.”(Anonymous) The dog’s ability to defend it’s owner alone justifies it as the better option for many every household from the frail elderly to the budding family. Furthermore the cat cannot adequately guard its household, and may even disregard its owner’s property and viciously destroy furniture as mentioned
By the standard of EQ, dogs come out slightly ahead of the intelligence game over cats. According to Wikipedia, there is only a 0.2 percent advantage to the dog. Such a minute difference may be the reason dog and cat parents argue about their favorite pets.
The most amazing pet you can get is certainly a dog! In my opinion, dogs are a much better pet than cats. Although everyone has their own great choice, I will always love dogs more than cats. Yes, cats can take care of themselves, making them easier to care for, but dogs can help you emotionally, keep you healthy and safe, and don't need any special food! One reason why I admire dogs more than I admire cats is because dogs make favorable companions.
While dogs and cats are a lot alike, you have to consider their differences before you choose your pet. As mentioned before cats do not require cleaning nor exercising or training, while dogs are in need of all these things. If you want to raise a pet then, try to manage your time before you choose your best
Many people believe that dogs are smarter than cats, and are better pets. Dogs are able to learn tricks while cats prefer to be alone. They also can be walked on a leash with no problems. Even from a scientific standpoint dogs are smarter because they have larger brains than cats. However, cats are still good pets for some people, and are very clever.
Another difference between cats and dogs is their social interactions. Dogs are more of pack animals. Members of their pack or family are very critical to them. They look for a
There is always the chance that someone could prefer both cats and dogs. This fact is supported by people who have both, but are more likely to think in the same fashion of a dog person. In this case you are also likely to talk to your animals, possibly have a four year degree and even dislike animal-print clothing. I know those sound a little nuts but I have to admit when you need someone to talk to cats are great. I am working on that four year