
Arguments Against Flag Burning

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Flag Burning The burning of a flag is simple, it is literally when someone burns the country’s flag. Flag desecration os abusing the flag in anyway in public. It should be highly illegal. No person should be able to burn the beautiful red, white, and blue flag that our soldiers hang proudly for this country. People that do not like this country can choose to express it by doing it differently. It is so disrespectful to our soldiers and the ones that lose their lives for this country. America is a great country and if someone does not like it they should leave the country, there is no reason to burn our flag. The first Amendment allows citizens to voice their political opinions, but the amendment does not allow the burning of any political items. It is never acceptable to desecrate a flag out of anger towards the government. The burning of a flag should not be burned in any form of protest American soldiers burn the flag only when it is torn to pieces and is not capable to fly anymore. The flag should never be thrown in the garbage under any circumstances. Flag burning in the army is a much more honorable option than just throwing it away in the garbage. Our military does everything in their power to protect our flag but if the flag gets torn so bad in war they will have a flag burning …show more content…

He/She is burning the flag of the country that he/she is trying to be apart of. So, it is really just like “well he/she must not respect this country enough to not disrespect our flag.” Why would someone in the government choose to help that person. Anyone who publicly desecrates the flag should be punished in some way. They might not have to be put in jail but should have to get a certain amount of service hours. To some people, the flag, is just some fabric that represents this country, but to the people that are willing to lose their lives for this country it means much more to them than

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