
Arguments Against Gentrification

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Gentrification was something I was experiencing it first hand without noticing for years and when I did realizing it I believe that gentrification is considered a positive change from a concrete perspective and it may be very difficult and unacceptable for many local people to sacrifice the culture they have valued and built over many generations. In other words, gentrification is a “just” process and although there are sacrifices that comes along with the process to improve the city or a district, it will eventually happen over the course of time for economical and social benefits in a big picture. For example, the city of belmont has been recorded as one of the gentrified areas in the San Francisco Bay Area by Urban Displacement Map and …show more content…

These changes in the neighborhood emphasizes the process being done by gentrification. Seeing these changes in the area may be difficult and unfair from a perspective of local people who have been there for many years but it is essential to recognize that Bay Area is one of the areas that has continued to improve economically and it has become one of the most expensive places to live in United States. In other words, replacement of local people and businesses are “just” because people striving for their economic growth and greater opportunity is inevitable because our society has become materialistic and if the local people were in position of gentrifying process they would do the same. Although Gentrification is justifiable, I believe there are room for improvements and changes in the harmful process. For example, the people who are in the position of replacement should respect the history of the city and inherit some of the cultures and create buildings that fits in the community and represents the culture. In conclusion, Gentrification is a justifiable process of changes and improvements that are ultimately inevitable but it is also essential to recognize and inherit the the values, culture, and community that the city has build over

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