
Arguments Against Immunizations

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Immunizations are the powerhouses leading preventative health. Immunizations have prevented diseases, eradicated some, and have saved many lives. In less than 10 years, some viruses have become completely extinct, or close to it. These diseases include smallpox, Hib, polio, measles, and diphtheria, just to name a few. State legislators have acted upon immunizations, and have made laws regarding them: “In all 50 states, the requirements cover diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, and rubella vaccines; 47 states require vaccination for mumps, 44 for pertussis, and 41 for hepatitis B. 49 states require a second dose of measles vaccine, 21 require varicella vaccine, and only 6 require hepatitis A vaccine. All 50 states require the Hib vaccine for …show more content…

The fourteenth amendment states that everyone must have equal protection under the law. Making a federal law requiring immunizations would give every citizen an equal opportunity at being protected. People have also brought up the first amendment and have spoken out for their rights to religious freedom. The court found that no religious exemption to immunizations is constitutionally required. As said by James Colgrove, “The right to practice religion freely does not include liberty to expose the community or the child to communicable disease or the latter to ill health or death” (Colgrove). 47 of the 50 states do have religious exemptions to accommodate people with religious views, though. Finding no constitutional requirement for a religious exemption, there shouldn’t be …show more content…

It has been shown that schools that require even one vaccination have a much lower disease rate than those who do not require any. Alan Hinman found that, “In the early 1970’s, it was demonstrated that states that had school immunization laws for measles vaccine had measles incidence rates 40-51% lower than states without such laws” (Hinman-123). Incidence being defined as the measure of the probability of occurrence of a given medical condition in a population within a specified period of time. Another incidence rate that has gone down significantly is that of pertussis, or whooping cough; the rate went from 2 million cases 1980 to 161,000 cases in 2013, and it is continuing to decrease. Incidence rates of all vaccine-preventable diseases have gone severely down since vaccines have been introduced, and implemented into everybody’s

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