
Arguments Against Latinos

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In addition, Marcela said that Praeli and Figueroa work depends of the Latino democratic volunteers and members of the party, they are who have been expending the network around Virginia. But it doesn’t mean that Latinos are more likely Democrats, they’re more natural republicans. For example, George W. Bush won in 2014 a second term which had 49 percent of the Latino vote. Otherwise, the conservative hispanic expressed that they don’t reel part of either group. However, they prefer a candidate who helps undocumented people, college help, and support in credits. Also, they think that economy, terrorism and health care matters. Morover, Latino-catholics citizen expressed that although they don’t agree with Donald Trump in many ways, they’d support him for him law-abortion policy. …show more content…

“Trump effect” have made change Latinos mind about registering, for sure, this will help Hillary to be in the White House. Pursuant to Matt Barreto and Gary M. Segura, who are political scientist, in 1994, the more than a million of Latinos who lived California registered to vote protesting to the discriminative propositions which excluded immigrants from the

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