It's the stupidest law just legalize it and tax it like liquor-Morgan freeman,marijuana one of the drugs that has been illegal for many years and we believe that is really dangerous. But on the contrary,we could have more benefits than we think having it legal would just create a bunch of stoners.republicans,news stations say that crime would skyrocket those facts are propaganda that people who have no knowledge of it usually use to repel other ignorant people to believe their facts to join those who oppose legalization.Due to that most people these days are scared to death to think that it has more more uses that people can use other than getting high.Individuals don't want to think for themselves and just follow the scared instead of just
There is a lot of controversial arguments over whether the medical field should fully embrace the use of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of patients. There is evidence based practice that proves Medical Marijuana can help treat patients with signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Glaucoma, Mesothelioma, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The lists are endless of benefits of how Medical Marijuana helps treat patient’s signs and symptoms. There is also arguments against using Medical Marijuana to treat patients. Arguments against the use of Medical Marijuana include: evidence based practice lack consistency, concerns over side effects, and that it interferes with memory, learning, judgment, and perception.
In 1545, the Spanish brought marijuana to the New World. It was introduced in Jamestown in 1611, where it became a major commercial crop grown as an innocent source of fiber (specifically, hemp). By 1927, the production and possession of marijuana had been outlawed throughout the United States, causing a prohibition that is still in effect 80 years later. Since then, the world has seen the violent rise of drug cartels and the high price of fighting illegal marijuana use (Narconon). Marijuana should be legalized because significant research shows that legalization will benefit our society socially and economically.
For many years there have been many people and organizations that do not want marijuana legalized, and there are also a lot of people and organizations that do want to legalize marijuana. It is has been shown by research that this is a drug, but also has benefits to help with health issues. The plant has been a called a miracle herb, which can help people lose weight, regulate and prevent diabetes, fight cancer, help depression, treat autism, regulate seizers and other benefits (Whitley, 2015) . However, these facts have not stopped many people being against marijuana usage.
Many people are opposed to the Adult Use of Marijuana Act for a variety of reasons. One such reason is that marijuana use can not be measured. “Unlike liquor,” George Skelton of the LA Times reports “there’s no 0.08% blood alcohol equivalent for marijuana. There’s not even a common Breathalyzer to measure drugged
For so many years, there has been this unhealthy and corrupt use of drugs that has swept the Latin American nation into chaos and dangerous. Not legalizing drugs, would minimize harm. Two reasons are that the government should not give people the right to legally purchase what will do more harm than good, and also because if one can just overall focus on educating ,and providing better health programs, the public in a more intently matter, than addiction to drugs would decrease.
There is an intensive debate in society, today, about legalizing marijuana. Supporters of marijuana highlight that legalizing will not increase its consumption, and in fact will provide individuals with a legal choice. Opponents argue that legalizing marijuana will increase consumption, which would expose consumers to health risks as extreme as cancer. I believe marijuana should be legalized by the federal government. It is already being consumed in the society, and legalizing marijuana will facilitate monitoring its growth, usage, and help collect taxes. Marijuana has overwhelming support in the medical field as an alternate medicine. Also, marijuana will provide a legal alternative to individuals who rely on illegal and dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. Legalization will significantly reduce marijuana trafficking and curtail black market activities. Furthermore, legalizing will divert the cash stream from black markets to the states and the federal government, in the form of taxes. The additional revenue can be used to do additional research on
People agree and disagree with the legalization for many different reasons, and personal viewpoints. Per the article, “Supporters of legalizing marijuana argue that the ban on the drug has proven ineffective, expensive, and unjust” (Marijuana). It is basically a waste of time and resources that could be focused on something with higher importance, that causes a bigger threat. Those that are for the legalization of marijuana also compare it to tobacco and alcohol. They mention how it could be taxed and used to fund drug treatment and awareness programs. Comparing it to tobacco and alcohol is what the people who are against the legalization do as well, but they use that comparison in a different way. They feel like this advertisement that would come with the legalization of weed could give youth the wrong idea, and corrupt them. They also say it would be hard to regulate and would run into similar problems, such as the ones that they have with underage drinking, if marijuana was so easily accessible. The two sides are in a war between themselves, and only time will tell if one side will change their
Marijuana has been used in religious ceremonies or for medical purposes for thousands of years. I have always been against the use of Marijuana up until four years ago when my husband at the age of twenty seven underwent invasive surgery on his knee and has never been the same since. Colorado took a huge step several years ago legalizing marijuana for medical use and in recent years took the plunge to legalize it for recreational use. Marijuana is not always a bad thing nor is it always a good thing. A lot of people will compare it to any other mind altering substance and have very valid points. I would rather have a loved one or myself smoke marijuana or ingest it, instead of popping pain pills or other harmful substances put on the market by the pharmaceutical industry; Recreational use can be safe and accepting if it is regulated correctly and used responsibly.
Higher income families are less likely to say “marijuana should be legal.” The value of V is 0.040 and it is not statistically significant. The percent of respondents in the highest income bracket who say “marijuana should be legal” is 37.1% compared to the percent of respondents who say “marijuana should not be legal” is 62.9%. It is a weak relationship, yet the hypothesis is supported.
We demand the release of all people imprisoned on marijuana charges and that their criminal records be expunged. We demand that all property seized in marijuana raids be returned to the rightful owners at once. We demand that our law enforcement officers make more efficient use of our tax dollars and use the resources they have at their disposal to go after violent criminals and crimes that actually have victims. We demand the right to grow marijuana for personal consumption, just as alcohol can be brewed at home legally and so long that it is not sold it should therefore remain untaxed. We demand that you stop treating us like second class citizens for consuming something that is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco, both of which are legal and cause numerous deaths each year. Cannabis has never caused one. this was a statement made by the USMP (united states marijuana party).
Since the 1930s, cannabis has been illegal in the U.S. It is classified as a Schedule I drug. It was believed to have a high potential for abuse, no medical use, and was deemed not safe for use under medical observation. Today, it is being approved for patients with severe health problems, and it’s being used to treat pains, nausea, etc. Even though it has been proved to help many people, the government takes a very different stance on cannabis.
Marijuana is the most used drug by teens and adults today. There are many strong arguments against the legalization of marijuana; there are also many valid reasons to legalize the drug. Although marijuana alters the natural brain functions like: memory, attentiveness, and coordination, keeping it illegal will not stop people from using the drug, but it imposes on other issues that need to be solved. With legalizing marijuana it would give law enforcement motive to focus on real crimes, the government would make a huge profit by taxing it, and it can also be beneficial for some medical needs.
The initial usage of marijuana for medical or therapeutic purposes emerged in the early nineteenth century and gradually gained popularity among physicians. It was not until the late 1930s that the prescription of marijuana faced any legal restrictions. Minor federal limitations such as the Marijuana Tax Act, Boggs Act, and Narcotics Control Act eventually propelled the ultimate legislation which is still in place today (Clark). This legislation, the 1970 Uniform Controlled Substance Act, categorizes marijuana as a Schedule I illicit drug. That is, the possession, purchase, distribution, or medical prescription of marijuana is considered a felony. It characterizes marijuana as a substance subject to abuse and lacking any medical purpose or
The first recognised use of marijuana dates to 2737 B.C. where Chinese medics used this plant to treat several diseases like malaria. Marijuana first started being popular and draw worldwide attention was when the U.S. outlawed alcohol in the 1920s, many people turned to weed as a replacement for the extremely popular alcohol. Since then there has been a staggering trend in recent decades in the use of ‘pot’. Marijuana was first classified as an illigal drug in 1970 when the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) identified weed as a schedule 1 drug which is considered an illicit drug. This has caused controversy worldwide that is still ongoing today. In today's climate, one of the most controversial issues is if Cannabis should be legalized
The legalization of illicit drugs has been a popular topic of debate. While there is often concern about the potential toxicity and the habits that may form, drugs are not necessarily the problem. In fact, the legalization of illicit drugs may be the answer to some of society’s problems. More drugs should be legalized because the drug is not the cause of the problem, our behavior is. Also, when compared to other substances that are legal we see the same social ills arise. If drugs were legalized crime would also be reduced. There is often a stigma placed on drugs, and because of this it is often hard to see the benefits that may arise from the legalization of drugs.