
Arguments Against Legalizing Prostitution

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Legalizing what they call “the world’s oldest profession” has been a debate in several countries for many years. Sexual crime rates, arrest, judgment, and the safety of everyone is what really matters, and if legalizing prostitution is a safer path, the U.S. government needs to take it. . It is a touchy subject and it has it objections, but there are many reasons why it should legal.

Legalizing prostitution would lower violence, sex crimes, and arrests. Research and studies have shown that during the time Rhode Island accidentally legalized prostitution, the number of prostitutes largely increased, but the rape cases deceased 31 percent and gonorrhea 39 percent. If ever legalized, sex workers would be able to do business on their own without an abusive pimp, which would reduce the violence and abuse. After legalization, the people who wish to fulfill their “sexual urges” have an option ready. Instead, of committing rape, they could simply pay a prostitute …show more content…

“When women say the harm in sex work comes not from the act of selling sex, but from the stigma and violence surrounding it because of its illegal nature, we must hear them.” (Datta). If prostitutes could turn to police for help from an abusive pimp or unwanted client, without the fear of being arrested, they would be able to work in a more secure and professional environment. Legalizing prostitution, can allow sex workers to form unions, make a safe environment for them, allow birth control and condoms. Thus reducing STD and unwanted pregnancies, and even give prostitutes the right to say no. “If sex workers should be required to get regular blood and STD tests, so should the clients who see them. Whether these two protections -- against violence and against disease -- come about through decriminalization or legalization depend upon the letter of the law.”

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