NFL Protest Many Americans disapproved and were very angry about the NFL protest. Americans think protesting during the national anthem was disrespectful to our military and the nation, but like Washington, I believe it is a reaction to racial discrimination and police brutality against African Americans. In the article “ Kneeling Isn’t about Patriotism—It’s a Distress Signal,” author Marvin Washington, a former NFL player, discusses how the protests by NFl players are for raising awareness of racial inequality. I agree with Marvin Washington because he showed in the article how Your racial background is a reason behind police brutality and how the law violates our constitutional …show more content…
A police in our society is supposed to serve as our protector. Their job is to save lives not destroy them, not to racially discriminate, their jobs is to catch the criminals to make us safer. The chances of America seeing how police brutality is towards the African Americans is really low. Some victims are even scared to file a complaint against a police brutality, they ask themselves if the police that was supposed to keep them safe is destroying them what’s the point of filing a complaint. Police brutality against the African Americans is the most serious leads in America that keeps violating the human rights law. The law stated that all men are equal no matter what their ethnicity is, but police brutality is mainly against African Americans. 80% of the times and 10% of Latinos. This is a violation of our constitutional rights. America shouldn’t be against the NFL protest because they are Americans to and a citizen first they should be allowed to protest where ever they feel they will be heard, they should be allowed to fight against racial discrimination. There hasn’t be one city Mayors concerning about this issue, giving use ideas of how to end police
Many National Football League players started kneeling during the National Anthem to protest the injustices against African Americans, police brutality, respect, unity, and equal opportunity. They are protesting with untrue statements, such as police brutality. In 2016, 233 African Americans were shot by police, but the vast majority were armed and dangerous. Only 16 African American male victims of police shootings were unarmed. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Many African American National Football League players believe they are being treated unequally. Kneeling during the National Anthem is disrespectful to the flag, the soldiers, and the people of the United States.
This act of kneeling down should be considered as an act of patriotic criticism, rather than a betrayal of the nation. After all, patriotism does not mean that we should love and support everything that the government conducts, but rather we should criticize for the greater good of the government, so that it could improve. Government could only improve, if they can hear the voice from the people. Only after accepting the criticism can one improve. Therefore, the focus of such protest in the NFL should be why they protested, instead of the act of protesting. After all,
NFL protest has been a big deal this year. Since 2016, some U.S. professional athletes have silently protested police brutality and racial inequality during the playing of the U.S. national anthem. Throughout the 2016 season members of the NFL and other sports teams have in similar protests. Also quarterback Colin Kaepernick who played with the 49ers still cant get in the NFL due to his kneeling during the National Anthem, Kaepernick was moved to protest by the deaths of numerous African Americans by police actions or while in police custody that gained prominence in the media through the Black Lives matter movement. in recent years. .Some believe it is honoring fallen military soldiers and police officers.
Football players in the NFL are kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem to protest racial discrimination and police brutality; this can be stopped by reducing the football player’s pay, make kneeling during the National Anthem illegal, or try to end racial discrimination and police brutality in America. This protest was started by a quarterback from the San Francisco 49ers named Colin Kaepernick who said that he refused to honor a song or “show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” (McLaughlin and Simon) Even though this is a peaceful protest, it is still unjust and very disrespectful. Not only is it disrespectful to the American Flag, it is highly disrespectful to the American troops that fought for this country.
The movement of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem is a symbol of peaceful protesting. It does not symbolize a rebellion, it instead serves as the way to get the point across that the people will not stand for the social and racial injustice done to other citizens of this country. The action bears no disrespect to veterans or any other patriot who has fought and/or died for the United States.
Many players and their coaches have been protesting police brutality by ‘taking-a-knee’ during the Pledge of Allegiance. The media has been sharing and it has now become a bigger deal since the president has addressed it by saying "Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b---h off the field right now. Out. He's fired. He's fired!" This riled up many Trump supports, secially when later on he tweeted that it had nothing to do with race and that it was about respecting the country. This leads many people to believe that the NFL players are just disrespecting their country. The stereotype about African Americans, that they are often disrespectful, is also being used to ‘justify’ what a lot of the media has to say. But, the real reason many NFL players are protesting is because they think that they shouldn't have to stand if they don't have pride for their country, and they have the right to do so, according to their first amendment. They don't lose the right to protest when they go on the field like some of the media thinks so. Many people, often white believe they live in a just- world because they have never had to deal with the racism many African Americans are dealing with so they do not think it is a big deal and that they are protesting to be disrespectful. The illusory correlation can also
One might bring up the fact that it is just a few police officers who act with inappropriate force. Yet those few acts have been against a majority of black people and on top of that these acts have been constant . Imagine having to repeatedly see the police beat up or even kill someone who
The American flag represents this so-called notion of equality and patriotism, even though it was used alongside with the pledge of allegiance to capitalize on the people’s love of the country. The current controversy is that protest at NFL games is not only disrespectful to the country, but is also a disrespect to our armed forces who fought for our constitutional rights, this paper is simply an observation piece that will discuss the various arguments surrounding the NFL protest and will explore people’s current feelings toward the silent protest.
Police shouldn’t be able to get away with police brutality because innocent civilians are getting shot and dying from police brutality. Some people might even say that police brutality is more likely to happen against African-Americans. Dilascio also states, “When an alleged incident of police brutality comes to light, it generally falls into one of two categories...the incident is isolated, and stems from a single decision that is later called into question (such as when an officer shoots a suspect that is later discovered to be unarmed)”(Dilascio). This quote states that when a officer shoot an innocent man or woman that is later recognized to be unarmed is called to question and is later handled in court. Also when the incident is handled in court sometimes the incident isn’t handled correctly. According to the black lives matter movement, “The Black Lives Matter movement seeks to highlight police brutality against African Americans and argues that police are more likely to use excessive and even lethal force when confronting black suspects”(Police). This quote is self explanatory, but it explains how police officers are
From over 300 years African Americans have struggled from being taken from their homeland to being forced into slavery. They regained their so-called ‘Freedom’ but were never quite equal with all. African Americans have been fighting for equality for years and have had multiple leaders bring attention to the issues like Martin Luther King Junior forming marches to Rosa Parks refusing to get up from her seat for a White person. In this day of age African Americans have come to be perceived in the publics view as ‘equal’ however, this is contradicted because police brutality against African Americans has gone viral and is becoming very common in this work force. Minorities in America should protect themselves from police brutality through political action going through the judicial branch because police are taking advantage and abusing their power they are given.
Police brutality has been in the headlines for years. Reports continually stream in, exhibiting the needless force displayed by police. However, the people don’t always have all the information. The media shows the aftereffects itself, not the reasons why the victim was targeted. Perhaps it was a justified arrest. Maybe it was simply because the target of the attack wasn’t white. Police are constantly put on trial for their crimes, but the community may never know the whole truth. The pain and misery caused by racial profiling greatly outweighs the positive aspects.
There is a major issue with police brutality within the confinements of the United States of America, within society in general. The problem of police brutality is not just a problem with African American, it is spread throughout all the races. “Mr. Castellani who is 20 years old, yelling and pointing at officers, who are posted down the street, after his ejection from an Atlantic City casino for being underage. Four officers rush him, take him down and begin beating him -- a fifth officer soon joins in.”(The Baltimore,Leonard Pitts Jr.). It just so happened that this man was black and had been brutally attacked by police because he said something they didn't like it. It isn't always African Americans that are attacked thought, in 2014 Donovan Duran, a Colorado MMA fighter, was beat and dragged to the hospital by police men claiming Duran was intoxicated and hallucinating. He was brutally attacked because of what he believed in, it didn't have anything to do with his skin color, as he was attacked by white police man and Duran turned out to be a Caucasian man with a family and a job. All of that was taken away from him the moment the cops dragged him into the hospital claiming he wasn't right in the head and the cops found him like that. In 2014 Donovan Duran, a Colorado MMA fighter, was beat and dragged to the
Police brutality is defined as excessive or unnecessary force by police officers towards civilians. For decades, the civilians have mostly been African Americans. Up to the present time, society has witnessed African American lives become unjustifiably taken without any legal consequences. The police officers acquitted verdict overshadows the unwarranted death of African American deaths. The recurring cycle of undervalued African American lives is due to a history of prejudice, racial profiling, and inexperienced and racially biased officers.
Protesting in the National Football League has been going on, as some of the country’s most beloved and highly recognized athletes are seen disrespecting the United States of America on national TV every weekend. The players’ reason for the protesting is police brutality, you can see them kneeling, raising their fist in the air, or even sit in the locker room while the national anthem is being played. Although I do understand what they are trying to do, I believe that there definitely better ways to go about their protest. The protests started in 2016 when Colin Kaepernick, quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, took a knee during the national anthem. When question about his actions he responded by saying, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour”(Lake). While some people sided with Kaepernick most people took offense to his decision to kneel. In him doing this it has caused a league wide outbreak in protest; as players and sometimes even whole teams take a knee or show some type of protest during our country's anthem.
Police brutality is not a new subject. It has been around for numerous years, and like most issues, has resurfaced to the public’s eyes. The recent events brought up the question: Does there need to be a reform in the system in the police system? In this year alone, there have been countless cases of individuals being harmed or even killed by police officers for reasons that continuously are not explained. What has people more attentive to this injustice are statistics showing that most victims in these police attacks happen to be African Americans and other minorities.