
Arguments Against Police Brutality

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Police Brutality has been a growing issue in our society and is only getting worse as time goes on. The issue on police targeting minorities and using excessive force only against them is the major part of the problem. Police brutality is people being shot when they pose no threat to, when cops are using to much force, and a solution to this problem would be for all police to wear body cameras at all times. Police Brutality exists because of police using too much force on people that pose little threat, or if they are a minority and different. First, police departments are using excessive force on people who pose no threat at all. Police departments are using too much force, often ending up in the death of a harmless person (Do U.S.). …show more content…

First, people who show the slightest bit of resistance are often being beat by police and in rare cases, having a gun pointed at them. “People who have been stopped say that if they show the smallest bit of resistance, even verbally, they can find themselves slammed against walls, forced to the ground and, on rare occasions, with officers guns pointed at their head” (Do U.S.). This example shows what is happening and how police are being abusive on how much force they use. Secondly, police are killing a high number of people. In 2014 alone, 1103 have been killed by law enforcement (Police Brutality). This evidence suggests that police are killing a lot of people every year and they have no reason to be doing it. Thirdly, an example of a guy being killed by police for having been called on for a noise complaint. United States Army Veteran Denis Reynoso was killed in his own home after police walked in for a noise complaint, in 2013 in Massachusetts (Police Brutality). From this evidence one can conclude that cops going to a house for a noise complaint are killing and using their excessive force on harmless people. In conclusion, what is currently happening is people are being shot by police for no reason, and they are being killed for something as simple as a noise

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