School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked …show more content…
Larry Wilder, Ed. D had spent 19 years at Fresno County Office of Education, and currently directs the administrative services program in the Fresno Pacific University School of Education said, “The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America’s 85,000 public schools each day.” This clearly states that there is a serious problem with students bringing guns to school. If school uniforms are implemented, these numbers are certain to go down. For example, the Long Beach Unified School District to require uniforms and in the first year of having them, there was a 50% decline in fights and cases of students with weapons. Other schools have dress codes that require the beltline to be exposed at all times for fear of a weapon in the waistband. Educators say that because of that policy, there was a decrease in violence, fights in schools and improved student achievement. School is meant to a healthy learning environment and by decreasing violence, with the use of uniforms and dress codes, schools are starting to become better learning environments. Requiring school uniforms eliminates the chances of bullying. Bullies usually pick on kids based on what they wear. With the use of uniforms, everyone will be wearing the same clothes, not allowing the bullies to pick people out by their choice of clothing. Even those making fun of others would be wearing the same clothes as
School uniform enhances school unity and community spirit and gives every student an equal status, regardless of race, religion or culture, whether they are from the upper, middle or working class backgrounds. This leads to young people feeling secure as a group and less likely to be bullied for not wearing the latest fashion trend, thus banning uniforms would be atrocious.
One of the positive things of enforcing school uniforms is equality between students there is not going to be a division by social classes. The most popular kinds won't be wearing the jeans, meanwhile the kids from the lower class are not gonna be made fun of. This can help the surrounding become bully-free. The students won't be wearing clothes with language and insignia, such as gang colours. They won't be able to pick on anyone based on what they wear. Even with uniforms teenagers can express their identity with the freedom to choose their accessories,hair style etc. Beside everything else schools that require uniforms look more formal and well put together. If the students don't focus too much on what they are going to wear, they can improve
Have you ever felt like you couldn't express yourself because of your school? Well that’s what school uniforms do, the uniforms don’t allow you to express yourself and be yourself. When you have uniforms in school it causes more trouble for the school, the students, and the students parents. So, everyone loses when there is uniforms required in schools. If there were to be school uniforms, then it would be a hassle with getting the uniforms. Also with the whole process of getting the uniforms would be complicated. Schools should not require students to wear school uniforms because the students won’t be able to express themselves or be creative through their clothes, another reason is because the uniforms are expensive, and the third reason is because it could give the school a bad name.
District 230 should not mandate a school uniform policy because of the following: school uniforms go against our rights, raise questions of equality, and they rely on anti-democratic principles. (MP1)To start, school uniforms go against rights in the first amendment like: freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. (EV)Robson states in his Viewpoint, ¨Symbols or words on clothes are most likely to clear the speech hurdle; they will then be evaluated against the “disruption” standard articulated by the Supreme Court in the watershed case Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District. Tinker involved students wearing black armbands to protest the war in Vietnam. Borrowing from civil rights cases, the court decided for the protesters:
Is the absence of school uniforms leading to an up rise of violence between children in public schools? According to the National School Safety Center’s Report on School Associated Violent Deaths, “Since the 1992-1993 school year, two-hundred seven were shooting victims” (Kelly n pag). According to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), “10% of all public schools had one or more serious violent crimes (murder, rape, sexual battery, suicide, physical attack or fight with a weapon, or robbery), and most of the serious violent crimes occurred in the middle and high schools” (Kelly n pag).
School uniforms are becoming a popular trend amongst schools worldwide. Students and even most parents don’t agree with the implementation with school uniforms; declaring that uniforms take away the right of self-expression. This topic has both pros and cons that can impact youth in both a good and bad way. School uniforms can be beneficial to learning. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they take away the students right to self- expression. Requiring school uniforms eliminate the debate over whether to require uniforms or not is controversial, undeniably complex, and, from the analyses and arguments that are unquestionably rooted in multifaceted social, political, legal, cultural, racial material, and educational structures. The topic has both pros and cons that can be impact youth in both a good and bad way. One factor can be Academic outcomes; uniforms can reflect a student’s work ethnic as well as grades. Another factor can be behavioral outcomes; wearing uniforms may change a student’s attitude to being more professional since they look more
Some schools that have implemented a uniform policy have seen a decrease in disciplinary actions needed and the amount of bad behavior from students. In the article, “Schools Say Uniforms Lead to Better Academics and Behavior, “Principal Lauri Heward states, ‘Since uniforms were implemented, disciplinary issues have dropped more than 75 percent... It is amazing the difference that it makes.” This shows that uniforms are affecting student behavior by dropping the number of disciplinary issues in students. After researching three middle schools with newly implemented uniform policies, the students at the University of Nevada, Reno College of Education stated that ¨discipline referrals were reduced by about 10 percent the first year the uniform policy was implemented. Additionally, school police data showed a 63 percent reduction in police log reports during the first year of implementation.” After arranging to have a uniform policy, schools saw a decrease in problems with the police and minor problems within the school. Both pieces of evidence show that having students wear uniforms around school helped to minimize some of the behavioral problems.
Students from schools with a uniform policy say that uniforms have affected the way they feel about themselves in an unsatisfactory way. Uniforms are proven to slow down the transition into becoming an adult because students aren’t used to choosing their own clothing. Wearing a uniform opens an opportunity for students to judge each other’s bodies based on how they look and it creates room for drama and bullying. The uniforms can also obstruct a student from expressing themselves. Schools should not require a school uniform policy because they delay the transition into adulthood, they cause students to compare their bodies and bullying each other, and uniforms restrict a student’s self-expression and personality.
Ohh nice outfit where did you get it from ,Most people would think about this too think school uniform are the worst thing at at school even worst than some of the teacher, and if i was a ever a principal i would have my school with no dress code ,This is the most talked about thing in school,Schools shouldn't have uniforms because it infringe on religious freedom,uniform cost too much,and they are mostly +uncomfortable.
School uniforms can reduce bullying, as well as gangs, and fights because it won’t put pressure on students to dress trendy like other kids at other schools. Even President Clinton said, “If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.” School uniforms can easily help find out if there are intruders
Wouldn’t you appreciate that your children always know what to wear for school? School uniform is what makes it easy! A set of clothing that is mainly worn, school uniform is one of the school's policy and recommendation. Generally worn in elementary and middle school, this outfit is composed of specific colors of long or short pants and shirts for boys, sometimes with a tie. Girls usually wear a dress or a blouse worn either with a skirt or pants, all however have the same colors. This dress code determines even the type of shoes that should be worn at school. School uniform may vary from school to school, but it remains the basis dress code for the education system. The adoption of school extensive uniform mandatory has been encouraged
School uniforms can help keep students focused more on their education and less on what they're wearing. If everyone is dressed the same then no one has to worry about whether or not the outfit they're wearing will fit in or look acceptable. It has been shown that once schools enforced uniforms there was less drama and distraction in class and test score began to go up.
School uniform has been a controversial issue in the United States. A lot of researchers have debated for centuries on whether or not wearing a school uniform is good. In the United States, most public schools do not require students to wear uniforms. However, students are required to wear uniform in private schools. While in most of the countries, either in a public or private school, required to wear uniforms. They even have summer and winter uniforms according to the weather. Most of the people think that wearing uniforms can help student decrease the rate of gang activity, and behave well in school. However, some of the parents think that wearing the uniform do not have their children’s individual rights. Some of the students think it suffocated to wear the uniform. The downsides are the expenses of buying uniforms for poor people, and violating freedom of expression. Although school uniforms are abrogating students’ rights of expression, school uniform can help improve behavior, reduce violence, substance abuse and peer pressure.
Another big benefit to having a school uniform is the increase of student safety in multiple things. The first, is the reduction of bullying. This happens at schools with mandatory uniforms because it gives bullies less ammunition. Bullies have less ammunition because social status and wealth are not visible to other students because everyone is wearing the same thing. Another thing more broad than bullying is physical student safety. For example, at a K-8 school system in Long Beach,CA enforced a two year mandatory uniform policy and the results were staggering. Assault reports dropped by 34%. Sex offences got cut by a whopping 74%! Fighting incidents decreased by 51%, and vandalism dropped by 18%. It is crazy to me how much things can improve in just two short years by having kids wear uniforms. One more thing, is that it makes it a lot easier to identify trespassers. I mean think of all the school shootings that have
For instance, according to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Office of Education Evaluation and Management, fights in middle schools nearly doubled within one year of introducing mandatory uniforms. This entails that bullies will try to find any possible reason to show status. If bullies want to pick on children about being rich or poor, uniforms are a direct target. Studies also showed that uniforms were equally ineffective for elementary students as to eighth graders. In addition, the regression results from the National Education Longitudinal Survey study found that uniformed public school students, on every other examination other than reading, scored worse than their uniform-free counterparts. This proves that uniforms do not advance academic achievements. Even if teachers think that students may look smarter with uniforms, they don’t academically perform better. Moreover, uniforms are the cause of violent attacks, while there is very little evidence that uniforms provide any benefits at