
Arguments Against Standardized Testing

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“When we began the map test I knew my students were gonna dread it, I myself dread it, and I am not even taking it. So I decided how about a reward for these kids, if you got above your past score you got 7 extra credit points for the test, which made a lot kids eager to get a good score. They went to sleep early, read before bed, and got a good meal beforehand, everything the test recommends the students to do before taking it. These kids fully ready to take it, mindset clear. When they got their scores back most were shocked because the did not score the same or higher, they got a lower score. All across the room I saw devastated faces because they wouldn’t receive their 7 extra points, and all their hard work was a complete waste. I decided to start an investigation so I called the test company and explained the situation and the only thing they told me was ‘well maybe they lied to you.’ this could not be true, 90% of these kids were A average students in an honors class. …show more content…

Them telling me that was when I knew how messed up the standardized testing is,” sophomore year english class. As my past english teacher said, the standardized testing world is messed up. From irrelevant questions about a talking pineapple racing a rabbit to finding graders through a craigslist add, there is serious need for a makeover. And yes, America is not number 1 in the education charts, but is this the right way to fix it? Standardized testing in the United States is not only a difficult challenge for us students, but also the teachers, also they do not show a students fully capability. Therefore it is not accuratlly measuring my intellectual capability, nor any other

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