Since the Palestinian civil society groups issued the call for BDS, it has garnered numerous support. The support from US entities have been diverse. Several academic unions have participated in the boycott, and continue to make inroads on several university campuses. Entertainers, including Lauryn Hill have decided not to perform in Israel in solidarity with the movement. However, numerous US policy makers and lawmakers, as well as, private individual and organizations, have stated opposition to or taken action against the BDS movement. A number of Congress members argue that the BDS movement is discriminatory and therefore, there is a need for legislative options to limit its influence. As the CRS reports, this lead to the Bipartisan Congressional …show more content…
Amongst these states are Illinois and South Carolina. In the former, the bill aims to prevent the state’s pension fund from being invested in companies that boycott Israel in any form. In describing what is understood to be ‘Boycott Israel’, the bill labels any “means engaging in actions that are politically motivated and are intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or otherwise limit commercial relations with the State of Israel or companies based in the State of Israel or in territories controlled by the State of Israel.” It admits that the move is political but necessary as it will combat economic harm against the state of Israel. This highlights how many of the actions of the BDS movement and the anti-BDS movement, even though political in nature, are implemented with the aim of disrupting or promoting trade. In South Carolina the law is passed restricting contracts with companies that boycott countries with open trade relations with the US. It prohibits all public entities in the state from doing any business with entities unless said entities are able to prove that they have and will not participate in any boycott of any states in which the state of South Carolina is able to participate in open
For this task, I am going to explain how two national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice.
This newspaper article discusses how more business such as Walmart and the Apple store are beginning to call on office holders to reject the laws designed to give business the right to deny service based on one’s sexuality. This article gives an opposing view of my stance that businesses should be able to deny service. In addition, it justifies my argument that more people are becoming more excepting off the LGBT community, however only a small portion. The information from this site is accurate and had reliable information to support its research and argument. Furthermore, the article is geared toward all American people as its goal is to provide information of what corporations are doing to stop legislation denying service to the LGBT community. The corporations mentioned in the article have a huge voice and can make a large impact on government, as they hope to one day make a
The BLAG argues that the Court should apply the lowest level of scrutiny, rational basis review, because the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community is not a protected class. Since all parties agree the Supreme Court has jurisdiction, the court argues there is no injury to Congress if DOMA is overturned, that BLAG violates the separation of powers, and that no Article III controversy exists. There are many social implications for the DOMA but BLAG agues it serves a federal interest by preserving traditional marriage to encourage responsible procreation. Proponents of DOMA believe marriage is about bringing together men and women so children can have mothers and fathers—parents with differentiated roles that are not interchangeable. BLAG claims responsible procreation is at the heart of society’s interest in regulating marriage because of the inextricable link between marriage and children. Those opposed to DOMA argue it is bad social policy and claim that all Americans—regardless of their sexual orientation—deserve the rights afforded to their peers because all are contributing members of society. They also argue that burdens placed on members of the LGBT community are based on harmful stereotypes with no basis in the individuals’ abilities. Concerns from the federal system are proponents of DOMA claim the law protects states’ sovereignty and neither creates a federalism problem nor hinders state autonomy. DOMA ensures states can independently decide to refuse same-sex marriages because DOMA allows each state to define marriage for itself under state law, and does not allow any state’s definition to eclipse another’s. Those opposed to DOMA claim Congress disregarded federalism
In this week’s forum we are asked to identify a piece of legislation that is being or have been debated in Congress. A woman's choice: The right to privacy and the right to choose (2013), identified the Texas law called the House Bill 2 (HB2). The Texas Latino community filed the suit called HB2 that requires doctors at all abortion clinics to possess admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, and for the clinics to meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers, known as Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, docket 15-274.
In this task I am going to quickly explain how one particular legislation promote anti-discriminatory practice and then assess how it 'd been utilized. I am then going to evaluate the impact of a late national approach activity that advances hostile to oppressive practice. Ultimately I will be evaluating the accomplishment of a late legislation in advancing against prejudicial practice.
P4: In this task I am going to quickly explain how one particular legislation promote anti-discriminatory practice and then assess how it 'd been utilized. I am then going to evaluate the impact of a late national policy initiative that advances hostile to oppressive practice. Ultimately I will be evaluating the accomplishment of a late legislation in advancing against prejudicial practice.
For this task, I am going to explain how two national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice.
These resolutions “reject the BDS Movement and its activities,” and also “reject activities that contribute directly or indirectly . . . to promotion of economic, cultural, and academic boycotts against Israel,” “by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement against Israel.” These rejected activities include economic, cultural, or academic boycotts against Israel that the states assert are attempts to “economically and politically isolate Israel within the international arena.”
Uprisings against police crimes, protests on Israeli occupation, lobbying for gay rights, striking for a higher minimum wage, etc. are all fought with the same fist and same power: that of the people. Just in recent months, black activists in Chicago have traveled with student groups to Palestine in opposition of apartheid, and Palestinians marched beside the black community during the Black Lives Matter movement. Political prisoner Angela Davis lead the community hand-in-hand with Rasmea Odeh, a contemporary victim of political repression. The same can be said about so many other organizations and communities here in Chicago. The struggles of so many across the globe are unified here in Chicago by the thread of tyranny and injustice. This unifying thread only serves to symbolize how struggles belong to no single body or group of people, but are obstacles that must be overcome by the global
In a problem filled world that seems to be spiraling out of control, America cannot stand to be divided as black and white or liberal and conservative any longer if we want to succeed. The moderate ideology will provide the compromise this country needs. Three issues that are at the height of controversy include the LGBTQ community, abortion, and foreign aid. On June 6, 2015, same sex marriage was legalized by the federal government. This engendered the huge recognition of the LGBTQ community as it was thrust into the spotlight. 4% of the adult population identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual in addition to the 700,000 transgender individuals. Currently, the North Carolina law that restricts people to a public bathroom based off their gender at birth, is still in dispute. Liberals believe that it is the government's
A theme in the book Animal Farm, written by George Orwell is the theme loyalty. Loyalty towards an enemy is a theme in the book Animal Farm due to the animals being loyal to an enemy named Napoleon. A question that is related to the theme of this book is why were the animals loyal to Napoleon? They were loyal because Napoleon promised things to them and took advantage of them knowing that the animals had weaknesses. Napoleon was their leader, and they followed his orders no matter what the conditions were. When the windmill blew down, Napoleon convinced the animals that Snowball had done it and convinced them to re-build it. The reason why Napoleon was in so much power was due to the fact he had more people around him to support what he said. Also that he was somewhat intimidating to the other animals. Napoleon influenced the animals, in many ways due to his evilness.
Gender equality is a pressing issue in the United States. The definition of gender, and the rights that accompany them, is constantly being updated and adjusted. The LBGT community is fighting for equality after being repressed for many years. Because of this sudden movement, social issues are sparking outrage and debate on whether a certain law or right for LBGT people is to be initiated. In many instances, these issues dominate the media, and cause for chaos on both sides of the spectrum. The bathroom controversy exemplifies this. The LBGT community argues that anyone should be able to use whichever bathroom that matches with their identified gender. Members of the LBGT community should not be able to use whatever bathroom they please.
The struggles not only happen by outsiders for African Americans LGBTQ individuals, but within their own communities. Yet the LGBT movement’s lack of substantive work on issues most relevant to people of color leaves the movement vulnerable to irrelevance and division—and leaves fully one-third of the members of the LGBT community underserved.
My vision of a perfect utopia is a place where no one is sick, everyone can have the things they want and need- like food, and everyone would have a home.
Apple is involved in the process of designing, manufacturing and marketing computers, all mobile communication gadgets and portable music gadgets. It also engages in selling of software and its services. Currently, the company is involved in production of computer components and electronics and in distributing them to the (Apple, Inc., 2012).