
Aries Idea Of Childhood As A Social Construction

Decent Essays

Historians studying children have argued that childhood is a social construction, rather than a biological phenomenon because not all societies have the same concept of childhood. Acknowledging childhood as a social construction guides us to fully understand the various childhoods and also the experiences children had in the middle Ages. The idea of childhood as a social construction was expressed through paintings, the impact of gender, children incompetence and children viewed as an economic investment.
I believe Aries was a distinguished author in the eyes of many anthropologists who have studied childhood because of his insight that childhood is socially constructed and that it changes based on the cultural and historical context. Some of Aries evidence came from paintings. However, the paintings during the middle ages weren’t really portraying the lifestyle of children but mainly symbolizing baby Jesus and the child saints. In the 15th and 16th Centuries artist painted portraits of themselves and children which Aries argued children were seen as mini versions of adults. …show more content…

Being a girl back then and now was completely different. By the age of six many girls had to develop women skills from her mother and manage household responsibilities such as taking care of her siblings and helping out with chores. Girls that age are still children but were treated as young ladies and could marry at that age to live with her husband. In contrast, boys at the age of six were described as just a child because boys did more “childish” things. Goldstein argued that childhood wasn’t a privilege unless they were wealthy because those children were essentially protected while the poor children didn’t have that privilege. The position of the children’s family was also an important factor because not all children were treated the same even if the family was rich, children had very different roles within their

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