
Aristophanes Voices Concerns for Ancient Greek Culture in His Plays

Decent Essays

Aristophanes was not a proponent of the majority of Athenian culture, as well as other aspects of Greek life as whole. He despised the political, educational, and societal views that remained persistent throughout Athens. While his plays may be comedies, he uses them in an assortment of ways. His plays are used to demonstrate a purpose far beyond that of entertainment. He uses his writing for voicing the problems that lie in Ancient culture.
Aristophanes uses each play to reveal certain issues that he felt should have been dealt with. His plays featured satire, farces, and even comical dialogue. His plays were written with clarity and were quite lyrical. Using plays as vessels for opinion is defined best by saying that “The …show more content…

He creates a private and individual peace treaty with the Spartans, and he finally receives his peace. His land and his home become war-free (The Acharnians, lines 195-204).
The Acharnians were appalled that Dikaiopolis had signed a peace treaty. They form a mob and head to his home. There, they insult him and they threaten his life. But the whole time this is going on, Dikaiopolis is mocking them. He is insulting them because of how foolish they really are. Dikaiopolis doesn’t understand why they want to fight so much.
He takes every opportunity to advocate their stupidity by comically refuting their actions toward him and his family. Dikaiopolis says, “Comedy too can sometimes discern what is right. I shall not please, but I shall say what is true,” (The Acharnians, lines 500-501). He means that he is going to say whatever he feels is right, and in the end, no matter what actions the Acharnians take, there isn’t anything they can do to stop him from laughing at what they do.
Aristophanes uses Dikaiopolis as an agent of conveyance. The Peloponnesian War had “devastated the Greek world in the 5th century” (Perry, pg. 70), and this play was written to solidify Aristophanes’ agreement with this statement. By choosing the Acharnians for this play, he chose a people that the Athenians could relate to; a beaten down group of individuals whose only hopes of regaining pride rested in their efforts to win the war.
When this play was written, the Peloponnesian War

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