
Aristotle Chief Good Essay

Decent Essays

In the book Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle, one of the most important figures in the philosophical world, makes a claim about the “chief good” (Aristotle 4). In order to inform the reader of what life the “chief good” resides in, Aristotle first attempts to describe why the “chief good” is not found in certain lives. Throughout chapter five Aristotle claims that the “chief good” cannot be attained in the lives of enjoyment, honor, and wealth. This is evident through the consistent examples of he uses throughout the text. One the “chief good” cannot be equal to those lives. Although a virtuous life does attain the “chief good”. The first life Aristotle examines is the life of enjoyment. Before Aristotle thoroughly goes into detail about why …show more content…

Again, before going into detail, he presents the reader with his argument that the life of honor cannot attain the “chief good”. For example when Aristotle says “honor…seems too shallow” (6). Aristotle then goes into more detail about why honor is so shallow. Aristotle argues that,” they seem to honor in order to convince themselves of their goodness” (7). When Aristotle says that, he means that those who are pursuing honor only perform righteous actions for the honor rather than for the sake of performing the actions. This also goes back to the point Aristotle made when he was talking about pleasure. Again claiming that the individuals are slaves to the pleasure of being known as a virtuous individual. The individuals will continually perform acts just for the honor instead of performing virtuous acts for the benefit of others. For these reasons, one can say that a life of honor is shallow. Furthermore Aristotle explains his why the life of honor can’t attain the “chief good” when he says, “since honor appears to depend more on those who honor” (6). Moreover Aristotle means that the “chief good” cannot be attained in a life that is completely reliant on external factors. Additionally honor is dependent, because the honor should be bestowed to the individual by those with wisdom. Though this is not easily attained, leading into a cycle of committing acts without virtuous intent until they

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