
Aristotle Ethical Kant And John Stuart Mill

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I Introduction Ethics by definition comprise the beliefs and values behind an individual’s actions, in addition to being the philosophical study of such moral principles (, 2017). Therefore, the purpose behind studying ethics is to improve the quality of life of mankind, while creating a moral structure to follow and promote (Kraut, 2014). Throughout history, many philosophers have contributed to the study of ethics; however, Aristotle, Immanual Kant, and John Stuart Mill have substantially contributed to their respective ethical views. Firstly, Aristotle was a proponent of virtue ethics, which is about character. Secondly, Immanual Kant was an advocate of deontological ethics, which is about duty. Lastly, John Stuart Mill was a supporter of utilitarian ethics, which states the best actions create the greatest good.

II Aristotle on Aristotelian Ethics Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, born in 384 BC, was Plato’s start pupil, whom later taught his own curriculum to his students at the Lyceum (History, 2017). In addition, Aristotle also provided research in marine biology, and spent time tutoring Alexander the Great (History, 2017). As a philosopher, Aristotle published two works regarding ethics, Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics, which were about the virtue of character, …show more content…

Moreover, Kant was a proponent of deontological ethics, which states that the responsibilities, obligations, commitments, and ultimately our duties are what guide us down the proper journey, rather than the fear or potential consequences (Desjardins, 2009, p. 35). Converse to utilitarianism, where individuals receive scrutiny for their actions, deontology states that when acting on duty or obligation, consequences are irrelevant (Desjardins, 2009, p.

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