I agree with you, Koreen, I also find Aristotle’s analysis on self-restraint and virtue to be persuasive. I found it interesting how he discussed the differences between a vice person, unrestrained person, a self-restraint person and virtue person. “The self restrained person stands by his reasoning, while the unrestrained person who stands beside his reasoning.” (Sachs 119). Meaning that a self restrained person is able to hold out on doing certain desires, even though they may want to , they do not, while the unrestrained person will give into these desires, and feel guilty or shame for doing them. A vicious person will also give into their desires, but feel no guilt or shame when doing them, even though they are fully aware that what they
Throughout history, virtue ethics have been key in preventing chaos within societies. According to Aristotle, we should live life using reason to identify the mean between two extremes, and abstaining from pleasures brought on by naturally human impulses. In doing this one may become virtuous, and according to Aristotle this is the greatest way to achieve human happiness. I will argue that virtue, not pleasure, is the greater good for humans. It allows us to take a moment and analyze something, rather than making a rash decision without considering the consequences.
Aristotle continues to speak about virtue by bringing up actions that are voluntary and involuntary. He then says that involuntary actions are done through ignorance or compulsion which would starts outside the person. There are many situations in which both voluntary and involuntary actions can be combined. He brings up an example of someone holding a family hostage and giving a person a decision to do something bad. This person chooses, but also wants to do it to save their family. Since the person wants to choose the best outcome, this is a voluntary action. This would be a noble act, but it would make us do something bad. He also says that we should not do some noble things because it may not be worth it. It is very hard to find where we
In his various accounts, Socrates revealed his ultimate embrace of self-control. He particularly advocated for the development of an ethical system whose core value is self-control. Socrates developed a system that entailed getting acquainted with the good and ensuring that the good behavior is portrayed. This implies that people can only attain self-control if they are aware of the moral requirements in a given situation. People have to be conscious of evil to appreciate the good. According to Socrates, self-control is the driving force of the soul, and it helps one to assume the required rationale in every situation. He advocated for people to think critically in every situation to ensure they embrace good behavior and make the appropriate
“But now consider actions done because of fear of greater evils, or because of something fine” ( Nichomachean Ethics Book III 1110a 4-5). Actions performed under threat brought up many conflicts in Aristotle’s argument.
Aristotle believed that practicing virtue leads to a virtuous circle, in which the more you abstain from a vice, the easier it becomes to abstain. Eventually, performing virtuous activities becomes habit. This again can be related to the topic at
The definition of Honorable can be defined in many ways. But in this case it means to have high respect for that one person. To me it means to show respect for that person or that topic. Although he was not a scientist by today’s standards, science was one of the many things he studied during his time at school as a teacher. His study included the study of biology, marine biology and Meteorology. He studied in many fields of science. He was a big scientist of his time. (384-322BC) He is famous for his introduction to the scientific method and is also known for providing important term of science called ‘empiricism’. Aristotle composed over 200 works but only 31 survived. Although he never was rewarded with an award, there was an award named after him. During his childhood he lost his father at a young age. But that only made him strive for achievements. During his time he wrote many books on the human body. He wrote a book over 50 pages which may not sound like a lot now but back then it was huge.
The primary concern of political theorists is to determine by what form of constitution the state will most likely succeed. According to Aristotle the definition of political success means the general happiness of the citizenry. Both Aristotle and James Q. Wilson share the belief that molding excellent character within the citizenry is the first and most important step towards solidifying the happiness of the state as a whole. The basic structure of Aristotle’s philosophies are derived by gathering as much information about the history of a subject as possible (in trying to develop the ultimate constitution Aristotle went through 150 constitution from historically great nations) taking from the good and removing the
It is said that vice has more power over excellence and Aristotle tells his reader, If this is true, then, how will virtue be more voluntary than vice? To both men alike, the good and the bad, the end appears and is fixed by nature or however it may be, and it is by referring everything else to this that men do whatever they do (1114b10). To be able to measure the moral goodness is an action of choice because we voluntarily make the choice to do good or bad.
Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher educated by Plato in Athens during the golden age of Greek Civilization. He would later become a renowned teacher himself. Many of his works, in fact, are actually lecture notes written by his students. It was said that he knew everything there was to know in the world at the time. He wrote extensively on practically every field of study known to man at the time. He wrote with such expertise and logic in each field , most considered these fields of study settled and there were no serious inquires in such areas for over 2,00 years, during the Enlightenment.
Aristotle’s virtue theory states that the point of ethics should be to build a good and moral character with the virtues of generosity, self-control, patience, etc. It states that the golden midway of virtues are the building blocks to a good character, capable of making moral and just decisions. Aristotles claims that human naturally follows the vices of deficiency and excess, and one must use self-control and will power to overcome
Aristotle was walking along shore when up in the distance he saw something shining in the light. He ran towards the object and scooped it up. With much confusion, he ran his fingers across the buttons that lined the bottom half. As he applied pressure, the top half lit up and an apple appeared on the screen. He dazed at it in perplex. He sat down in the sand and got comfortable readying to experiment on the object.
Throughout your life you meet all types of different people however there are only two categories of people who really matter. They are your friends and family. But, you can’t pick your family; you can pick your friends. According to Aristotle “human beings naturally seek others”. “Friendship is absolutely a necessity in life”. Friends come in all shaped and forms and sometimes things. Friend’s essentially made everything in life a bit easier. But, really how do people suddenly make friends and do Aristotle’s theories relate to us today or are they only meant for his time?
Aristotle is one of the world’s greatest rhetoricians. He was born in northern Greece, called Stagira. He first studied medicine. In 367, he was sent to Athens to study philosophy under Plato. Plato eventually died and Aristotle left Athens. He spent his time traveling and continuing his studies. In 338 he went to Macedonia and ended up tutoring Alexander the Great. He conquered Athens, which is when Aristotle returned and set up his own school. Alexander the Great died, and Aristotle was in danger of being put to death. He fled to Euboea, which is where he died.
One of the philosophers I will choose to analyze will be Aristotle. Aristotle believes that people should always participate in the city-state, and only by being the citizen can a person lead and pursue a life of good quality because he believed that that was the main focus and reason of human life. Although he was a great philosopher, one of the ideas that I chose to discuss was that he believed slaves were necessary to the functionality of a good and working society, and that man is only fully rational if he participates in the city. This would mean that even as a slave, you should be the best slave you could be because you are helping the city thrive however you are in the lowest level. Aristotle believes that men should be in power,
Rather than the practical pursuit we are accustomed to, for Plato, Politics is an intellectual faculty. Governance by non-philosophers is to be governed by opinions, beliefs and self-interest; in contrast the philosopher ruler will govern with virtue and justice with no hidden agenda. The philosopher is in love, in love with learning, knowledge and truth. It is important to make a distinction here between the acquisition of knowledge and the acquisition of truth, because knowledge is not necessarily the truth.