
Aristotle Voluntary Action

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In this module 2 Case assignment, I will be deliberating over what it is that Aristotle means to convey in his paper on voluntary action. Additionally, I will discuss the importance of differentiating between what is a voluntary, and an involuntary action. In order to achieve this, I will be presenting a brief overview of how Aristotle himself distinguished between voluntary and involuntary actions in his piece from his book, Nichomachean Ethics. To delve deeper in to how to make this distinction, I will start by looking at such factors as compulsion and ignorance, which have important roles in the classification of an action. I will also be discussing the implications of choices, opinions, wishes and the deliberation involved therein. Additionally, I will reference an example of when an action occurs that is less than …show more content…

An act is the product of choices, opinions, and wishes, which determine if the act will be chosen to be carried out. Choice itself is voluntary, but a voluntary action is not necessarily a choice (Aristotle). A choice is within our control, and as such we have the ability to choose that which we know to be absolutely good. An opinion, like a choice, is voluntary but is not a choice in itself. An opinion leads to a choice as we opine about matters and the inherent evidence to help us decide which choice will provide the most good. A wish, on the other hand, is different from a choice or opinion, in that it can be for something completely intangible. It can be wished that one can freeze time, but we cannot choose to do so, as this is not within our power. What is in our power is the ability to generate an opinion on the matter. Wishes are for an end as they serve to present the final picture, while a choice is the means that will potentially bring one to this particular end. All throughout this wishing and choosing, we deliberate as to which opinion, and choice is the

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