One of the several problems in Surprise Arizona is traffic accidents. These traffic accidents are typically caused by speeding, distracted driving, not following traffic rules.
Everyone is affected by traffic accidents. The driver and passengers of the vehicles involved are affected because they could be injured and their personal time would be taken away. The families of the people involved are also emotionally affected if anyone was injured or killed. Traffic accidents cause issues with money and insurance depending on who caused the accident and the extent of the damage.
Traffic accidents occur mainly at intersections. There are accidents seen along a street, but the majority are on intersections due to people beating the red light, drunk
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It will also be helpful to modify the traffic lights to make them more visible. Upgraded speed cameras will control most people that speed by taking a picture of their license plate and vehicle and giving them a moving violation ticket. Control officers will catch any drivers who are not following traffic laws and will give them a ticket as well. Safety programs in vehicles will help people to do things more safely such as making a call or sending a message. An all-red clearance light will cause all the lights on the intersection to stay red for at least five seconds to ensure that vehicles on all sides are stopped. Making the traffic lights in Surprise more visible whether it be making the lights larger, or switching out the bulbs with stronger, more opaque lights, will also help reduce the number of traffic accidents. The cost for the speed cameras, control officers, dynamic message boards, and implementing an all-red clearance interval have been calculated, however the cost of safety programs in vehicles and modifying current traffic lights are to be determined.
Traffic accidents are become an increasing issue in Surprise Arizona. These accidents have several causes such as distracted driving, drunk drivers, speeding, and more.The drivers, passengers, and families are affected whenever an accident occurs. Accidents are time consuming and they cause injuries, death, money issues, and traffic. If implemented, the proposed solutions will reduce the amount of traffic accidents that occur in Surprise
Inexperience: Inexperience can cause accidents because people don’t know what they are doing and therefore can panic and cause collisions or can drive too fast for their skill level and cause collisions in that way. The worst thing people can do is drive to slow for example if someone is driving to slow they could merge into a roadway driving to slow and be rear ended. There have been many occurrences of people driving with inexperience and causing collision due to it. The easiest way to reduce collisions caused by inexperienced drivers is to have them start on a private road and a parking lot until they are comfortable in the vehicle then having them start driving in different conditions until they are
Distracted driving is the number one leading cause to accidents. Whether it be texting, calling, conversing, eating, grooming or reading. The National Safety Council, NSC, says that one in four car accidents are because of cell phones. Initial data from the National Safety Council estimates that as many as 40,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2016. That marks a six percent increase over 2015 and a fourteen percent increase over 2014. That is the most dramatic two year escalation in the past fifty three years.
Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to the United States of America for years. Many years Police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathalyzer tests and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased, so the Department of Transportation and Highway Safety has composed a series of safe driving campaigns. On many occasions the Transportation Department informs and advises the public about the importance of responsible driving. They propagate safe driving through the various channels of the media and
In other words, a relic’s power rested mostly on the ability of its patrons, presumably the Pope and lords that protect the Pardoner, who is also attempting to copy these authorities to make himself appear influential. Furthermore, the Pardoner creates prestige for his relics the same way that relic custodians have. Robyn Malo endorses this, “his occupation similarly requires him to control his relics and dictate the conditions of access to them… Though his relics are fake, his character still serves to satirize relic custodians, who similarly guarded and regulated contact with their[…]objects” (84). The Pardoner accordingly expects the Host to comply the pardons and relics and submit to the powers that be that govern the Host and every person on the pilgrimage.
In summary, it cannot be said that exact cause of most severe traffic accidents are known with certainty but it is believed that speeding and drinking, jointly or separately, play some role in the events that lead up to those accidents. Also to blame, in many instances, are the design of the highway, the condition of the weather, the maintenance of the vehicle, the time of the day (many severe accidents occur at dusk, with poor lighting and tired drivers), and the presence of radar detectors. A study by the Ohio State Police found that radar detectors were present in at least one of the vehicles involved in 69% of all severe traffic accidents on the highways of that state in 2005. Studies in other states have confirmed that finding, with some estimates of the relationship running as high as 75%.
Distracted driving is one of the fastest growing problems in the United States. It is starting to be considered as serious as drunk driving based on the dangerous outcomes. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), “distracted driving was a cause of roughly 450,000 accident-related injuries and nearly 5,500 fatalities in 2009 alone” (para. 1). Drivers who allow themselves to become distracted while driving are not only endangering themselves, but other innocent bystanders.
Some people use their phone while they are driving, which can put their life and other lives at risk. I proposed that Arizona government some solutions like, make the fine of using a phone while driving same as drunk driver. In addition, I proposed that Arizona government publishes announcements and warning in everywhere like TV, newspaper, social media, can campuses to make it unacceptable in the culture as driving under the influence of alcohol. Also, I proposed that Arizona government create the points system as in United Kingdom which is every traffic violation has a certain amount of points, and if the total exceeds a specified limit the offender may be disqualified from driving for a time or the driving license may be revoked. And the
Better Runoff: California is a coastal state so it has an easy way to get rid of its sewage and runoff. They just have it get drained out into the Sea. However, what if cities could reroute their pipelines into a treatment plant instead. With that many people in one area there is bound to be a lot of wastewater. Why should all this water be wasted instead of being used? Though it doesn’t sound very sanitary it is already being done not only there, but in other places, such as Nevada and Arizona. Although, with the huge population there needs to be more treatment plants in order to keep up with the amount of people living there. According to Gary Wockner, "Enough water flows into the ocean from Southern California’s streets and sewers to meet all of the area’s water needs—that’s right ALL of them (2015)."
Drivers who are aware of the abusive cameras are constantly caught up trying to avoid getting an outrageous ticket; therefore, in attempt to avoid them, drivers are unexpectedly and furiously coming to abrupt stops. In result of the urgent and sudden stop of driver A (the first one to cross the intersection), braking quickly doesn’t give driver B neither enough time or physical room to move out of the way, consequently resulting in a rear-end collision, sometimes involving more than just two drivers. The driver’s panic to evade the ticket ends up caught up in the misfortunes of an even sadder circumstance. Leading reasons for this is thanks to the intentional decrease of yellow-light length times. Studies have shown that since the installment of the cameras there has been intentional scheming to cut the period of yellow light to catch as many victims as possible. It has been verified that increasing yellow-lights to at least one second more would decrease the number of accidents by over 45%. (Maass). An extra reason for which there is
Entrance requirements for Curtis Institute of Music are fairly simple. Curtis requires all students who are native speakers to pass the SAT with a minimum of 500 on both the verbal, and critical reading parts. Curtis requires non-native speakers to pass the SAT verbal and critical reading parts with a minimum of 500. Curtis also required non-native speakers to pass TOEFL written test with a minimum of 550 and the TOEFL computer-based test with a minimum of 213, while passing the TOEFL iBT with a score of 79-80. Both require high school diploma (or equivalent—The GED will be accepted by Curtis only as a supplement to exceptional academic
Red light running is a serious issue in the United States. According to T. Walden and B. Bochner (2011), it is estimated these violations result in over 100,000 accidents and 1,000 fatalities each year. The economic impact is assessed to be over $14 billion dollars annually (“Effectiveness of Red Light Cameras-Texas Statewide Evaluation,” p. 30). Typical costs include items such as property damage, medical expenses, response expenditures, etc. The monetary costs are significant, but the loss of life is incalculable. N. Elminity and E. Radwan (2008) state that drivers who run red lights are the primary cause of high-speed angular collisions at intersections (“Issues Related to Red-Light Camera Enforcement Systems,” p. 32). RLCs are an attempt to increase safety and reduce risk at problematic intersections in order to mitigate these costs.
The resulting pursuit driver training programs will lead to an exchange of information, an increase in knowledge and the development of skills necessary for law enforcement officers to successfully conduct vehicular pursuits. They are making many different programs for people, including the guide: Strengthening the Citizen and Police Partnership at the Traffic Stop: Professionalism is a Two-Way Street This guide is for law enforcement agencies to assist them in conduct traffic stops in a professional manner, to enhance public relations and image of the law enforcement agency, maintain the credibility of the law enforcement agency and to minimize the number of complaints. 1999 Crime-Clock this graphic was developed to compares the incidences of traffic crashes that injure and kill motorists to the assaults and deaths associated with crime in a "snapshot" format. You Drink & Drive, You Lose. America's New Impaired Driving Campaign A new and comprehensive impaired driving prevention program for states and communities to use in reach the national goal of reducing alcohol-related deaths to no more than 11,000 by the year 2005. The campaign targets high-risk populations such as 21- to 34-year-olds, high blood alcohol and repeat offenders, and underage drinkers by increasing public education, expanding public-private partnerships, enacting strong
Car accidents can happen to drivers anytime, anywhere. "According to the National Safety Council, which stated that more than 2.5 million collisions back every year, making it the most common type of car accidents, it is also known that the accident rear end as incidents of injury, because the nature of the collision leads often in whiplash injury the driver in the car in front and about 20% of people who participated in a rear collision injury symptoms of this kind. ", (NHTSA, Among the car accidents, the teenage group is the only age group who is number of deaths is increasing instead of decreasing. Also, all the people are exposed to risk and actually every one of them has got car
An accident can happen to anyone at any time. It is so unusual and it happens because of our unwillingness and careless. I have heard news about people getting car accident in radio and TV. But this time I have experienced a nightmare incident in my life. I feel that everything happens for a reason .This is why my life has changed into a different one. Our life is designed in such a way that we have to learn various information as we grow up and we will learn by doing certain mistakes. Accident can amend your life in numerous manner: Realization of several mistakes, beginning of new sort of life, and lowers the level of quality of life.
Arizona law makers took notice of the dangers that are created by aggressive drivers. The lawmakers amended the “Reckless Driving Section and amended the name of the statute 28-695 to Reckless and Aggressive Driving. Arizona statute defines aggressive driving as a situation in which a person commits a violation of speeding and at least two other traffic violations (i.e., failure to obey traffic control devices, improper passing, driving off the pavement or traveled portion of the highway, following too close, failure to yield right-of-way, or driving in a way that is an immediate hazard to another person or vehicle).” (ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY , para. 2). This was an important step allow law enforcement a tool to make the roads safer. The serious problem is we should be trying to be safer on our own.