
Arming Teacher Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

It’s arming teacher is a good thing? We don’t know, there’s so many school shooting events happened in United State. People always been struggle and complain about this problem all the time. For example, on February 14, 2018, A Douglas High School in Florida. That is a bad and sad school shooting events. There’s 17 students get shot and died in the shooting. This events makes the “ Arming teacher” this problem push to the edge. People start making more speech and procession on Arming Teacher this topic. They said gun always been the biggest problem in the United State. Cause gun, United State always happened a lot of the shooting events and bunch of people get murder during the events. The gun makes United State’s crime rate going up and up. Like Japan this country they start with the operation is …show more content…

Some people think that Arming teacher is a good thing because arming teacher that when the dangerous really coming up and the Arming teacher can really help in that time. When happen next school shooting event that the arming teacher can protect the student before the police come and keep the student safe. “Arming teacher” that’s why people think that will really help and they want the United State executed the “Arming Teacher” this thing. But some people think that they should not arming teacher because they think let the teacher have gun in the school is very dangerous. They think Let the teacher Arming with the gun in the school is a crazy idea. Gun is the thing that always cost so many problem, so why would they let a thing that can coist so many problem that og in school. In plus, school is a safe zoom. A lot of the people think the school is a safe zoom that student doesn’t get hurt but like it always happened a lot of the school shooting events, all the thing because gun make a lot of the school shooting

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