
Army Descriptive Writing

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Picture this: you can smell the incoming rain on a cool October day, you can hear the leaves peacefully falling. You can also hear 65 screaming kids playing on the playground at lunch recess; you yearn to get going to pack for your camping trip that you know will be fun. You quickly throw your clothes, three pairs of boots (you insist that 2 pairs will simply not be enough), your helmet (knowing that you will be riding your horse), and 4 sweatshirts. You throw your bag(s) into the car and start calling to the rest of your family to hurry up. You throw yourself into the car and anxiously wait for them. Feeling like they are taking an eternity, you call, again, for them hurry up. Finally, after what felt like forever, they finally get into …show more content…

I paid very little attention to what I was doing and did it mindlessly, as I had done it many, many times before. I was careful to pay attention to my surroundings, because this was a new scene for me. The smell that first greeted me was wet horse and the heavy lingering scent of the heavy rainfall that had just ended. The glorious sound of multiple horses whinnying greeted me when I stepped out of the car. The sound of people laughing at a joke soon followed. The quiet, nearly inaudible crackle of an abandoned campfire sounded in the background. The pitter-patter of wet leaves falling to the ground with the last drops of water from the sky was a very peaceful, serene sound that was almost as soft as a lullaby being sung to a young child. The muddy ground was definite proof of the downpour that had occurred soon before our arrival. Horse trailers set up with all of the contents stuffed under the awning of each of the trailers was a common view in the campground. The group of the 20 people we ride horses with sat stuffed under the largest awning of all. The horses were sleeping while standing in the cool drizzle that was still coming down. The trees were sagging with whatever watered down leaves that were still grasped onto the branch on the early fall day. I could clearly feel the heavy weight of the high humidity and the light mist the was still coming down, even though the rain had ended prior …show more content…

You could almost taste the thick moisture in the air. The taste of the mouthwatering breakfast lingered in your mouth throughout the morning. A wild imagination fills your mouth with the potluck that I longed for later that evening. You can feel the grogginess of all of the campers in the group, even though it was late in the morning. The morning sun rose to surround the landscape with its warmth. The ever lingering moisture in the air was thick enough you could feel it. You can clearly see the heavy dew on the grass. The thin layer of moisture covers every surface. The insanely beautiful sunrise on the horizon showers you with a bright light that is bound to wake you completely. The peacefully resting horses can be seen from your trailer's window. The slow moving preparation for the day ahead is seen in many neighboring campsites. There is a group of boys desperately trying to start a fire with whatever dry kindling they can find. Many of the adults are seen trying to clean up their campsite from the night before. You can very clearly hear the movement of every squirrel within fifty feet of your camper. The quiet murmur of each family rising to get ready is a prominent sound throughout the campground. The sizzling of the newly built fire, and the water running in a nearby trailer prove to be the only sounds not coming from nature that morning. The quiet sound of

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