Picture this: you can smell the incoming rain on a cool October day, you can hear the leaves peacefully falling. You can also hear 65 screaming kids playing on the playground at lunch recess; you yearn to get going to pack for your camping trip that you know will be fun. You quickly throw your clothes, three pairs of boots (you insist that 2 pairs will simply not be enough), your helmet (knowing that you will be riding your horse), and 4 sweatshirts. You throw your bag(s) into the car and start calling to the rest of your family to hurry up. You throw yourself into the car and anxiously wait for them. Feeling like they are taking an eternity, you call, again, for them hurry up. Finally, after what felt like forever, they finally get into …show more content…
I paid very little attention to what I was doing and did it mindlessly, as I had done it many, many times before. I was careful to pay attention to my surroundings, because this was a new scene for me. The smell that first greeted me was wet horse and the heavy lingering scent of the heavy rainfall that had just ended. The glorious sound of multiple horses whinnying greeted me when I stepped out of the car. The sound of people laughing at a joke soon followed. The quiet, nearly inaudible crackle of an abandoned campfire sounded in the background. The pitter-patter of wet leaves falling to the ground with the last drops of water from the sky was a very peaceful, serene sound that was almost as soft as a lullaby being sung to a young child. The muddy ground was definite proof of the downpour that had occurred soon before our arrival. Horse trailers set up with all of the contents stuffed under the awning of each of the trailers was a common view in the campground. The group of the 20 people we ride horses with sat stuffed under the largest awning of all. The horses were sleeping while standing in the cool drizzle that was still coming down. The trees were sagging with whatever watered down leaves that were still grasped onto the branch on the early fall day. I could clearly feel the heavy weight of the high humidity and the light mist the was still coming down, even though the rain had ended prior …show more content…
You could almost taste the thick moisture in the air. The taste of the mouthwatering breakfast lingered in your mouth throughout the morning. A wild imagination fills your mouth with the potluck that I longed for later that evening. You can feel the grogginess of all of the campers in the group, even though it was late in the morning. The morning sun rose to surround the landscape with its warmth. The ever lingering moisture in the air was thick enough you could feel it. You can clearly see the heavy dew on the grass. The thin layer of moisture covers every surface. The insanely beautiful sunrise on the horizon showers you with a bright light that is bound to wake you completely. The peacefully resting horses can be seen from your trailer's window. The slow moving preparation for the day ahead is seen in many neighboring campsites. There is a group of boys desperately trying to start a fire with whatever dry kindling they can find. Many of the adults are seen trying to clean up their campsite from the night before. You can very clearly hear the movement of every squirrel within fifty feet of your camper. The quiet murmur of each family rising to get ready is a prominent sound throughout the campground. The sizzling of the newly built fire, and the water running in a nearby trailer prove to be the only sounds not coming from nature that morning. The quiet sound of
As I helped set up the tents, I noticed a gentle breeze pick up. We left the rain fly off so we could look at the stars as we slept. Shortly after I fell asleep, the gentle breeze had brought in dark clouds and turbulent winds began to arise. Our parents slowly woke up after the crickets stopped chirping, and the whistling of the winds made it absolutely
Once they were there, the quarter-mile trek to their place had to be made. It was a small, circular clearing in the cone-bearing woods. The area around the fire pit was dirt, for safety reasons. On the outskirts of the copper-colored dirt were five large, round logs arranged in a circle for sitting. Just a few feet beyond the logs, the forest began again in copious amounts of vegetation and growth, like an untamed lion. That night’s weather was just right. The cool air was
I stopped for a moment to get out my flashlight and head lamp before it became pitch black. Light works differently in the woods. There is no light unless it is from the sun or the moon. There are no streetlamps or houses with a light on just, dark. It was absolutely frigid once the sun vanished behind the mountains. I was walking up the road that leads in to the camp. The first that hit me was the smell of rancor, The un-mistakable smell of water mixing with soil. The stream was running strong pushing clear all of the leaves that have drifted down from the trees. The stream was flowed like a small reviver collecting all the water from the rain. I set up my hammock just next to it in-between two towering scrub oak trees with squires flying between them and fell asleep to the sound of the trees talking and the streams
As Bill took his first step in the woods, he takes a deep breath soaking in the scent of oak and fresh ash. “far removed from the seats of strife”, not having a warm bed or hot meals even a full night rest. Knowing he had one abventure ahead for Bill and Kats. Both having to hike 16 miles everyday over rocks,trees, crossing ice cold rivers, and hearding the rain outside of thier tend and the roaring of the bears at night.
The clearing was quiet, it seemed lifeless. The Salinas River still flowed merrily near the hillside. The water was still warm from the afternoon sun, and still reflected a green hue. On one side of the river, the smooth foothill slopes still curved up to the strong and rocky Gabilan Mountains, and the other side was still lined with trees. The willows and sycamore branches still swung gently in the wind, and the leaves still created a green light within the space. It was totally calm and peaceful… but something was wrong. The air seemed heavier, and the sun seemed dimmer. No animals stirred, and everything seemed to be aware of a deep sadness. Nothing moved save for a small group of men standing around an unmoving figure.
My drill instructor TSgt Huggins proudly stated to my flight of sixty other high school kids from around the U.S., “Well boys we just got some breaking news from the commander, the state of Texas’s elevation has increased by four inches and it’s your all’s responsibility to right this wrong and the only way to do that is to push, so get on your face and keep pushing till I say stop.”
Most nights Wenatchee River looked eerily beautiful when the fog rolled over the fiery trees, but that night the mist clung uncomfortably to my skin and skewed the forest around me. I had to rely on the distant sound of chaotic whispers and a faint warm glow ahead of me. The
The vast wilderness opened around them, desert where he rode. Engulfing the rider and his horse in a valley surrounded by mountains, he could feel a cold draft race down the steep slopes. The sky brought on that hazy Autumn feel, where you can’t see anything but gray clouds and the wings of birds leaving for the oncoming winter.
Expansion of Military was a major progressive in the U.S. back in the 1800’s. In fact, many asian countries believed that they should have a bigger military as well because they wanted to get more influenced in the world. Today people still think that the expansion of military is a big deal for them. The reason for that is because military was the only source of defence that kept growing today. The expansion of military also shows how strong the country is and give you a way better reputation as well.
The first military establishment was formed before the United States was officially declared a country for the purpose of meeting the needs of the colonists during the American Revolution. The Army’s mission is to fight and win the Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across a full range of military operations. Although the history of the United States Army is deeply rooted in the country’s history, the implementation of the United States Special Forces Operations Unit is fairly young having been established in May 1952 yet unannounced to the public until 1954. In an effort to uphold the Army’s mission, the Special Forces Operations Unit was initially formed to assist with
The sun was glistening through the tall, swaying pines. To the right of the trail, a gentle river flowed softly down towards the mouth of the lake. Walking across the rickety wooden bridge, I inhaled a deep breath of refreshingly crisp mountain air. The sun beat down on me as I made my way across the bridge and back onto the well-used hiking trail. The ambient sounds of chirping birds, babbling water, and the croaks of several frogs filled my ears as I made my way around the bend. As I entered the mouth of the forest, I could see my father standing in the middle of the path, glancing upwards, taking in the beauty that had began to engulf us. “We better get going.” he said, looking back at me. “There’s still many miles to go.” I smiled and turned, taking in one last view of the beautiful creekside. Then, with determination, we set out to finish the challenging trek we had started.
The word discipline comes from the Latin word disciplīna which means "to instruct". Discipline is a specific form of instruction which develops self-control, character, and efficiency.
Many people are concerned about the U.S. military because of how many risks come with joining it. However, the U.S. military also explains the benefits that one could receive. Joining the military is a decision that should not be taken lightly. One must understand all aspects of the military. In order for a voter to be fully informed about joining the US military, one must consider both the risks, like mental illnesses and commitment and benefits, like education, and experience.
What is a profession? First and foremost let’s look at how we can define a profession from a general point. A profession is an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation. Profession doesn’t mean only to be perfectly prepared on the basis of theoretical aspects, but to meet the strict criteria as well. A good professional should be a leader and leadership means solving problems. Leaders can be assessed according to the amount of resolved problems. Everybody has a tendency to be successful, in trying this; a successful leader has to be confident in his decisions. It follows from that, that generally we can consider the leader as an expert, a matured personality, somebody who meets the high
There are many job oppurtunitiesin the army. Anyone one can join and be anything he wants. In the army everyone has the chance to travel the world. The army has certain benefits and requirements. All of them will be explained.