
Army Reserve

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Army Reserve: A Better Choice
Stacy Tharpe
Devry University

With tensions building around the globe, it takes a multi-tiered force of highly trained, committed Soldiers to protect our freedoms and uphold democracy. This force consists of Active Duty Soldiers and Soldiers in the Army Reserve. (US Army) Many families struggle with the decision to enlist Army Reserve or Active Duty. Evaluating your current living situation can help in the final decision. Army Reserve allows you to serve your country while still having a civilian life. I believe Army Reserve is a better choice for someone with a family, despite the limited benefits, because it allows personal choice of living, more time with loved ones, and provides benefits. The Army …show more content…

As a Soldier in the Army Reserve, you’ll earn money for education, cash bonuses, discounted health care, build retirement, and more. All while you pursue your civilian career or continue your education. (US Army) Being in the Army Reserve provides the time and freedom to further your education while taking advantage of the educational benefits provided. As a Soldier, you — and your family — are entitled to low-cost Army Reserve life, health and dental insurance. The Army has one of the biggest health care networks in the world, with state-of-the-art technology, world-renowned facilities, and some of the best and brightest staff in the industry. Just like your civilian job, the Army Reserve pays you for your hard work. However, unlike most civilian jobs, the Army also rewards you with thousands of dollars in bonuses on top of your salary. (US Army) Active Duty soldiers have full access to benefits without limitations. Active Duty soldiers receive basis allowance housing (BAH) to assist with the cost of living. The amount provided is determined by the size of the family and the location. Another benefit of being active is the health care coverage. When a soldier is active duty, they receive full coverage health care insurance at no cost. Unlike being in the reserves, there is no minimum deductible or copay. Though Active Duty gets more benefits, the

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