Army Reserve: A Better Choice
Stacy Tharpe
Devry University
With tensions building around the globe, it takes a multi-tiered force of highly trained, committed Soldiers to protect our freedoms and uphold democracy. This force consists of Active Duty Soldiers and Soldiers in the Army Reserve. (US Army) Many families struggle with the decision to enlist Army Reserve or Active Duty. Evaluating your current living situation can help in the final decision. Army Reserve allows you to serve your country while still having a civilian life. I believe Army Reserve is a better choice for someone with a family, despite the limited benefits, because it allows personal choice of living, more time with loved ones, and provides benefits. The Army
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As a Soldier in the Army Reserve, you’ll earn money for education, cash bonuses, discounted health care, build retirement, and more. All while you pursue your civilian career or continue your education. (US Army) Being in the Army Reserve provides the time and freedom to further your education while taking advantage of the educational benefits provided. As a Soldier, you — and your family — are entitled to low-cost Army Reserve life, health and dental insurance. The Army has one of the biggest health care networks in the world, with state-of-the-art technology, world-renowned facilities, and some of the best and brightest staff in the industry. Just like your civilian job, the Army Reserve pays you for your hard work. However, unlike most civilian jobs, the Army also rewards you with thousands of dollars in bonuses on top of your salary. (US Army) Active Duty soldiers have full access to benefits without limitations. Active Duty soldiers receive basis allowance housing (BAH) to assist with the cost of living. The amount provided is determined by the size of the family and the location. Another benefit of being active is the health care coverage. When a soldier is active duty, they receive full coverage health care insurance at no cost. Unlike being in the reserves, there is no minimum deductible or copay. Though Active Duty gets more benefits, the
On top of all that, a member receives military benefits such as life insurance, medical benefits, and access to the Post Exchange and Commissary.
The Colorado First Light Infantry was an anti-militia group in the U.S. that only consisted of three members. Although this homegrown terrorist group was small and short-lived, it served as a precursor to another larger organization that would be formed. The Colorado First Light Infantry was founded by Ronald David Cole after the events of the Waco siege in Texas in 1993. Cole was at the time a member of the Branch Davidians and ended up writing a pro-Branch Davidians book Sinister Twilight, where he declared that his task was to complete the mission David Koresh failed to fulfill. In 1994, he met with the notorious domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh prior to the Oklahoma City bombing (Brennan 1995). In
The JROTC is a place where men and women of high ethics and values are forged with care and sturdiness; it is a second home for many. The JROTC, short for (The United States Army) Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, has been living in our school system for 100 years and has created various great citizens of our country since. The program has its roots in the National Defense Act of 1916 and its purpose has varied in the past 100 years from one thing to the other, yet the strive to make the best out of every single cadet has been engraved into the program and the people in it since day one.
The U.S Military is very one of the biggest and strongest branches ever in the US Especially The US Army Branch is why I chose this specific branch,It was started in June 14,1775.But as becoming a Soldier you would have to be a strong minded individual entering this stage is just pretty much something really big to take into ,You can make this out of a life long career into this with plenty of opportunities in life as being a Soldier,There are two options when your are signing your contract you can either go Active Duty or Reserves,when you are choosing your job while being evaluated for your jobs there are so many jobs you can choose from or help being it chosen for.
• A monthly paycheck in addition to other benefits. With moderate rank progression, part-time Army Guard pay over a four-year college period adds up to over $7,500.
I believe being a good leader is not being satisfied with the status quo, but rather asking
True soldiers of hope do not do what they do for glory, fame, or to be superior over others, they do what they do because of the love in their heart and soul and for the greater good of mankind. Any real soldier can tell you this awe inspiring statement, as it is a reflection of their motivation, the element which compels them to push on and do what they are called on to do. More so, this motivation retains to members of the Army National Guard, citizen-soldiers who can, at any instance, put all aspects of their lives on hold in order to serve for the greater good of their country. And while it is true that people who join the National Guard gain access to substantial military and educational
The Pennsylvania Army National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is mostly used today for homeland security. Although the National Guard is not active like the Reserves or Active Duty Army, they still have the same requirements and same responsibility. More than 22,000 men and women make up the Pennsylvania National Guard and Air National Guard today. They reach from state quarters at Fort Indian Town Gap in Lebanon County to about 100 comunities in the commonwealth. Like all National Guard members they share the same responsibilities. For their federal mission, they are trained and equipped to join the active forces in the time of war or a national emergency. For their
I had no idea what I had gotten myself into when I signed that dotted line. I stared out of the bus’s window, stomach in knots afraid she would catch me looking. I decided to put my head back down into my green laundry bag and take a nap. “Maybe it would be as bad as I think it will be,” I said to myself trying to calm my nerves. I was wrong.
Many people would likely disagree that service members should be better compensated. Some have voiced the concern because it is a volunteer military that the benefits of free medical and dental benefits, tuition assistance programs, free travel and free meals and housing for service members is all the benefit necessary for serving. Military medical personnel are among the best in their fields. With ever major medical specialty available military service members have access to some of the most comparable health care facilities in the country including the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD and the much-acclaimed Walter Reed Army Medical Center located in Silver Spring, MD. Service members have the opportunity to travel for free to places many people dream of ever being able to see. The GI Bill provides a financial support for service members to achieve the post secondary educations and while serving on active duty personnel can take college courses at little or no cost to them. In short many of today's private-sector companies can hardly compare what the offer the employees what the government offers those serving.
The army has various responsibilities such as: to protect people from all foreign and domestic threats, protect its borders from attacks, plays a role in the expansion of the country?s borders and plays a role in assisting the country have more leverage in international affairs depending on how strong or weak the army is in the International community. There may be situations you must think carefully about what you're told to do. For example, duty requires that you refuse to obey illegal and orders that are
The United States Army is one of the main factors that allows America to be a free and democratic country. The Army defends, protects, and honors the United States of America. Ever since I was a young boy, I saw greatness in the United States Army and hoped to one day be a part of it. I always envisioned myself in a leadership position and when I decided to join the Army, I knew being an officer was for me. To me, being an officer in the U.S. Army is a career unlike any other. There are many opportunities as an officer in the Army to advance, further education, and grow as a person. The army allows you to switch your MOS and attend more training to further education or to change careers completely which is something
I would be eligible for this occupation because I love to be active, and I was in cross country. I am able to run long distances without taking a break. My relatives were in the army like my great grandpa who participated in both of the World Wars. My grandpa used to be in the Vietnam War; he talks about it a lot in his spare time. My family has been in the military, but some of my past relatives have.The US Airborne provides excitement, education,opportunity,and competitive wages.
Webster’s dictionary defines the word profession as a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill. Many Soldiers would not consider the Army as a profession but a way of life. Some think the word profession belongs to everyday jobs like a plumber, mechanic, or doctor. Dr. Don M. Snider stated “the Army is a profession because of the expert work it produces, because the people in the Army develop themselves to be professionals, and because the Army certifies them as such” (Snider, D. M. 2008). In October 2010, the Secretary of the Army directed the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) to lead an Army wide assessment of the state of the Army Profession. We have been at war as a Country for over a decade and the Army
There are many job oppurtunitiesin the army. Anyone one can join and be anything he wants. In the army everyone has the chance to travel the world. The army has certain benefits and requirements. All of them will be explained.