Supply Support Activity The SSA is the lowest level of support in the Army supply support system and is the keeper of the ASL which belongs to the Army Materiel Command (AMC) until the item is requisitioned, purchased and issued to the customer. As previously mentioned the SSA consists of five sections. These sections work independently of each other, yet they are so intertwined with one another, the success of the SSA depends on their synergy. Stock control. The stock control section assists the accountable officer in maintaining accountability for the stock record account. Stock control personnel manage inventory levels to avoid creation of excess. Stock control personnel perform data entry, unit of issue conversion, input and output
The U.S Military is very one of the biggest and strongest branches ever in the US Especially The US Army Branch is why I chose this specific branch,It was started in June 14,1775.But as becoming a Soldier you would have to be a strong minded individual entering this stage is just pretty much something really big to take into ,You can make this out of a life long career into this with plenty of opportunities in life as being a Soldier,There are two options when your are signing your contract you can either go Active Duty or Reserves,when you are choosing your job while being evaluated for your jobs there are so many jobs you can choose from or help being it chosen for.
F. Controls over cash and credit: a. Individual accountability for cash stocks. This meant that most personnel who dealt directly with cash were held individually accountable for a specific sum of money that was charged out to them. This control was designed to address the problem that these personnel will make mistakes to create any large shortages or persistent patterns of shortages.
Controls purchases and inventory by meeting with account representatives; negotiating prices and contracts; developing preferred supplier lists; reviewing and evaluating usage reports; analyzing variances; taking corrective actions.
The purpose of Army maintenance is to preserve the required performance capabilities of Army materiel or to return those assets to their baseline performance capabilities. Maintenance is an enabling process to meeting Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) requirements. ARFORGEN is the process used to generate and regenerate combat power and preserve the capital investment of combat systems and equipment to enable training and mission accomplishment (Department of the Army, 2013). The Army’s doctrinal definition can be confusing to some and it does not make mention of efficiency, reducing non-value adding activities and the overall equipment effectiveness. This definition allow for commanders at all levels the flexibility to focus on other tasks, tasks not related to maintenance.
Army sustainment is based on an integrated process (people, systems, materiel, health services, and other support) indivisibly linking sustainment to operations. The concept focuses on building a combat ready Army, delivering it to the combatant commander (CCDR) as part of the joint force, and sustaining its combat power across the depth of the operational area and with unrelenting endurance (ADRP 4-0, Chap. 1, Intro.) Sustainment maintenance is off-system component repair and/or end item repair and return to the supply system or by exception to the owning unit, performed by national level maintenance providers. National level maintenance providers include the Army
Internal control refers the process implement by the corporate board of directors, managers and other staff, and provide reasonable assurance . The purpose of internal control is to ensure the reliability and accuracy of financial reporting, efficiency of operations, and compliance with laws and regulations.
Recruiting, selecting, and training employees are among the most important input controls. iPhone’s Human Resources Department is responsible for reporting on the employee recruitment and the performance of employees in the company.
Sustainment is defined by the Army as “the provision of logistics, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until successful mission completion.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sustain as “to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist, continue, etc.; to give support or relief to.”
2. The Army Aviation Facility Commander, LTC Wade, requested that the Facility Maintenance Officer, CW4 Dave Smith, form a Knowledge Management Working Group to conduct an independent investigation into the culture of aircraft maintenance at Army Aviation Support Facility #2 in Louisville, Tennessee. Improper maintenance and “rule of thumb” practices have been observed at all levels of maintenance within the facility. The maintenance officer developed a Knowledge Management Group to conduct interviews of all the mechanics that currently work at the Army Aviation Support Facility #2 to determine if it is a cultural and/or procedural failure.
Controlling is the second pace in financial management. At this stage, the financial manager makes sure that every division of the organization tags on the decided plans. In controlling stage, managers will have to study the existing reports and compare them with the previous reports to help them comprehend and establish the division of the organization that is a need of the most attention (Baker and Baker, 2007, p. 6).
In a typical midsize or large business, the accounting department will usually have accounting clerks, payroll clerks, staff accountants, senior accountants, an accounting manager, and other accounting positions (e.g., accounts payable clerks, accounts receivable manager, etc.). However, most accounting departments of midsize or large corporations will be led by a controller or someone with similar responsibilities (e.g., finance director, etc.). Controllers are essential to a company’s back office operations. For instance, they are responsible for the timely completion of payroll, manage the daily functions of accounts payable and other cash disbursements, comply with government reporting and tax requirements, and ensure the
Considering that the military’s logistical structure hasn’t had a major improvement in over 60 years, the idea of streamlining and consolidating systems would be a welcome and much needed change. I currently work in the ammunition field for the U.S. Army and have done so for the past 18 years. The changes that the Marines are beginning to implement will help to free up resources and cut funds that could be used for other projects.
Controlling is monitoring the performance of the organization, identifying deviations between planned and actual results, and taking corrective action when necessary. With all these four functions that are involved in the process of management, if all are followed correctly the organization will be properly ran and will have few complications.
According to William. G. Ouchi (1980), control has three mechanisms—market, bureaucracy and clan; market controls are based on prices, demands and supplies to assess equilibrium. Bureaucracy controls involve acts of bureaucracy mechanism such as policies, rules to evaluate performance; and clan controls control behavior through social values and beliefs. Thus looking at the above classification, accounting control should be bureaucracy control.
Control is an important function that managers must perform to ensure things are moving in the right direction and to keep errors at the barest minimum. Control ensures effectiveness and efficiency in an organization.