Western society today has evolved to romanticise the idea of love, and along with it, the idea of a marriage based upon love. This has therefore pushed a negative stigma onto the concept of arranged marriages. A classic example of literature that pits these two clashing ideas against each other is William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Even today, many debate over the two, love or arranged marriages.
Arranged marriages have been an international phenomenon for centuries, specifically in the continent of Asia. The definition of an arranged marriage would be when a marriage is planned by the parents, or a third party. In many cases it is to ensure a good future for the children of both families. In China the common procedure would be that the groom’s family would check the history behind the bride and her family, whilst the bride’s
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Western society thrives off this concept of ‘love conquers all’, in which love is also the main priority in marriages. Another thing about why many think that love marriage is the ‘right’ way is because of the west’s idealism of individualism and in turn, making one’s own decisions, including marriage. Pros of such marriages would be that the two have had time to figure out the good and bad of the other, therefore being able to tell, for the most part, what they’re getting into. The two also have felt a genuine, strong, romantic connection. This applies in the main theme of Romeo and Juliet, love. Although this seems ideal, many other important factors get in the way. Families will not always agree with their children’s decisions and therefore could very well not help during financial difficulties. Furthermore, while expecting more from their partner, many couples also hide thing from each other until marriage, which deteriorates trust which could lead to more secrets and
As to marriage, both types regard marriage as important. The romantic relationship between Romeo and Juliet has no strong backing. Moreover, they frequently doubt whether their love is fact. The relationship between Paris and Juliet also needs to secure their social positions. It indicates that the young and adult relationships become more strongly through
Within the play titled Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare the character Juliet of the Capulet family changes her attitude toward love and marriage. Shakespeare's play displays that Juliet’s attitude adjusts throughout the play; she goes from being an independent woman who does not seek marriage, to having a cautious love, to eventually hopelessly in love. At the beginning of the play Juliet’s mother speaks with her about marriage, which Juliet answers to her mother "It is an honor I dream not of,” showing that she has no interest in love. Then when the play moves to the balcony scene Juliet shows change of where she feels that Romeo is her first love, yet she still displays no intent to marry. Eventually after Juliet does decide
Everyone wants to marry the love of their life. Seeking the approval of our family and friends, we all look ahead fondly at the idea of living a long and happy life with our soulmate. Unfortunately, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet this is not the way life played out.
Also, this type of marriage is chosen because of social status. A rich family will want their heir to marry into a family that is worth their status. And lastly, very religious and cultural son and daughters will just agree to an arranged marriage because of the way they have been brought up since childhood and they know that they will not have to worry about their parents of not approving or rejecting of their choice of spouse.
Maya Angelou, a famous poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist once said, “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” In Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” the two main characters Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and fall in love. Juliet’s parents want her to marry Paris, a prince with financial stability and royal status. But Juliet wants to marry Romeo. Juliet most likely will find the most happiness in marrying Romeo, and as the quote says love will stop at nothing to arrive at its destination. Some people might say that Juliet would find the most happiness in marrying Paris because she would have her family's support and be financially stable, Also, some might think that Romeo and Juliet’s love is only temporary and will not last. But if she was to marry Romeo she would be the most happy because she had the choice of choosing a partner; she knows Romeo better, he’s closer to her age, and he isn’t a complete stranger; Also, she isn’t loving Romeo for the sake of loving, their love is true and from the heart.
Arranged Marriage in Romeo and Juliet In Romeo and Juliet, Lord Capulet arranges a marriage between Juliet and Paris despite Juliet’s opposition to the marriage and her previous marriage to Romeo. The reason that arranged marriages are so controversial is because they take a life changing decision and and allow it to be influenced by things like wealth and greed. Therefore, parents should not force their children into arranged marriages because they give the bride and groom no choice in who they marry, they limit the amount of people to choose from, and the bride and groom are stuck together for life. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet has no wish to marry Paris because she is already in love with Romeo.
In the book, Arranged Marriage, by Chitra Divakaruni there are multiple stories that demonstrate arranged marriages from within the Indian culture. In some cases, arranged marriages work out better than others. However, in the short stories in her book, most don’t work out positively. In the short stories, “The Bats” and “The Disappearance”, the arranged marriages don’t work out. Chitra Divakaruni’s viewpoint on arranged marriages is clearly negative, due to violence, and the effect on children.
Marriage in the Renaissance was dramatically different than that of today. Generally, marriage was used for personal gain, such as a gain of wealth or social status or for sexual pleasure. The idea of marrying for love and happiness was infrequent, but not inexistent in the Renaissance. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers share a passionate and powerful love that was rare in the time period, which resulted their tragic demise. Romeo’s irrational actions, such as going to the Capulet’s party, killing Tybalt, and his own obsession with love drives Juliet’s and his own suicide.
tension, the second he lays his eyes on her he says “if I profane with
For example, the description of how Arranged marriages in India are “as old as the holy Ganges.” Shows that in India, arranged marriages have been a tradition for thousands of years, so most of the native people of India are only used to arranged marriages (Helft 84). In addition, the description of how in an arranged marriage “love grows out of it.”
Arranged Marriages have been around since time can remember. An arranged marriage is a marital union between a man and a woman who were selected to be wedded together by a third party. Historically, arrange marriages were the main way to marry. In certain parts of the world, it is still the primary approach. There are two types of arrange marriages. The first is a traditional marriage where the children can, with strong objections, refuse to marry their soon to be spouse. In a forced marriage, the children have no say in the matter. Bread Givers shows an excellent representation of the pressures on children from their parents to be married against their will.
From the perspective of a Utilitarian, one would argue that arranged marriage is both ethical and unethical. A utilitarian decides whether an action is good or bad based on the results that bring the greatest good to the greatest number of people affected by the action. The so called good can be defined as “happiness.” In India, places where arranged marriage are very common because it is part of their culture. Therefore in a Utilitarian eyes it would be ethical to get married if it were part of your culture and geographical location because betraying your culture would do more harm and some forms of happiness are superior to others. Many couples find themselves to be part of happy marriages like we saw in the article What It’s Really Like To Have An Arranged Marriage. Sandaya, the bride, who lived in India had an arranged marriage set by her parents. She felt honored to have done this for her family and knew it was a
Marriage is a commitment between two people who love each other. Some marriage partners are like Paris and Juliet and they were brought together by the parents ; those are called arranged marriages. However arranged marriage should be banned because it can cause the child to do violent things, it can cause a break in the family, it can cause emotional and physical damage to the child.
Arranged marriages have been instituted for centuries in order to link families together for wealth, dominion, and peace. In the late 1500’s, William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet became famous for its writing style and storyline. A true romance story consisting of defying the family 's wishes of an arranged marriage to be accompanied by the true love of their life. In Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet love was a dynamic force that eventually brought about the death of both Romeo and Juliet. Nearly 300 years later F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the similar dominance of love in his novel The Great Gatsby. Comparable to Romeo and Juliet many characters in The Great Gatsby exploit their marriage in order to be with another lover. In The Great Gatsby the desire for love of an outside companion to one 's marriage inevitably generates misery in the lives of those who partake. Throughout The Great Gatsby, Myrtle Wilson, Daisy Buchanan, and Jay Gatsby and all experience agony from committing or contributing to affairs. These characters have such a desire for love that it proposes they would die for it.
Marriage is a union that has been around for as long as humans have walked the earth. The human race depends upon the union of its members, and as such, the subject of marriage has been an issue that receives more intense scrutiny and attention than many would likely believe. In today's day and age, with humanity continuing to move in a modern direction, many argue that marriage is a union that should be entered into freely and should be based exclusively on the love between two people. However, I argue that arranged marriage, which has taken place throughout the ages and throughout the world, is a union that offers its observers a marriage based in support, longevity and love, and is an institution that should not be frowned upon.