A poem that I find relatable is “Ars Poetica?” by Czeslaw Milosz. Milosz’s writing on line twenty-four stood out like a sore thumb to me, “As leafing through a thousand works fresh from psychiatric clinics” (701). I can relate with this because that line sums up poetry, especially when I write it, it’s a therapy session for the author that occasionally helps the reader with their own problems. Poetry is an outlet for expression and decompression helping the author to express their own feelings in a positive manner and occasionally helping the reader to say something they couldn’t find the words for. We are all human and experience the same emotions, it just so happens that sometimes someone else say’s it for us.
I have in fact written a multitude
The first poem I choose, “Father Playing Catch with Sons” by Donald Hall, was written in 1984. This poem is written about a game of baseball. The scene is set in the bottom of the ninth inning. He is up to bat with the bases loaded, and his team is trailing. The first pitch thrown is a slider, and the hitter fouls it off his cup. The author describes the next pitch as an “Express Freight.” Meaning the ball came in at a high velocity with a lot of power, just as a train would. He swings, but he is just behind. The ball is popped foul. Then the poem takes a quick turn into a basketball scene. The player is standing at the line with two shots to win. The gym is quiet. He missed the first one. He bounces the ball and misses the next. His team loses, and he says he disappears and changes his name. This poem is describing the big moments in a sports, such as trying to take the game winning shot or being the last one up to bat in the bottom of the ninth inning. When in this situation everyone is counting on you to make a big play, and that is a lot of pressure.If you don’t people are mad or disappointed in you, and it is hard to hold your head high after this. That is why he said, “We lose. I
can only feel. The greatest poems tell stories that readers wish to be true. They open doors to
A poem is like a dish , you need to have a bit of everything to make it complete. For me , of course. I had a rough childhood , and till today. You can get a sense of that from my poems.
The two poems I chose to analyze were “Curandera” by Pat Mora and “Loose Woman” by Sandra Cisneros. They were an interesting read and made sure to reread several times to make sure I got everything I could from them. Both poems are so unique from other poems I have read; they are also unique from each other yet share similarities as well.
During their adolescent lives, teenagers can face a multitude of problems and struggles. Poetry is used by some youth to reflect on issues such as divorce, sexuality and parental expectations. It is also easy to express emotion through poetry, which makes it a useful creative outlet for teenagers coping with their issues. It is not difficult to relate to these poems, as they all focus on common problems that teenagers go through on a daily basis. Three pieces of poetry that are used to discuss these issues are "Beyond Pastel," "I Perform All My Duties", and "Warren Pryor."
Several of these poems were about how people were losing themselves. Most of them were caught in a situation that caused them to lose who they are. This causes people to either go crazy or continue doing what they know because they do not understand anything else.
The poem “ Feliks Skrzynecki” communicates to the responders that as a result of the Skrzynecki family migrating to Australia, Peter had lost a significant aspect of his life which was his relationship with his father due to the barriers that had arisen restricting them from proper communication.
“The Poet with His Face in His Hands” has 3 features that make it especially interesting to me: it is quite gruff and straight to the point, it’s intriguingly descriptive diction that enhances the use of imagery, creating a picture in your mind to last the whole poem. And the message behind the words written on the page, that there are in fact far too many people crying in the world.
The two short stories “Black Swan Green” written by David Mitchell and “Letters To A Young Poet” by Rainer Maria Rilke both share a common central idea. In both stories, there is a mentee looking for advice from their mentors. The mentees have a passion for poetry and are aspiring poets. The mentors inform their mentees that someone who wants to be a poet should get their motivation from natural aspects. For one thing, It’s your natural beauty that makes you who you are as a person and a poet. Poetry is for yourself, your thoughts and ideas, not an audience.
When people have negative experiences in life, many need to express their feelings about them. Some may choose writing as their outlet of choice. One writer who expressed their feelings about certain subjects in their life through writing was Edgar Allen Poe. Edgar Allen Poe’s life was dark and he chose to write about his problems and sorrows through short stories and poems. Edgar Allen Poe’s stories relate to his life and include the themes of madness and paranoia, revenge, and alcohol abuse.
An exceptional poem can move the reader to a new consciousness. It becomes more than words pieced together to make a rhyme, and evokes true emotion that is palpable. One of the most influential authors that contributed to this experience was Edgar Allan Poe. His work is almost immediately recognizable due to his common motif that is both melancholy and mysterious. Much of his writing concerns love and loss, such as in his poem “Annabel Lee.” The essence of this work is endless love and the death of a beautiful young girl. It is thought by many that most of his literature mirrors his actual life, which was riddled with heartbreak and sorrow. It is evident from the mood and setting of his writing that he dealt with a lot of
The poem I chose as my favorite was, Sign for My Father, Who Stressed the Bunt by David Bottoms. The poem is about a young boy who played baseball with his father being his coach. Constantly, his father with stress the importance of bunting; yet, the son never understood why. The son continued wanting to hit his home runs and scoring for the glory. As the boy grew into a man he finally understood why his father had stressed the bunt all those years. The father was trying to show the boy sacrifice. The person who bunts normally is thrown out. When the boy was younger he did not understand this, but as he grew older he understood the message his father was trying to show him. This poem is my favorite because I can see some of my own actions throughout
Initial picture of a man detached from the world that surrounds him-shows immigrant isolation but also Feliks strength of character.
In Czeslaw Milosz poem, “Ars Poetica?”, he reveals to the reader his opinion on the art of poetry. However, instead of praising the art form or the beauty of constructing an overall poem, he critical evaluates his dislike for its limited and depressing state. However, although the writer does not approve of all the aspects of poetry, he does have a belief towards its overall use. Throughout “Ars Poetica” the tone of the writer, his use of figurative language, and word choice in poem all contribute to his overall message.
Have you ever read poetry that can inspire you in your everyday life? Poetry that discusses the deep truth about our world and the people who wander it? Well, there is some poetry that can give you a better understanding about life,ourselves, and how to handle situations that come across our path. Inspiring you and motivating you to do your best. These types of poetries can really give the reader a deep knowledge about how to challenge the unknowns. Guiding you on how to work on your up and down moments. Poet Erin Hanson writes poetry that explains the cruel reality of life and also poetry that attracts all walks of people and their everyday challenges with life itself. This essay will present Erin Hanson's excellent poetry motivating many