
Arsenic Case

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Market Analysis Eight million people suffer from skin and liver cancers and nerve disorders caused by arsenic in drinking water, worldwide. Moreover, over 32 million people are not fully aware of what is happening to their health due to presence of arsenic in water. Americans are not an exception, and many lives have been lost due to ignorance about arsenic. Trust Bridge water detecting will save millions of lives before arsenic contamination will spread all over the world. Fig. 1 (Harvard University) Health Effects of Arsenic According to the medical report done by the University of Maine, the arsenic in hair and nails does not get extracted from the human body. This causes vomiting, stomach pain, bloody diarrhea, and may eventually lead to choke, coma, and death. Cancer can also result from arsenic poisoning for long periods of exposure. How This Happens Depleting wells and aquifers: Due to the water levels declining in general, in many cases farmers have …show more content…

1 (Medical report, University of California-Berkeley) Rising Arsenic Risks: Millions of people in southern Asia, Africa, South America, and North America rely on arsenic-contaminated groundwater to live. Massive water withdrawals through wells may be increasing the problem by drawing arsenic-mobilizing substances into shallow aquifers, and arsenic-contaminated shallow groundwater into deeper aquifers. (Nature Geoscience) Continuous Detection for Prevention: In order to remove arsenic, we need to detect it first. However, finding arsenic may not be sufficient because arsenic cannot be removed from bodies once it is absorbed. That is why we need a reliable and continuous detection system that monitors arsenic 24/7 all over the world. Currently companies have to send specialists every time they monitor contaminations, and there is no continuous monitoring

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